I am working with shallow-clone and shallow fetch with GIT repo, There is Git-Python being used in the code
In Git-python, what would be equivalent command for the following git cmd command
git remote set-branches origin --add master8
I read their docs, but couldn't make it work. Any help is appreciated.
Relevant code
repo = git.Repo('Demo1')
repo.remotes.origin.fetch('+refs/heads/master2:refs/remotes/origin/master2', depth=1)
'git remote set-branches origin --add master2' # need to run this
# repo.git.remote('set-branches', 'origin', '--add', 'master2')
repo.git.reset('--hard', f'origin/master2')
Sometimes, We meet a situation that remote source code fetched by a recipe need to be modified so that suit a specific machine.
How do we create a patch for remote source code locally? After that everytime we build the recipe (even clean it all) we can patch the remote source code automatically.
For example, I have a special machine with architecture A which is not common, so the remote source code need to be modified so that support architecture A.
Suppose there was a file called utils.h (which is code that we fetched by example.bb from remote git repository)
#if defined(__x86_64__) || \
defined(__mips__) || \
defined(__powerpc__) || defined(__ppc__) || defined(__ppc64__) \
Apparently I need to add archtecture A support in the file.
#if defined(__x86_64__) || \
defined(__mips__) || \
defined(__powerpc__) || defined(__ppc__) || defined(__ppc64__) || \
defined(__A__) \
But if we just modified like that, next time we execute
bitbake -c cleanall example
bitbake example
then we get a unchanged copies again(which means we have to modify it again).
How do we create a Add-architecture-A-support.patch locally so that we can patch the remote source code automatically?
This is a simple one from answers.
(Note: If there was no git in the source code directory, before modifying the source code, you need to create a git repository and commit all in the top directory of the source code.)
git init # create a git repository
git add .
git commit -m "First commit" # first commit
After change the utils.h as above, we can check the git status. It usually looks like that.
$ git status
HEAD detached from 87b933c420
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be comitted)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: ../../utils.h
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
Then we add and commit the change locally (usually we don't have the permission to push to upper stream).
$ git add utils.h
$ git commit -m "Patch test"
After that we can use git to create a patch for the recent commit.
$ git show >Add-architecture-A-support.patch
It will creat a patch in the current directory with contents looks like that
commit a79e523...
Author: 杨...
Date: ...
Patch test
diff --git a/somedir/utils.h b/somedir/utils.h
index 20bfd36c84..
--- a/somedir/utils.h
+++ b/somedir/utils.h
+ defined(__A__) \
Then we can move the patch to the local layer where the recipe stayed.
|-- example
| |-- Add-architecture-A-support.patch
|-- example.bb
And add the patch in example.bb with this.
SRC_URI += "\
file://Add-architecture-A-support.patch \
Work finished. (Also, if want to undo the local commit after creating the patch, you can use git reset HEAD^ utils.h. emmm, I think so, maybe there are some faults, just google it)
I've scoured several different posts but there doesn't appear to be any that match with this exact issue of an "apparent" branch renaming occurring but nothing seeming to line up.
Essentially, I've been trying to delete a remote branch off of an enterprise git version but I've been getting rejected and I was wondering if there was any additional steps I can try out?
here is the following CLI information:
| => git branch -a
* master
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
| ~/Documents/<repo> # (user)
| => git push origin -d releases/v1.7.2_log4j2
To https://github.<company>.com/<org>/<repo>.git
! [remote rejected] releases/v1.7.2_log4j2 (branch releases/v1.7.2_log4j2 is being renamed)
error: failed to push some refs to 'https://github.<company>.com/<org>/<repo>.git'
My git version: 2.24.3 (Apple Git-128).
EDIT: there are no branch protection rules that apply to this branch and I have tried the command in the suggestions of git push -d origin releases<1.7.2_log4j2 with the same result
This looks like a github issue. There is a github-community thread where someone got the exact same message and it turned out to be a flag that was set within the github system that marked the branch as being renamed at the moment. They had to ask the github-support to clear that flag and then were able to delete the branch.
You seem to have your parameters backwards. Try
git push -d origin releases/v1.7.2_log4j2
I am using VSC. Here is the output of the clone command, clone which is not working:
$ cd ubuntu/labs/lab8
ubuntu/labs/lab8/ $ submit50 cs50/labs/2021/x/trivia
Preparing files ...
Enter passphrase for key '/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa':
fatal: remote error:
classroom50/cs50/labs/2021/x/trivia is not a valid repository name
Visit https://support.github.com/ for help
Failed to clone "git#github.com:/classroom50/cs50/labs/2021/x/trivia".
ubuntu/labs/lab8/ $
Why the clone is failing?
A clone is for a repository, not a folder inside the repository.
Check what "submit50" does, and what is the remote URL you are using.
git remote -v
The git clone should use an URL like:
^^^ (no / there)
The clone is failing because in 2021, submit50 doesn't work for Visual Studio Code. Moderates from CS50's discord server said so.
