Explode or pivot spark scala dataframe horizontally to create a big flat dataframe - scala

I have a dataframe with following schema:
UserID | StartDate | endDate | orderId | OrderCost| OrderItems| OrderLocation| Rank
Where Rank is 1 to 10.
I need to transpose this dataframe on rank and create dataframe in the below format:
UserID| StartDate_1 | endDate_1 | orderId_1 | OrderCost_1| OrderItems_1| OrderLocation_1|start_2 |endDate_2| orderId_2 | OrderCost_2| OrderItems_2| OrderLocation_2 |............| startDate_N|endDate_N | orderId_N | OrderCost_N| OrderItems_N| OrderLocation_N
If a user has only two records with rank 3 and 10 then the requirement is populate columns with suffix _3 and _10 the rest of the cell values for the user will be null.
I have tried 2 brute force approaches
Filter the DF for a rank, and rename the columns with suffix and do self join back to DF.
Grouped by UserID, collect as list and pass it to map function where I populate a array based on rank and then return the seq of string. Create the DF by passing the required schema
Both seemed to be working (Unsure if its the right approach
)but they are not generic that i can re use for different usecase i have

In this example I used https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/blob/master/bokeh/sampledata/_data/auto-mpg.csv
Spark by default puts the rank in front, so the column names are "reversed" from what you specified, but this is done in only a few steps. The key is that exprs should be dynamically created, and that agg requires this to be split into a head and tail (which is why there is .agg(exprs(0), exprs.slice(1, exprs.length) below)
scala> df2.columns
res39: Array[String] = Array(mpg, cyl, displ, hp, weight, accel, yr, origin, name, Rank)
// note here, you would use columns.slice with the indices for
// the columns you need, i.e. (1, 7)
val exprs = for (col <- df2.columns.slice(0, 8)) yield expr(s"first(${col}) as ${col}")
exprs: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Column] = Array(first(mpg, false) AS `mpg`, first(cyl, false) AS `cyl`, first(displ, false) AS `displ`, first(hp, false) AS `hp`, first(weight, false) AS `weight`, first(accel, false) AS `accel`, first(yr, false) AS `yr`, first(origin, false) AS `origin`)
scala> val resultDF = df2.groupBy("name").pivot("Rank").agg(exprs(0), exprs.slice(1, exprs.length):_*)
scala> resultDF.columns
res40: Array[String] = Array(name, 1_mpg, 1_cyl, 1_displ, 1_hp, 1_weight, 1_accel, 1_yr, 1_origin, 2_mpg, 2_cyl, 2_displ, 2_hp, 2_weight, 2_accel, 2_yr, 2_origin, 3_mpg, 3_cyl, 3_displ, 3_hp, 3_weight, 3_accel, 3_yr, 3_origin, 4_mpg, 4_cyl, 4_displ, 4_hp, 4_weight, 4_accel, 4_yr, 4_origin, 5_mpg, 5_cyl, 5_displ, 5_hp, 5_weight, 5_accel, 5_yr, 5_origin, 6_mpg, 6_cyl, 6_displ, 6_hp, 6_weight, 6_accel, 6_yr, 6_origin, 7_mpg, 7_cyl, 7_displ, 7_hp, 7_weight, 7_accel, 7_yr, 7_origin, 8_mpg, 8_cyl, 8_displ, 8_hp, 8_weight, 8_accel, 8_yr, 8_origin, 9_mpg, 9_cyl, 9_displ, 9_hp, 9_weight, 9_accel, 9_yr, 9_origin, 10_mpg, 10_cyl, 10_displ, 10_hp, 10_weight, 10_accel, 10_yr, 10_origin)


