How to use OpenJpa using persistence.xml without using Enhance.xml ..? - openjpa

How can I use OpenJpa ,with using Persistence.xml configuration same we use in jpa, I dont want to use Enhance.xml.

If you rely on some non-IDE tool to build your app, you can enhance automatically during buildtime. For Maven, for example, see this

If you are running in a JavaEE container you will get enhancement for free. The other option when running in a JSE environment is to configure the -javaagent.
Take a look at the section titled 'Explicit javaagent support'. As for JavaEE stuff, I'd suggest getting ahold of the Pro JPA 2 book. It is very good at describing usage of JPA in an EE environment.


Using Jpa inside apache felix framework implementation

I was trying to implement an OSGi application , application has servlet(implemented using jetty), jaxb(using eclipselink moxy), and Jpa part(the problem part). I was trying to use eclipselink inside apache felix container for jpa functionality, I tried various approach but couldn't implement it. I just need some working example or tutorial link.
The easiest way to use jpa in felix is to use Apache Karaf as it has pre packaged features for eclipselink as well as Aries JPA which makes it easier to use any jpa provider in OSGi.
See example with declarative services, or with blueprint.
For plain felix I recommend to use bndtools to get the list of bundles and also to be able to directly run felix.
I started a tutorial to package and run the tasklist-ds example using bndtools

How do I add Hibernate to an existing Eclipse project? Is Hibernate the same as JPA?

I have searched. I can't find the exact way that matches what I have. I installed Eclipse for Java EE. I then went to help and install new software. Put in the jboss url, downloaded the Hibernate libraries. Everything went fine. I also installed the JDBC driver for MySQL. I tested it. It works. Downloaded and installed slf4j because I read someone that said to (hey, I'm learning).
I started a new Java EE project, and uh, I'm kind of stuck after that. It's a "Hello World" at the moment.
I can't find out what to do. I've seen tutorials where it says create a Hibernate project, but what if I want to add it later after I start a "normal" project? I don't want to manually look for the Hibernate.jar in the download folder. I installed it and want to know how to get to it.
I also saw lots of things that said JPA and Hibernate. Are they the same thing?
EDIT: I was able to find Hibernate by right clicking on the project, new, scroll down to hibernate. I am still interested in JPA and Hibernate.
JPA stands for "Java Persistence API", and it is a specification. It basically defines the APIs and behaviors of a persistence layer, and there are different implementations of the JPA specification. Hibernate is one of these implementations. There are a few others, e.g.:
The JPA specification can be found here:

How to use Jersey with Eclipse Helios?

My base need is to use the Jersey framework to develop very basic REST webservices.
I've read several tutorials regarding Jersey (JAX-RS framework) and writing webervices but so for I've not found an easy way to setup a development environment based on Eclipse Helios and Glassfish (Open Source Edition). When creating a Webservice in Eclipse, it seems to use JAX-WS, or when creating a Dynamic Web App, Eclipse reports a credentials error (I use admin/admin) or a wrong user name / password.
The tutorials I've found either use myEclipse, or Tomcat, or Maven. The later works pretty well but I wish I could avoid using the command line because creating the web.xml and other files like that one is really scary, and I'm not sure these files are supposed to be human-written. So I suppose (maybe I'm wrong) using a IDE will make things easier.
What do guys use ? How do you generate these files ? Do you use Eclipse only for writting code or also use the deploy facilities?
Any pointers are appreciated !
Thank you
You DO need to modify web.xml whenever it's needed. Especially with JAX-RS, you will have to define your servlet in web.xml.
I recommand you to use Maven. There are plenty of exemple in the web to do so. Good luck, JAX-RS is really great ! Maven is also nice.
I also use eclipse for creating and consuming web service based applications. In addition to WTP, I also use Axis plugins to make things easier (through wizards, highlighting as well as for schema verification).
The bottomline is to find the plugins that suit you the best

Eclipse plugins for Spring / Hibernate development?

I have a running dynamic web project in Eclipse (Java EE + Maven + Spring). I am at the point where I need to integrate a persistence layer and want to use Hibernate with a MySql database.
I am wondering what plugins would be useful for me at this point? For Hibernate should I install hibernate tools or is it not necessary? Are then any plugins that are most widely use for connecting / exploring database connections that would be appropriate for the type of project I am working on? Thanks.
Hibernate Tools is definitely a nice plugin (that provides wizards, a nice console useful to setup the HQL queries, a mapping editor, etc). I'm actually tempted to say: why not using it? I use it in conjunction with the database support provided by the Eclipse Data Tools Platform (that is included in the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers or available via the update manager). In your case, I would maybe just consider using SpringSource Tools Suite as base instead of a vanilla Eclipse.
Update: As reminded by BalusC in a comment, the Hibernate Tools also include a database reverse engineering tool which is maybe the most powerful feature. I should have mentioned it, this is now fixed.
You can look at as well. You can create FooService and FooServiceImpl and the configurations just by typing foo. It has nice way to create unit tests as well.

Running JUnit tests with Embedded Jboss

I need to run junit tests for classes using ejb3 beans. In our case setting up jboss just for this purpose is not an option and therefore we need an alternative way to simulate the ejb communication. I've read that this should be possible with Embedded Jboss's EJB3StandaloneBootstrapper, but the problem is that I cannot get it to work properly.
I was wondering if anyone of you know of a good tutorial which explains all the details, including how to configure the various files (embedded-jboss-beans.xml, ejb3-interceptor-aop.xml etc). With the embedded jboss package came a tutorial for junit with example code, however, the build script in it failed. If you don't know a tutorial, do you at least know where I could find a working example of embedded jboss + junit?
I did a presentation on using the embedded JBoss and had a download with example code. Hope this helps.
I believe Jakarta Cactus is the proper framework to run such tests.