I have Ruby, RubyGems, and svn2git installed under 32 bit windows 7.
svn2git https://code.google.com/p/skyrim-plugin-decoding-project/ --rootistrunk --revision 1:1693 --authors ~/authors.txt --verbose
The above line returns the following error:
Running command: git svn init --prefix=svn/ --no-metadata --trunk=https://code.g
Initialized empty Git repository in e:/tes5edit/.git/
RA layer request failed: PROPFIND request failed on '/p/skyrim-plugin-decoding-p
roject': PROPFIND of '/p/skyrim-plugin-decoding-project': 405 Method Not Allowed
(https://code.google.com) at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/Git/SVN.pm line 310
command failed:
git svn init --prefix=svn/ --no-metadata --trunk=https://code.google.com/p/skyri
I read something about svnadmin so I tried the following
svnadmin: E205000: Repository argument required
I don't know what the argument would be.
I have never used GitBash or any of these programs. I have no idea what the proper commands would be to resolve the issue. I am also new to Git and have very little experience with it.
git svn clone http://my-project.googlecode.com/svn/ \
--authors-file=users.txt --no-metadata -s my_project
The standard commands also give errors
E:\TES5Edit_Git> git svn init https://code.google.com/p/skyrim-plugin-decoding-p
Initialized empty Git repository in E:/TES5Edit_Git/.git/
E:\TES5Edit_Git [master]> git config svn.authorsfile ./authors.txt
E:\TES5Edit_Git [master +1 ~0 -0 !]> git svn fetch
RA layer request failed: PROPFIND request failed on '/p/skyrim-plugin-decoding-p
roject': PROPFIND of '/p/skyrim-plugin-decoding-project': 405 Method Not Allowed
(https://code.google.com) at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/Git/SVN.pm line 148
E:\TES5Edit_Git [master +1 ~0 -0 !]>
As long as it makes a repo I can push I don't care how I do it. However, I did not start with a standard setup in the beginning and no idea what I was doing. So I want the clone to start at commit 1 and consider root as master, and all commits that make any kind of folder, rename folders, move folders, delete folders, all of everything created as branches.
After asking some friends I realized I had been using the wrong URL.
svn2git http://skyrim-plugin-decoding-project.googlecode.com/svn/ --rootistrunk --revision 1:1693 --authors ~/authors.txt --verbose
That would have been the correct init statment
In my github repo's readme.md file I have a Travis-CI badge. I use the following link:
The obvious problem is that the branch is hardcoded. Is it possible to use some sort of variable so that the branch is the one currently being viewed?
Not that I know of.
GitHub support confirms (through OP Joe Gatt 's comment)
The only way to do this would be to pass the link through my own service which would use the github's http referrer header to determine which branch is being referenced and then fetch the appropriate image from Travis CI
I would rather make one Travis-CI badge per branch, for the reader to choose or consider the appropriate when seeing the README.md.
Update 2016 (3 years later): while nothing has changed on the GitHub side, fedorqui reports in the workaround mentioned in "Get Travis Shield on Github to Reflect Selected Branch Status" by Andrie.
Simply display all the branches and their respective TravisCI badges.
If you have only two or three branches, that could be enough.
I worked around this issue with a git pre-commit hook that re-writes the Travis line in the README.md with the current branch. An example of usage and pre-commit (Python) code (for the question as asked) are below.
dandye$ git checkout -b feature123 origin/master
Branch feature123 set up to track remote branch master from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'feature123'
dandye$ echo "* Feature123" >> README.md
dandye$ git add README.md
dandye$ git commit -m "Added Feature123"
Starting pre-commit hook...
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/joegattnet/joegattnet_v3.png?branch=master)][travis]
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/joegattnet/joegattnet_v3.png?branch=feature123)][travis]
pre-commit hook complete.
[feature123 54897ee] Added Feature123
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
dandye$ cat README.md |grep "Build Status"
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/joegattnet/joegattnet_v3.png?branch=feature123)][travis]
Python code for the pre-commit code
dandye$ cat .git/hooks/pre-commit
Referencing current branch in github readme.md[1]
This pre-commit hook[2] updates the README.md file's
Travis badge with the current branch. Gist at[4].
[1] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18673694/referencing-current-branch-in-github-readme-md
[2] http://www.git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Customizing-Git-Git-Hooks
[3] https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/status-images/
[4] https://gist.github.com/dandye/dfe0870a6a1151c89ed9
import subprocess
# Hard-Coded for your repo (ToDo: get from remote?)
print "Starting pre-commit hook..."
# String with hard-coded values
# See Embedding Status Images[3] for alternate formats (private repos, svg, etc)
# [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/
# joegattnet/joegattnet_v3.png?
# branch=staging)][travis]
# Output String with Variable substitution
travis="[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/" \
"{GITHUB_USER}/{REPO}.png?" \
sentinel_str="[![Build Status]"
with open("README.md", "w") as fh:
for aline in readmelines:
if sentinel_str in aline and travis != aline:
print "Replacing:\n\t{aline}\nwith:\n\t{travis}".format(
subprocess.check_output(["git", "add", "README.md" ])
print "pre-commit hook complete."
I updated the work of Dan Dye so it's now able to change any git variable into a readme. It also works now with python 3. For example, handling badges by branch for Github actions:
[![Integration Tests](https://github.com/{{ repository.name }}/actions/workflows/integration-tests.yaml/badge.svg?branch={{ current.branch }})](https://github.com/{{ repository.name }}/actions/workflows/integration-tests.yaml?query=branch%3A{{ current.branch }})
And in your pre-commit file add:
.githooks/replace_by_git_vars.py readme.md README.md -v
-v displays the available variables and more
Thanks a lot for the solution and inspiration!
The best solution for me was to create a server where I send a query with username and repo's name and get a svg image with the build status for all branches.