I am trying to join two apache spark sql DataFrame and replace column value of first dataframe with another.
col1 | col2 | other columns .... say (col-x, col-y, col-z)
------------ |--------------------------------
x | a |random values
y | b |random values
z | c |random values
col1 | col3 | other columns .. say (col-a, col-b, col-c)
x | a1 |different random values
y | b1 |different random values
w | w1 |different random values
resultant dataframe should be
col1 | col2 | other columns of DF1 (col-x. col-y, col-z)
a1 | a |random values
b1 | b |random values
z | c |random values
I need to perform left join and replace values of DF1.col1 with DF2.col3 wherever DF1.col1 = DF2.col1.
I am not sure how to do that. Furthermore, as it can be seen in above example, DF1 has a lot more columns other than "col1" and "col2" and I cannot apply select on all of them.
I was trying something like,
val df = df1.join(df2, Seq("col1"), "left").select(
coalesce(df2("col2"), df1("col1")).as("col1")
but this doesn't seem to work. Also, I think it will filter out other columns of DF1. I want to keep all columns of DF1.
How can I do this in Scala?
You can construct the required 3 columns as follows.
val df = df1.join(df2, Seq("col1"), "left").select(coalesce(df2("col3"), df1("col1")).as("col1"),col("col2"), col("colx"))
For get all columns from "df1" after join, alias can be used for Dataframe:
val updatedCol1 = coalesce(df2("col3"), df1("col1")).alias("col1")
val columns = updatedCol1 :: df1.columns
.filterNot(_ == "col1")
.map(cname => col("df1." + cname))
.join(df2, Seq("col1"), "left")
.select(columns: _*)
I have a dataframe with following schema:
UserID | StartDate | endDate | orderId | OrderCost| OrderItems| OrderLocation| Rank
Where Rank is 1 to 10.
I need to transpose this dataframe on rank and create dataframe in the below format:
UserID| StartDate_1 | endDate_1 | orderId_1 | OrderCost_1| OrderItems_1| OrderLocation_1|start_2 |endDate_2| orderId_2 | OrderCost_2| OrderItems_2| OrderLocation_2 |............| startDate_N|endDate_N | orderId_N | OrderCost_N| OrderItems_N| OrderLocation_N
If a user has only two records with rank 3 and 10 then the requirement is populate columns with suffix _3 and _10 the rest of the cell values for the user will be null.
I have tried 2 brute force approaches
Filter the DF for a rank, and rename the columns with suffix and do self join back to DF.
Grouped by UserID, collect as list and pass it to map function where I populate a array based on rank and then return the seq of string. Create the DF by passing the required schema
Both seemed to be working (Unsure if its the right approach
)but they are not generic that i can re use for different usecase i have
In this example I used https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/blob/master/bokeh/sampledata/_data/auto-mpg.csv
Spark by default puts the rank in front, so the column names are "reversed" from what you specified, but this is done in only a few steps. The key is that exprs should be dynamically created, and that agg requires this to be split into a head and tail (which is why there is .agg(exprs(0), exprs.slice(1, exprs.length) below)
scala> df2.columns
res39: Array[String] = Array(mpg, cyl, displ, hp, weight, accel, yr, origin, name, Rank)
// note here, you would use columns.slice with the indices for
// the columns you need, i.e. (1, 7)
val exprs = for (col <- df2.columns.slice(0, 8)) yield expr(s"first(${col}) as ${col}")
exprs: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Column] = Array(first(mpg, false) AS `mpg`, first(cyl, false) AS `cyl`, first(displ, false) AS `displ`, first(hp, false) AS `hp`, first(weight, false) AS `weight`, first(accel, false) AS `accel`, first(yr, false) AS `yr`, first(origin, false) AS `origin`)
