How to restore mongo db data from old files? - mongodb

my server crashed... I don't have a recent backup but I do have access of the files. I'm wondering If I can restore data from the old mongodb folder? any suggestions?

You can get query logs mongodb.log file if your profiling level set for logging any queries. If not, you can't restore.


How to use PoWA at a backup database?

I'm giving a try on PoWA, but I've got a little problem.
My Postgres database is running on AWS RDS.
PoWA needs HypoPG in order to suggest indexes.
But RDS doesn't support HypoPG extension. So I had to install PoWA at my backup database (outside RDS).
The problem is: PoWA isn't analyzing the restored database. It can't recognizes any data. If I execute some SQL queries manually it works though.
Is there something that I can be missing?
And, when I tried Ankane Dexter, I could show it the log files path (dumped at the backup database in parallel). Is there a way to do so in PoWA?

PostgreSQL Database Deployment

It is know fact that backup and restore is a slow in Postgres
I'd like to deploy database to PostgreSQL server as fast as posible (Like it is possible in MS SQL just file copy and attach).
So If I:
backup and restore schema only.
And than copy database oid folder (data files) in to the appropriate oid ?
Will it work?
of not what I also need to be consider.
No, that won't work.
A database backup and restore can never be faster than copying the files is. So stop the database, copy the complete cluster and start PostgreSQL again. It won't get any faster.

Unable to restore MongoDB After Dropping

Is there anyway I can restore the MongoDB after dropping with no backup.
We tried finding any auto backups with no luck.
You can't restore without any backups in MongoDB. there is no any auto backup options in mongoDB. If you want auto back follow this instructions easy-automatic-nightly-backups-for-mongodb

mongodb is not start after restoring /var/lib/mongodb manually

Our server's raid failed today. Right now we have a zip file of mongodbPath but after we extract it, we can not start mongo db again.
I will appreciate any help.
After a lot of searches and contacting with MongoDB's support we fond out that we rsync MongoDB directory when it was writing.
So we cannot restore data and we had data lost!
If you want to use rsync for getting backup of MongoDB you should stop it.
This may help.

get database postgresql backup from disk

I want to have my postgresql database on disk (Ubuntu 14.04); how can I set this up and access the data? I have to use ftp to get files; I don't know where to search.
If you want a complete backup of the database via FTP, you'll have to follow the documentation. Basically, first you call pg_start_backup, then you get the data directory, then you call pg_stop_backup, then you get all WAL archives.
You have to run recovery on the backup before you can access it.