add new column in a dataframe depending on another dataframe's row values

I need to add a new column to dataframe DF1 but the new column's value should be calculated using other columns' value present in that DF. Which of the other columns to be used will be given in another dataframe DF2.
eg. DF1
|protocolNo|serialNum|testMethod |testProperty|
|Product1 | AB |testMethod1 | TP1 |
|Product2 | CD |testMethod2 | TP2 |
|action| type| value | exploded |
|append|hash | [protocolNo] | protocolNo |
|append|text | _ | _ |
|append|hash | [serialNum,testProperty] | serialNum |
|append|hash | [serialNum,testProperty] | testProperty |
Now the value of exploded column in DF2 will be column names of DF1 if value of type column is hash.
Required -
New column should be created in DF1. the value should be calculated like below-
hash[protocolNo]_hash[serialNumTestProperty] ~~~ here on place of column their corresponding row values should come.
eg. for Row1 of DF1, col value should be
this will result into something like this abc-df_egh-45e after hashing.
The above procedure should be followed for each and every row of DF1.
I've tried using map and withColumn function using UDF on DF1. But in UDF, outer dataframe value is not accessible(gives Null Pointer Exception], also I'm not able to give DataFrame as input to UDF.
Input DFs would be DF1 and DF2 as mentioned above.
Desired Output DF-
|protocolNo|serialNum|testMethod |testProperty| newColumn |
|Product1 | AB |testMethod1 | TP1 | abc-df_egh-4je |
|Product2 | CD |testMethod2 | TP2 | dfg-df_ijk-r56 |
newColumn value is after hashing
Instead of DF2, you can translate DF2 to case class like Specifications, e.g
case class Spec(columnName:String,inputColumns:Seq[String],action:String,action:String,type:String*){}
Create instances of above class
val specifications = Seq(
Then you can process the below columns
val transformed = specifications
.foldLeft(dtFrm)((df: DataFrame, spec: Specification) => df.transform(transformColumn(columnSpec)))
def transformColumn(spec: Spec)(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
spec.type.foldLeft(df)((df: DataFrame, type : String) => {
type match {
case "append" => {have a case match of the action and do that , then append with df.withColumn}
Syntax may not be correct
Since DF2 has the column names that will be used to calculate a new column from DF1, I have made this assumption that DF2 will not be a huge Dataframe.
First step would be to filter DF2 and get the column names that we want to pick from DF1.
val hashColumns = DF2.filter('type==="hash").select('exploded).collect
Now, hashcolumns will have the columns that we want to use to calculate hash in the newColumn. The hashcolumns is an Array of Row. We need this to be a Column that will be applied while creating the newColumn in DF1.
val newColumnHash = hashColumns.map(f=>hash(col(f.getString(0)))).reduce(concat_ws("_",_,_))
The above line will convert the Row to a Column with hash function applied to it. And we reduce it while concatenating _. Now, the task becomes simple. We just need to apply this to DF1.
Hope this helps!

Spark generate a list of column names that contains(SQL LIKE) a string

This one below is a simple syntax to search for a string in a particular column uisng SQL Like functionality.
val dfx = df.filter($"name".like(s"%${productName}%"))
The questions is How do I grab each and every column NAME that contained the particular string in its VALUES and generate a new column with a list of those "column names" for every row.
So far this is the approach I took but stuck as I cant use spark-sql "Like" function inside a UDF.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import spark.implicits._
val df1 = Seq(
(0, "mango", "man", "dit"),
(1, "i-man", "man2", "mane"),
(2, "iman", "mango", "ho"),
(3, "dim", "kim", "sim")
).toDF("id", "col1", "col2", "col3")
val df2 = df1.columns.foldLeft(df1) {
(acc: DataFrame, colName: String) =>
acc.withColumn(colName, concat(lit(colName + "="), col(colName)))
val df3 = df2.withColumn("merged_cols", split(concat_ws("X", df2.columns.map(c=> col(c)):_*), "X"))
Here is a sample output. Note that here there are only 3 columns but in the real job I'll be reading multiple tables which can contain dynamic number of columns.
|id | col1| col2| col3| merged_cols
0 | mango| man | dit | col1, col2
1 | i-man| man2 | mane | col1, col2, col3
2 | iman | mango| ho | col1, col2
3 | dim | kim | sim|
This can be done using a foldLeft over the columns together with when and otherwise:
val e = "%man%"
val df2 = df1.columns.foldLeft(df.withColumn("merged_cols", lit(""))){(df, c) =>
df.withColumn("merged_cols", when(col(c).like(e), concat($"merged_cols", lit(s"$c,"))).otherwise($"merged_cols"))}
.withColumn("merged_cols", expr("substring(merged_cols, 1, length(merged_cols)-1)"))
All columns that satisfies the condition e will be appended to the string in the merged_cols column. Note that the column must exist for the first append to work so it is added (containing an empty string) to the dataframe when sent into the foldLeft.
The last row in the code simply removes the extra , that is added in the end. If you want the result as an array instead, simply adding .withColumn("merged_cols", split($"merged_cols", ",")) would work.
An alternative appraoch is to instead use an UDF. This could be preferred when dealing with many columns since foldLeft will create multiple dataframe copies. Here regex is used (not the SQL like since that operates on whole columns).
val e = ".*man.*"
val concat_cols = udf((vals: Seq[String], names: Seq[String]) => {
vals.zip(names).filter{case (v, n) => v.matches(e)}.map(_._2)
val df2 = df.withColumn("merged_cols", concat_cols(array(df.columns.map(col(_)): _*), typedLit(df.columns.toSeq)))
Note: typedLit can be used in Spark versions 2.2+, when using older versions use array(df.columns.map(lit(_)): _*) instead.