scala> val resultDF = df2.groupBy("name").pivot("Rank").agg(exprs(0), exprs.slice(1, exprs.length):_*)
scala> resultDF.columns
res40: Array[String] = Array(name, 1_mpg, 1_cyl, 1_displ, 1_hp, 1_weight, 1_accel, 1_yr, 1_origin, 2_mpg, 2_cyl, 2_displ, 2_hp, 2_weight, 2_accel, 2_yr, 2_origin, 3_mpg, 3_cyl, 3_displ, 3_hp, 3_weight, 3_accel, 3_yr, 3_origin, 4_mpg, 4_cyl, 4_displ, 4_hp, 4_weight, 4_accel, 4_yr, 4_origin, 5_mpg, 5_cyl, 5_displ, 5_hp, 5_weight, 5_accel, 5_yr, 5_origin, 6_mpg, 6_cyl, 6_displ, 6_hp, 6_weight, 6_accel, 6_yr, 6_origin, 7_mpg, 7_cyl, 7_displ, 7_hp, 7_weight, 7_accel, 7_yr, 7_origin, 8_mpg, 8_cyl, 8_displ, 8_hp, 8_weight, 8_accel, 8_yr, 8_origin, 9_mpg, 9_cyl, 9_displ, 9_hp, 9_weight, 9_accel, 9_yr, 9_origin, 10_mpg, 10_cyl, 10_displ, 10_hp, 10_weight, 10_accel, 10_yr, 10_origin)
I need to add a new column to dataframe DF1 but the new column's value should be calculated using other columns' value present in that DF. Which of the other columns to be used will be given in another dataframe DF2.
eg. DF1
|protocolNo|serialNum|testMethod |testProperty|
|Product1 | AB |testMethod1 | TP1 |
|Product2 | CD |testMethod2 | TP2 |
|action| type| value | exploded |
|append|hash | [protocolNo] | protocolNo |
|append|text | _ | _ |
|append|hash | [serialNum,testProperty] | serialNum |
|append|hash | [serialNum,testProperty] | testProperty |
Now the value of exploded column in DF2 will be column names of DF1 if value of type column is hash.
Required -
New column should be created in DF1. the value should be calculated like below-
hash[protocolNo]_hash[serialNumTestProperty] ~~~ here on place of column their corresponding row values should come.
eg. for Row1 of DF1, col value should be
this will result into something like this abc-df_egh-45e after hashing.
The above procedure should be followed for each and every row of DF1.
I've tried using map and withColumn function using UDF on DF1. But in UDF, outer dataframe value is not accessible(gives Null Pointer Exception], also I'm not able to give DataFrame as input to UDF.
Input DFs would be DF1 and DF2 as mentioned above.
Desired Output DF-
|protocolNo|serialNum|testMethod |testProperty| newColumn |
|Product1 | AB |testMethod1 | TP1 | abc-df_egh-4je |
|Product2 | CD |testMethod2 | TP2 | dfg-df_ijk-r56 |
newColumn value is after hashing
Instead of DF2, you can translate DF2 to case class like Specifications, e.g
case class Spec(columnName:String,inputColumns:Seq[String],action:String,action:String,type:String*){}
Create instances of above class
val specifications = Seq(
Then you can process the below columns
val transformed = specifications
.foldLeft(dtFrm)((df: DataFrame, spec: Specification) => df.transform(transformColumn(columnSpec)))
def transformColumn(spec: Spec)(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
spec.type.foldLeft(df)((df: DataFrame, type : String) => {
type match {
case "append" => {have a case match of the action and do that , then append with df.withColumn}
Syntax may not be correct
Since DF2 has the column names that will be used to calculate a new column from DF1, I have made this assumption that DF2 will not be a huge Dataframe.
First step would be to filter DF2 and get the column names that we want to pick from DF1.
val hashColumns = DF2.filter('type==="hash").select('exploded).collect
Now, hashcolumns will have the columns that we want to use to calculate hash in the newColumn. The hashcolumns is an Array of Row. We need this to be a Column that will be applied while creating the newColumn in DF1.
val newColumnHash = hashColumns.map(f=>hash(col(f.getString(0)))).reduce(concat_ws("_",_,_))
The above line will convert the Row to a Column with hash function applied to it. And we reduce it while concatenating _. Now, the task becomes simple. We just need to apply this to DF1.
