Is install4j 8 internally using log4j? - install4j

I am using install4j for my product. So need to know is install4j using log4j internally?

No, install4j does not use log4j.


log4j remediation on Jboss Kafka

Log4j 1.x has reached End of Life in 2015 and is no longer supported. Vulnerabilities reported after August 2015 against Log4j 1.x were not checked and will not be fixed. Users should upgrade to Log4j 2 to obtain security fixes.
Kafka is a software used by the application to communicate between microservices. Kafka in Jboss servers is using log4j 1.x. We need to be able to use 2.x log4j here.
Vulnerable software installed: Apache Log4j 1.2.17 (/apps/server/standalone/kafka/kafka_2.11-
All new Kafka version also uses Log4j 1.2.17. Need to remediate this.
JBoss version is jboss-eap-6.4
What is the way?
Log4j2 is not scheduled to be released with Kafka until Kafka 4.0 - KAFKA-9366
Until then, you can try to directly modify the log4j jars yourself to remove vulnerable classes, such as JMSAppender, or replace with reload4j, as only available in recent commits (Kafka 3.1.1 & 3.2) -
Seeing as your Jboss is using a version of Kafka several years old now, it might not be possible to upgrade directly without upgrading Jboss itself

Can install4j be used to build installer for non java application?

I would like to know whether anyone has used install4j to build an installer for a non java-based application? I'm looking to select a cross platform installer which has support to build java-based as well as non java-based applications. In the install4j official web site, it's introduced as cross platform installer for java-based applications. But I would like to know whether anyone has tried to build an installer using install4j for a non java-based application?
It's certainly possible, but keep in mind that the installer needs a JRE to run. You can bundle a JRE with the installer.
The Java-functionality around generating launchers will not be useful to you if you're not distributing a Java application, but most of the installer actions are not tied to Java launchers.

How to use OpenJpa using persistence.xml without using Enhance.xml ..?

How can I use OpenJpa ,with using Persistence.xml configuration same we use in jpa, I dont want to use Enhance.xml.
If you rely on some non-IDE tool to build your app, you can enhance automatically during buildtime. For Maven, for example, see this
If you are running in a JavaEE container you will get enhancement for free. The other option when running in a JSE environment is to configure the -javaagent.
Take a look at the section titled 'Explicit javaagent support'. As for JavaEE stuff, I'd suggest getting ahold of the Pro JPA 2 book. It is very good at describing usage of JPA in an EE environment.

which is better install4j or inno setup for netbeans application

I am new in java and i have developed one simple application using netbeans7.2 and i am confused for how to create installer for my application to install it on users pc. I am listen about install4j and inno setup so please tell me which is better from both of these or any other way to create installer without using any setup creation software.
If you are talking about NetBeans Platform applications then NetBeans comes with its own installer, called NBI. You can have the IDE build installers for you. All in all: no need to use install4j or inno.

Which XQuery engine JBoss AS 7 supports?

I am working on AVOS to camunda migration project and getting issues while using existing XQuery files in JBoss AS 7. Which engine/version of XQuery, JBoss AS 7 supports?
As far as I know, JBoss EAP does not provide any XQuery processor. It however embeds Xalan which provides an XSLT processor.
RedHat would probably propose you to use their JBoss Fuse product to implement XQuery transformations. I've never used the product so I won't be able to give you any feedback on it.
Of course a viable alternative is adding an XQuery processor like Saxon to your application or platform yourself. If you want to deploy it to the platform instead of to each application, see the module mechanism.