Dynamically select column content based on other column from the same row

I am using Spark 1.6.1. Lets say my data frame looks like:
|categoryName|catA |catB|
| catA |0.25 |0.75|
| catB |0.5 |0.5 |
Where categoryName has String type, and cat* are Double. I would like to add column that will contain value from column which name is in the categoryName column:
|categoryName|catA |catB| score |
| catA |0.25 |0.75| 0.25 | ('score' has value from column name 'catA')
| catB |0.5 |0.7 | 0.7 | ('score' value from column name 'catB')
I need such extraction to some later calculations. Any ideas?
Important: I don't know names of category columns. Solution needs to be dynamic.
Spark 2.0:
You can do this (for any number of category columns) by creating a temporary column which holds a map of categroyName -> categoryValue, and then selecting from it:
// sequence of any number of category columns
val catCols = input.columns.filterNot(_ == "categoryName")
// create a map of category -> value, and then select from that map using categoryName:
.withColumn("asMap", map(catCols.flatMap(c => Seq(lit(c), col(c))): _*))
.withColumn("score", $"asMap".apply($"categoryName"))
Spark 1.6: Similar idea, but using an array and a UDF to select from it:
// sequence of any number of category columns
val catCols = input.columns.filterNot(_ == "categoryName")
// UDF to select from array by index of colName in catCols
val getByColName = udf[Double, String, mutable.WrappedArray[Double]] {
case (colName, colValues) =>
val index = catCols.zipWithIndex.find(_._1 == colName).map(_._2)
// create an array of category values and select from it using UDF:
.withColumn("asArray", array(catCols.map(col): _*))
.withColumn("score", getByColName($"categoryName", $"asArray"))
You have several options:
If you are using scala you can use the Dataset API in which case you would simply create a map which does the calculation.
You can move to RDD from dataframe and use a map
You can create a UDF which receives all relevant columns as input and do the calculation inside
you can use a bunch of when/otherwise clauses to do the search (e.g. when(col1 == CatA, col(CatA)).otherwise(col(CatB)))

Merge multiple Dataframes into one Dataframe in Spark [duplicate]

I have two DataFrame a and b.
a is like
Column 1 | Column 2
abc | 123
cde | 23
b is like
Column 1
I want to zip a and b (or even more) DataFrames which becomes something like:
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3
abc | 123 | 1
cde | 23 | 2
How can I do it?
Operation like this is not supported by a DataFrame API. It is possible to zip two RDDs but to make it work you have to match both number of partitions and number of elements per partition. Assuming this is the case:
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StructField, StructType, LongType}
val a: DataFrame = sc.parallelize(Seq(
("abc", 123), ("cde", 23))).toDF("column_1", "column_2")
val b: DataFrame = sc.parallelize(Seq(Tuple1(1), Tuple1(2))).toDF("column_3")
// Merge rows
val rows = a.rdd.zip(b.rdd).map{
case (rowLeft, rowRight) => Row.fromSeq(rowLeft.toSeq ++ rowRight.toSeq)}
// Merge schemas
val schema = StructType(a.schema.fields ++ b.schema.fields)
// Create new data frame
val ab: DataFrame = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rows, schema)
If above conditions are not met the only option that comes to mind is adding an index and join:
def addIndex(df: DataFrame) = sqlContext.createDataFrame(
// Add index
df.rdd.zipWithIndex.map{case (r, i) => Row.fromSeq(r.toSeq :+ i)},
// Create schema
StructType(df.schema.fields :+ StructField("_index", LongType, false))
// Add indices
val aWithIndex = addIndex(a)
val bWithIndex = addIndex(b)
// Join and clean
val ab = aWithIndex
.join(bWithIndex, Seq("_index"))
In Scala's implementation of Dataframes, there is no simple way to concatenate two dataframes into one. We can simply work around this limitation by adding indices to each row of the dataframes. Then, we can do a inner join by these indices. This is my stub code of this implementation:
val a: DataFrame = sc.parallelize(Seq(("abc", 123), ("cde", 23))).toDF("column_1", "column_2")
val aWithId: DataFrame = a.withColumn("id",monotonicallyIncreasingId)
val b: DataFrame = sc.parallelize(Seq((1), (2))).toDF("column_3")
val bWithId: DataFrame = b.withColumn("id",monotonicallyIncreasingId)
aWithId.join(bWithId, "id")
A little light reading - Check out how Python does this!
What about pure SQL ?
row_number() over (partition by room_name order by message_id) as message_index,
row_number() over (partition by room_name, sender_nickname order by message_id) as user_message_index
from messages
order by room_name, message_id
I know the OP was using Scala but if, like me, you need to know how to do this in pyspark then try the Python code below. Like #zero323's first solution it relies on RDD.zip() and will therefore fail if both DataFrames don't have the same number of partitions and the same number of rows in each partition.
from pyspark.sql import Row
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType
def zipDataFrames(left, right):
CombinedRow = Row(*left.columns + right.columns)
def flattenRow(row):
left = row[0]
right = row[1]
combinedVals = [left[col] for col in left.__fields__] + [right[col] for col in right.__fields__]
return CombinedRow(*combinedVals)
zippedRdd = left.rdd.zip(right.rdd).map(lambda row: flattenRow(row))
combinedSchema = StructType(left.schema.fields + right.schema.fields)
return zippedRdd.toDF(combinedSchema)
joined = zipDataFrames(a, b)

