Expose Minikube Cluster IP - kubernetes

I have a deployment with services running inside minikube on a remote linux vps, these services have Cluster IP with no external IP, I would want to access these services from a web browser

Either you change the service type LoadBalancer which will create the External for you and you can access the specific service using that.
Setup the ingress and ingress controller which can be also useful to expose the service directly.
OR for just Development use not for Prod
kubectl port-forward svc/<service name> 5555:<service port here>
This creates the proxy tunnel between your K8s cluster and local. You can access your service now at localhost:5555


Clean way to connect to services running on the same host as the Kubernetes cluster

I have a single node Kubernetes cluster, installed using k3s on bare metal. I also run some services on the host itself, outside the Kubernetes cluster. Currently I use the external IP address of the machine ( to connect to these services from inside the Kubernetes network.
Is there a cleaner way of doing this? What I want to avoid is having to reconfigure my Kubernetes pods if I decide to change the IP address of my host.
Possible magic I which existed: a Kubernetes service or IP that automagically points to my external IP ( or a DNS name that points the node's external IP address.
That's what ExternalName services are for (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#externalname):
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: my-service
type: ExternalName
externalName: ${my-hostname}
- port: 80
Then you can access the service from withing kubernetes as my-service.${namespace}.svc.cluster.local.
See: https://livebook.manning.com/concept/kubernetes/external-service
After the service is created, pods can connect to the external service
through the external-service.default.svc.cluster.local domain name (or
even external-service) instead of using the service’s actual FQDN.
This hides the actual service name and its location from pods
consuming the service, allowing you to modify the service definition
and point it to a different service any time later, by only changing
the externalName attribute or by changing the type back to ClusterIP
and creating an Endpoints object for the service—either manually or by
specifying a label selector on the service and having it created
ExternalName services are implemented solely at the DNS level—a simple
CNAME DNS record is created for the service. Therefore, clients
connecting to the service will connect to the external service
directly, bypassing the service proxy completely. For this reason,
these types of services don’t even get a cluster IP.
This relies on using a resolvable hostname of your machine. On minikube there's a DNS alias host.minikube.internal that is setup to resolve to an IP address that routes to your host machine, I don't know if k3s supports something similar.
Thanks #GeertPt,
With minikube's host.minikube.internal in mind I search around and found that CoreDNS has a DNS entry for each host it's running on. This only seems the case for K3S.
kubectl -n kube-system get configmap coredns -o yaml
reveals there is the following entry:
NodeHosts: | my-hostname
So if the hostname doesn't change, I can use this instead of the IP.
Also, if you're running plain docker you can use host.docker.internal to access the host.
So to sum up:
from minikube: host.minikube.internal
from docker: host.docker.internal
from k3s: <hostname>

How to access Kubernetes service from local network

I currently use a SOCKS proxy to access from my laptop. My Kubernetes service is hosted on a server with static IP address on the same network as my laptop. How do I access the Kubernetes service without the SOCKS proxy by directly going to
Here's the output from kubectl get services | grep
kubeflow istio-ingressgateway-workload LoadBalancer 80:32696/TCP,443:31536/TCP 24h
Try using a NodePort Service instead of a LoadBalancer, or use something like klipper-lb

Get Externally accessible IP address of Pod in Kubernetes

I need to create two instances using the same Ubuntu Image in Kubernetes. Each instance used two ports i.e. 8080 and 9090. How can I access these two ports externally? Can we use the IP address of the worker in this case?
If you want to access your Ubuntu instances from outside the k8s cluster you should place pods behind the service.
You can access services through public IPs:
create Service of type NodePort- the service will be available on <NodeIp>:<NodePort>
create Service of type LoadBalancer - if you are running your workload in the cloud creating service of type LoadBalancer will automatically deploy LoadBalancer for you.
Alternatively you can deploy Ingress to expose your Service. You would also need Ingress Controller.
Useful links:
GCP example
Ingress Controller
Kubernetes Service

Minikube networking

I have a Linux build machine that I have installed minikube too. Within the minikube instance I have installed artifactory which I will be using for storing various build artifacts
I now want to be able to do some work on my dev machine (which is an unrelated laptop on the same network as the Linux build machine) and push some built artifacts into artifactory.
However I can't figure out how to get to artifactory. When I ssh to the Linux server and check the minikube service I can see that the artifactory instance is running on a 192.168 address.
Is there any way to expose artifactory ie access it on the windows machine? Or is this not possible and I should just install artifactory on the Linux machine rather than in minikube?
Expose you artifactory Service
$ minikube service <artifactory-service> -n <namespace>
Or get the URL
$ minikube service <artifactory-service> -n <namespace> --url
If you want to access from remote, you need to do something else.
Suppose, when you run minikube service <artifactory-service> -n <namespace> --url, you get following
You can access artifactory in minikube using this URL. But can't access from remote.
Now do this, expose port 30654
ssh -i ~/.minikube/machines/minikube/id_rsa docker#$(minikube ip) -L \*:30654:
You will be able to access from other network.
Yes, we need an ingress controller (like nginx) to expose a kubernetes service for external access.
There are three ways to create the nginx ingress service using kubernetes per https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#publishing-services---service-types and expose it for external access:
LoadBalancer service type which sets the ExternalIP automatically. This is used when there is an external non-k8s, cloud-provider's load-balancer like CGE, AWS or Azure, and this external load-balancer would provide the ExternalIP for the nginx ingress service.
ExternalIPs per https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#external-ips.
NodePort. In this approach, the service can be accessed from outside the cluster using NodeIP:NodePort/url/of/the/service.
Along with the nginx ingress controller, you'll need an ingress resource too. Refer https://github.com/nginxinc/kubernetes-ingress/tree/master/examples/complete-example for examples.
Keep in mind that Minikube is a small VM with a small docker registry by default. So, it may not be possible to store a lot of build artifacts in Minikube.
To get this to work in the end I setup ingress on minikube and then through entries in hosts file and nginx as a reverse proxy managed to get things working.

kubernetes service exposed to host ip

I created a kubernetes service something like this on my 4 node cluster:
kubectl expose deployment distcc-deploy --name=distccsvc --port=8080
--target-port=3632 --type=LoadBalancer
The problem is how do I expose this service to an external ip. Without an external ip you can not ping or reach this service endpoint from outside network.
I am not sure if i need to change the kubedns or put some kind of changes.
Ideally I would like the service to be exposed on the host ip.
Like http://localhost:32876
hypothetically let's say
i have a 4 node vm on which i am running let's say nginx service. i expose it as a lodabalancer service. how can i access the nginx using this service from the vm ?
let's say the service name is nginxsvc is there a way i can do http://:8080. how will i get this here for my 4 node vm ?
LoadBalancer does different things depending on where you deployed kubernetes. If you deployed on AWS (using kops or some other tool) it'll create an elastic load balancer to expose the service. If you deployed on GCP it'll do something similar - Google terminology escapes me at the moment. These are separate VMs in the cloud routing traffic to your service. If you're playing around in minikube LoadBalancer doesn't really do anything, it does a node port with the assumption that the user understands minikube isn't capable of providing a true load balancer.
LoadBalancer is supposed to expose your service via a brand new IP address. So this is what happens on the cloud providers, they requisition VMs with a separate public IP address (GCP gives a static address and AWS a DNS). NodePort will expose as a port on kubernetes node running the pod. This isn't a workable solution for a general deployment but works ok while developing.