postgresql pg library taking windows username instead of postgresql - postgresql

i am using pg lib in strapi application, where initially it creates postgres connection using correct postgresql username(postgres), database name(strapi_db) and password(postgres) but after login it changed it to connect using my windows 10 username(rayappan.a, and database as rayappan.a). it seems strange to me because i never configured anywhere to use my windows credentials for POSTGRESQL connection. please any one tell me how to fix username connection issue
Rayappan Antoniraj

Take a look into . It states that username:
Defaults to be the same as the operating system name of the user running the application."
The database name:
Defaults to be the same as the user name.
So it seems a new connection with parameters not set is made.


pgadmin db restriction server property not working

I have a heroku postgres database. On pgadmin i can see over 1,700 databases since they are all on the same host. I have set the server connection settings as provided by heroku and i can see my database highlighted in yellow and can access it normally.
I tried disconnecting from the server than edit the db restriction property in the advanced tab and put in my database name(same one as the maintenance db, and without ''). I press save, i reconnect to the server but i can still see all the databases of the server and all the live data of the entire server. Am i missing something?
DonĀ“t download the latest version of pgadmin 4(v.6.10), instead download the v.6.9
I believe that latest version is buged when we try to especify a dbname for restriction
uninstall 4(v.6.10) and replace (v.6.9)
i faced the same problem here, but installed (v.6.9) and worked great, and brings me only my database
for pgadmin4 you dont need single quotes ... just write the dbname and then tab
How to hide databases that I am not allowed to access

Cannot connect to from pg admin

has anyone success to create connection to using pgadmin?
i want to try to store my database on a server and im trying to use elephantsqlcom
i want to connect to it using pg admin to make maintenance easier. i have followed this instruction : but keep getting this error
what should i do? thanks all
change database name from postgres to xwpgagbb similar to:
see user AND DEFAULT DATABASE are the same?..

PostgreSQL: One database to multiple user

I have PostgreSQL 9.3 version. I have created database name db1 now I need it to share with other users who all are connected with the LAN's to connect other applications with the same database.
In SQL Server: We can do this by selecting server name with login details.
Is it possible in PostgreSQL?
If yes, how can do this?
What is the procedure?
You will need to modify pg_hba.conf to allow remote connections to the database. Information about pg_hba.conf can be found here.
After that, you can connect programatically with a connection string, or similar to your image, with a GUI application like pgAdmin.
To connect (remotely or locally) from pgAdmin choose File -> Add Server... and enter the connection information into the dialog box. Here's an example of the window:
Your client computers will also need to have PostgreSQL drivers as well. If you're doing this in Windows, you'll probably be using ODBC. The PostgreSQL ODBC drivers are here. Info on the connection string format can be found here.
Here's an example of what pgAdmin looks like:

How do I get started if I want to use PostgreSQL for local use?

Good day,
Currently I use MS Access at home for several Databases (for personal use).
At work, I use PostgreSQL, which is infinity times better. I want to start using postgres for my personally used databases, but I don't know where to start.
I've tried reading the documentation, but still don't know how to start. I don't have a server at home; is it possible I can just make a local database/tablespace? Or would I have to host a virtual server?
Note that I am willing to use other open source databases if there is an easy option out there - MS access is just so... terrible.
So, it seems you have Windows at home. You just need to download full installer for PostgreSQL:
After installation it will automatically add starting postgres server as a service on local machine. That means, server will always run in background, but you can disable that later, or just uninstall.
After that, you can use pgAdmin (included in default installation package) or other client tools to access the DB engine.
UPD in pgadmin, create connection with this settings:
'localhost' as hostname;
port - 5432;
user, database - postgres (for testing purpose only - you should create your own user and tables with restricted rights later).
Password for postgres (that is DB admin user) must be entered during installation process.
Server settings are stored somewhere here:
"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\data"
pg_hba.conf - Client Authentication Configuration File
postgresql.conf - Configuration File

What is the default username and password for PostgreSQL?

I am working on an open source application that has PostgreSQL as its default DBMS. Now when I install it on my system, its configuration is so that PostgreSQL also gets installed with it.
My problem is with getting access to the installed PostgreSQL database. The database that gets created during installation is named iviewdb.
I read at many forums that the default superuser is postgres, but when I try to get access to the database using this username through a command prompt, it prompts me for password that I don't have.
I wanted to know from where in the PostgreSQL installation directory
the default username and password with the port number to access the database is stored. I have even tried changing the pg_hba.conf file, but that creates a problem with the application and it won't start then.
How can I find the password for this database? I am working in a Windows environment.
The password isn't stored in an easily recoverable manner, and if you change the password, the application may not be able to access the database properly. You may find the password in the application settings or documentation, though.
If you decide to risk changing the postgres user's password, stop the application and PostgreSQL service, and then edit pg_hba.conf. Add (or change if it already exists) a line (if it doesn't exist, add it before any other "host...." lines):
host all all trust
And restart the PostgreSQL service. That should give you access from localhost, where you could change the postgres user's password, or add yourself another user with the permissions you want. Then set the pg_hba.conf file back the way it was and restart.
I've encountered this similar problem, and I noticed that the default being set for PostgreSQL upon installation in my case is as follows:
username = postgres
password = ' '