How to zip two (or more) DataFrame in Spark

I have two DataFrame a and b.
a is like
Column 1 | Column 2
abc | 123
cde | 23
b is like
Column 1
I want to zip a and b (or even more) DataFrames which becomes something like:
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3
abc | 123 | 1
cde | 23 | 2
How can I do it?
Operation like this is not supported by a DataFrame API. It is possible to zip two RDDs but to make it work you have to match both number of partitions and number of elements per partition. Assuming this is the case:
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StructField, StructType, LongType}
val a: DataFrame = sc.parallelize(Seq(
("abc", 123), ("cde", 23))).toDF("column_1", "column_2")
val b: DataFrame = sc.parallelize(Seq(Tuple1(1), Tuple1(2))).toDF("column_3")
// Merge rows
val rows = a.rdd.zip(b.rdd).map{
case (rowLeft, rowRight) => Row.fromSeq(rowLeft.toSeq ++ rowRight.toSeq)}
// Merge schemas
val schema = StructType(a.schema.fields ++ b.schema.fields)
// Create new data frame
val ab: DataFrame = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rows, schema)
If above conditions are not met the only option that comes to mind is adding an index and join:
def addIndex(df: DataFrame) = sqlContext.createDataFrame(
// Add index
df.rdd.zipWithIndex.map{case (r, i) => Row.fromSeq(r.toSeq :+ i)},
// Create schema
StructType(df.schema.fields :+ StructField("_index", LongType, false))
// Add indices
val aWithIndex = addIndex(a)
val bWithIndex = addIndex(b)
// Join and clean
val ab = aWithIndex
.join(bWithIndex, Seq("_index"))
In Scala's implementation of Dataframes, there is no simple way to concatenate two dataframes into one. We can simply work around this limitation by adding indices to each row of the dataframes. Then, we can do a inner join by these indices. This is my stub code of this implementation:
val a: DataFrame = sc.parallelize(Seq(("abc", 123), ("cde", 23))).toDF("column_1", "column_2")
val aWithId: DataFrame = a.withColumn("id",monotonicallyIncreasingId)
val b: DataFrame = sc.parallelize(Seq((1), (2))).toDF("column_3")
val bWithId: DataFrame = b.withColumn("id",monotonicallyIncreasingId)
aWithId.join(bWithId, "id")
A little light reading - Check out how Python does this!
What about pure SQL ?
row_number() over (partition by room_name order by message_id) as message_index,
row_number() over (partition by room_name, sender_nickname order by message_id) as user_message_index
from messages
order by room_name, message_id
I know the OP was using Scala but if, like me, you need to know how to do this in pyspark then try the Python code below. Like #zero323's first solution it relies on RDD.zip() and will therefore fail if both DataFrames don't have the same number of partitions and the same number of rows in each partition.
from pyspark.sql import Row
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType
def zipDataFrames(left, right):
CombinedRow = Row(*left.columns + right.columns)
def flattenRow(row):
left = row[0]
right = row[1]
combinedVals = [left[col] for col in left.__fields__] + [right[col] for col in right.__fields__]
return CombinedRow(*combinedVals)
zippedRdd = left.rdd.zip(right.rdd).map(lambda row: flattenRow(row))
combinedSchema = StructType(left.schema.fields + right.schema.fields)
return zippedRdd.toDF(combinedSchema)
joined = zipDataFrames(a, b)