Hope this helps!
This one below is a simple syntax to search for a string in a particular column uisng SQL Like functionality.
val dfx = df.filter($"name".like(s"%${productName}%"))
The questions is How do I grab each and every column NAME that contained the particular string in its VALUES and generate a new column with a list of those "column names" for every row.
So far this is the approach I took but stuck as I cant use spark-sql "Like" function inside a UDF.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import spark.implicits._
val df1 = Seq(
(0, "mango", "man", "dit"),
(1, "i-man", "man2", "mane"),
(2, "iman", "mango", "ho"),
(3, "dim", "kim", "sim")
).toDF("id", "col1", "col2", "col3")
val df2 = df1.columns.foldLeft(df1) {
(acc: DataFrame, colName: String) =>
acc.withColumn(colName, concat(lit(colName + "="), col(colName)))
val df3 = df2.withColumn("merged_cols", split(concat_ws("X", df2.columns.map(c=> col(c)):_*), "X"))
Here is a sample output. Note that here there are only 3 columns but in the real job I'll be reading multiple tables which can contain dynamic number of columns.
|id | col1| col2| col3| merged_cols
0 | mango| man | dit | col1, col2
1 | i-man| man2 | mane | col1, col2, col3
2 | iman | mango| ho | col1, col2
3 | dim | kim | sim|
This can be done using a foldLeft over the columns together with when and otherwise:
val e = "%man%"
val df2 = df1.columns.foldLeft(df.withColumn("merged_cols", lit(""))){(df, c) =>
df.withColumn("merged_cols", when(col(c).like(e), concat($"merged_cols", lit(s"$c,"))).otherwise($"merged_cols"))}
.withColumn("merged_cols", expr("substring(merged_cols, 1, length(merged_cols)-1)"))
All columns that satisfies the condition e will be appended to the string in the merged_cols column. Note that the column must exist for the first append to work so it is added (containing an empty string) to the dataframe when sent into the foldLeft.
The last row in the code simply removes the extra , that is added in the end. If you want the result as an array instead, simply adding .withColumn("merged_cols", split($"merged_cols", ",")) would work.
An alternative appraoch is to instead use an UDF. This could be preferred when dealing with many columns since foldLeft will create multiple dataframe copies. Here regex is used (not the SQL like since that operates on whole columns).
val e = ".*man.*"
val concat_cols = udf((vals: Seq[String], names: Seq[String]) => {
vals.zip(names).filter{case (v, n) => v.matches(e)}.map(_._2)
val df2 = df.withColumn("merged_cols", concat_cols(array(df.columns.map(col(_)): _*), typedLit(df.columns.toSeq)))
Note: typedLit can be used in Spark versions 2.2+, when using older versions use array(df.columns.map(lit(_)): _*) instead.
I have two dataframes as below. I'm trying to find the intersection of two dataframes based on either of the two columns, not only both of them.
So In this case, I want to return dataframe C, which has df A row 1 (as A row1 col1= row one col1 in B), df A row 2(A row 2 Col 2=row 1 Col2 in B) and df A row 4(as Col1 row 2 in B = Col 1 row 4 in A), and row 5 in A. But if I do a intersect of A and B, it will only return row 5 in A, as that's a match of both columns. How do I do this? Many thanks.Let me know if I'm not explaining the question very well.
Col1 Col2
1 2
2 3
3 7
5 4
1 3
Col1 Col2
1 3
5 1
1 2
2 3
5 4
1 3
With the following data:
val df1 = sc.parallelize(Seq(1->2, 2->3, 3->7, 5->4, 1->3)).toDF("col1", "col2")
val df2 = sc.parallelize(Seq(1->3, 5->1)).toDF("col1", "col2")
Then you can join your datasets with a or condition:
val cols = df1.columns
df1.join(df2, cols.map(c => df1(c) === df2(c)).reduce(_ || _) )
.select(cols.map(df1(_)) :_*)
| 2| 3|
| 1| 2|
| 1| 3|
| 5| 4|
The join condition is generic and would work for any number of columns. The code maps each column to an equality between that column in df1 and the same one in df2 cols.map(c => df1(c) === df2(c)). The the reduce takes the logical or of all these equalities, which is what you want.
