Unity Vuforia AR Project Apk not running in OnePlus nord - unity3d

I started learning AR 1 week ago. I started building marker-based AR projects using unity and vuforia. But after installing the project apk in my oneplus nord, app is just showing black screen after asking for camera permission.
I searched about this online and found that it may be occurring because of vulkan, so I deleted it! But the same problem is still there!
I have spent so much time searching for a fix to this issue, it would be of great if someone will help regarding this!

This is probably related to Google removing ARCore support for 32-bit apps on 64-bit devices. You should switch the scripting backend in the project settings from 'Mono' to 'IL2CPP' and target both the ARMv7 and ARM64 architectures.


Hololens2 Azure Spatial Anchors Tutorial Crash

Trying to follow the Microsoft Azure Spatial Anchors tutorial (even after it was recently updated) but the Release build of the project crashes on launch on the device (just after the Unity splash screen). Interestingly a Debug build of the same project seems to launch ok.
I've been able to build, deploy, test both the basic Hololen2 tutorials and the ASA Samples as well as some custom projects so don't think this is a general development or deployment issue.
Have others been able to follow this tutorial and successfully deploy to a device recently and/or is there any suggestions to diagnose the issue further?
Setup and Unity packages used (as per the tutorial and linked instructions):
Hololens OS (up to date): 19041.1136
Unity 2019.4.19f1
MRTK Foundation - 2.5.3 from the basic tutorial series (MRTK Package Tool)
AR Foundation: 3.1.3
Windows Mixed Reality: 4.2.1 (downgrade from 4.2.3?)
Note: MRTK.HoloLens2.Unity.Tutorials.Assets.AzureSpatialAnchors.2.4.0.unitypackage listed in the tutorial actually links to a new 2.5.3 package (https://github.com/microsoft/MixedRealityLearning/releases/tag/azure-spatial-anchors-v2.5.3) however the version file in this package still has 2.4.0??
Exception thrown at 0x00000226E0FBCC40 in Workspace Hololens2 MRTK.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation executing location 0x00000226E0FBCC40.
Have you tried to upgrade the ASA SDK to version 2.7.2 (https://github.com/Azure/azure-spatial-anchors-samples/releases/tag/v2.7.2)?
They have recently fixed an error exactly like the one you're reporting:
"The first bug was specific to ARM32 builds running on HoloLens 2 and was manifesting as an access violation crash in SDK during anchor creation or query."
I have the same Problem. Running it without the Debug Window worked for me!

Hololens Emulator: Unreal Engine app completely black, though Win64 works

I have taken the "default game" (tables and chairs) of Unreal Engine 4.26, and packaged it for the Hololens emulator using these instructions.
I can launch the latest Hololens emulator (10.0.19041.1136) and install the Unreal application, and an icon shows up for it in the apps panel. But when I launch the app, the entire screen is black. When packaging the application for Windows (64 bit), the application works just fine.
What could be the issue? Older versions of Unreal Engine work fine, in particular I have verified that Unreal Engine version 4.25 works with the emulator.
Other perhaps relevant info: Intel Core i7-5960X, Windows 10 version 1909 build 18363.1440, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti, Version 456.71.
I have also used the Unreal 4.26-chaos engine, completely fresh. I choose a blank project from the Games category, C++, Scalable 2D or 3D, raytracing disabled, mobile/tablet with starter content. Then add the Microsoft Windows Mixed reality plugin and the Hololens plugin. In settings I get a signing certificate and define a project name, using Windows SDK version 10.0.18362. Again, no joy. The same thing, just as a Blueprint, not a C++ project, also does not work.
Also checked Hololens emulator version 10.0.19041.1117. No joy.
We followed all the steps exactly per docs including the “run in VR mode setting” in packaging and reproduced this issue today.
So, we are going to recommend to you to file a defect over with UE 4.26 via Unreal Engine Support | Get Help and Customer Service for UE - Unreal Engine. Besides, you can also open a support case via http://aka.ms/hololenssupport for free to discuss further too on anything we can offer for HoloLens 2 emulator/device:
The issue in the Epic's article. You should enable the "start in VR" option in Project > Description > Settings as from
It was added in 4.26.
And we don't support Unreal 4.26-chaos yet. Please take simple 4.26.

Arm64 is not showing in Unity 5.6.6 32bit

I made a game and tried to upload in google play store but it said to set my native code to 64 bit android. I searched for the solution in which I found out to check ARM64 in player setting but I couldn't find that check button. Could anyone help me..?
Based on this unity blog:
The move to a 64-bit Android world is imminent, and we at Unity
believe that it’s a good thing! We added support for Android 64-bit
with Unity 2018.2, and we have now backported it to Unity 2017.4. Read
on to get more details on Google’s 64-bit requirement, ARM 64-bit
advantages, and Android App Bundle support in Unity.

Tango Unity Examples Not Building

I have been trying to build and run the tango unity example on my new tango device and it doesn't seem to be working. As soon as the app launched the app crashes on my device. It just says Unfortunetely, Unity Examples has stopped.
I also tried to run a simple app with Tango AR camera and got the same result.
I am running Unity 5.4.0f3 (64-bit) with Android Studio 2.1.2. I installed all the tools on the Surface Book (Windows 10) on 8/1/2016
As stated on the Tango developers group on G+, Tango SDK does not support Unity 5.4 yet, you need to download 5.3.
Hi Devs,
Unity released version 5.4 last week. As a result, Tango development is broken. The team is aware of the issue is currenlty working to address the issue this month. In the meantime, the only workaround is to stay on Unity 5.3.
Thank you for your patience everyone.

Vuforia augment reality windows

Can you please tell me, if vuforia can run on a PC? I have tried to make an .EXE file, but it does not work.
Please tell me how can I run vuforia apps on my PC? Should I build it for Windows store using Unity and then run it on Windows 8?
Can you please tell me vuforia can run on pc
Answer is No. You cannot build windows or mac app with Vuforia. Vuforia is only supported on Mobile Platforms (iOS, Android).
But you want to test on Windows, you can run your app and test in unity Editor mode with webcamera attached. I hope it will answer your question.
download unity from the unity website , install & run
download vuforia and vuforia sample for unity on vuforia website
create unity project and add vuforia package to the project
There are some tutorials for you for importing the samples and ofcourse you need to get a key with the name of your project.
Have a look at this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnjbTytHH6U
For now, and without plugin, the answer is no. But,
Vuforia is work on supporting win 10, so maybe months later, you can develop a win 10 universal app.
There is some plugin support build the app for windows and Mac, it costs much money. The plugin is provided by maximarouf
As the answers above, I agree that it is enough to run in unity editor for presantation and test.
Vuforia now has a Windows 10 Early Access Program. You can apply for participation and may get access to the Windows 10 UWP SDK.
However, it currently only supports Intel based devices, like the Surface Book and Surface Pro series.
Alternatively, you can use the Unity3D Plugin to build an app which works on Windows.
No vuforia is not supported . U will get Vuforiawrapper.dll missing error when you try to .
Instead what you could do is , make an APK , Download Bluestacks and install it in PC and emulate your vuforia app in PC . But no Vuforia is not made for PC. It supports UWP though which means Windows Tablet , Windows Phone, Hololens .