The select is there because otherwise the columns of both dataframes would be kept. Here I simply keep the ones from df1. I also added a distinct in case several lines of df2 would match a line of df1 or vice versa. Indeed, you may get a cartesian product.
Note that this method does not need any collection to the driver so it will work regardless of the size of the datasets. Yet, if df2 is small enough to be collected to the driver and braodcasted, you would get faster results with a method like this:
// to each column name, we map the set of values in df2.
val valueMap = df2.rdd
.flatMap(row => cols.map(name => name -> row.getAs[Any](name)))
//we create a udf that looks up in valueMap
val filter = udf((name : String, value : Any) =>
//Finally we apply the filter.
df1.where( cols.map(c => filter(lit(c), df1(c))).reduce(_||_))
With this method, no shuffling of df1 and no cartesian product. If df2 is small, this is definitely the way to go.
You should perform two join operations individually on each of the join columns, and then perform a union of the two resulting Dataframes:
val dfA = List((1,2),(2,3),(3,7),(5,4),(1,3)).toDF("Col1", "Col2")
val dfB = List((1,3),(5,1)).toDF("Col1", "Col2")
val res1 = dfA.join(dfB, dfA.col("Col1")===dfB.col("Col1"))
val res2 = dfA.join(dfB, dfA.col("Col2")===dfB.col("Col2"))
val res = res1.union(res2)
I have two DataFrames (Spark 2.2.0 and Scala 2.11.8). The first DataFrame df1 has one column called col1, and the second one df2 has also 1 column called col2. The number of rows is equal in both DataFrames.
How can I merge these two columns into a new DataFrame?
I tried join, but I think that there should be some other way to do it.
Also, I tried to apply withColumm, but it does not compile.
val result = df1.withColumn(col("col2"), df2.col1)
For example:
df1 =
df2 =
result =
col1 col2
1 4
2 5
3 6
If that there's no actual relationship between these two columns, it sounds like you need the union operator, which will return, well, just the union of these two dataframes:
var df1 = Seq("a", "b", "c").toDF("one")
var df2 = Seq("d", "e", "f").toDF("two")
| a |
| b |
| c |
| d |
| e |
| f |
Now you've made clear that you just want two columns, then with DataFrames you can use the trick of adding a row index with the function monotonically_increasing_id() and joining on that index value:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.monotonically_increasing_id
var df1 = Seq("a", "b", "c").toDF("one")
var df2 = Seq("d", "e", "f").toDF("two")
df1.withColumn("id", monotonically_increasing_id())
.join(df2.withColumn("id", monotonically_increasing_id()), Seq("id"))
| a | d |
| b | e |
| c | f |
As far as I know, the only way to do want you want with DataFrames is by adding an index column using RDD.zipWithIndex to each and then doing a join on the index column. Code for doing zipWithIndex on a DataFrame can be found in this SO answer.
But, if the DataFrames are small, it would be much simpler to collect the two DFs in the driver, zip them together, and make the result into a new DataFrame.
[Update with example of in-driver collect/zip]
val df3 = spark.createDataFrame(df1.collect() zip df2.collect()).withColumnRenamed("_1", "col1").withColumnRenamed("_2", "col2")
Depends in what you want to do.
If you want to merge two DataFrame you should use the join. There are the same join's types has in relational algebra (or any DBMS)
You are saying that your Data Frames just had one column each.
In that case you might want todo a cross join (cartesian product) with give you a two columns table of all possible combination of col1 and col2, or you might want the uniao (as referred by #Chondrops) witch give you a one column table with all elements.
I think all other join's types uses can be done specialized operations in spark (in this case two Data Frames one column each).