So i‘m trying to deploy a function on openfaas based on arm architecture,but i failed.Can someone tell me how to solve it? - kubernetes

my kubernetes is based on arm,with kubernetes1.22.4
my faas-cli command:
faas-cli build -f ./add.yml
the response code :
[0] > Building add.
Clearing temporary build folder: ./build/add/
Preparing: ./add/ build/add/function
Building: myw/add:latest with python template. Please wait..
Sending build context to Docker daemon 8.192kB
Step 1/31 : FROM --platform=${TARGETPLATFORM:-linux/amd64} as watchdog
---> 6f97aa96da81
Step 2/31 : FROM --platform=${TARGETPLATFORM:-linux/amd64} python:2.7-alpine
---> 8579e446340f
---> Using cache
---> a75f5a062540
---> Using cache
---> c90a8309e851
---> Using cache
---> 4ee3e6fab2a3
Step 6/31 : COPY --from=watchdog /fwatchdog /usr/bin/fwatchdog
---> Using cache
---> 33d972637c65
Step 7/31 : RUN chmod +x /usr/bin/fwatchdog
---> Running in 6204e8546454
standard_init_linux.go:219: exec user process caused: exec format error
The command '/bin/sh -c chmod +x /usr/bin/fwatchdog' returned a non-zero code: 1
[0] < Building add done in 0.54s.
[0] Worker done.
Total build time: 0.54s
Errors received during build:
- [add] received non-zero exit code from build, error: The command '/bin/sh -c chmod +x /usr/bin/fwatchdog' returned a non-zero code: 1
then can someone tell me the currect way to build a function with arm in openfaas,and why this happened,did i do someting wrong?


GitLab K8s Runner fails for get_sources

we are trying to move gitlab-runners from standard CentOS VMs to kebernetes.
But after setup and registration, pipeline fails with unknown error:
Running with gitlab-runner 15.7.0 (259d2fd4)
on Kubernetes-local JXRw3mH1
Preparing the "kubernetes" executor
Using Kubernetes namespace: gitlab-runner
Using Kubernetes executor with image gitlab-test.domain:5005/image:latest ...
Using attach strategy to execute scripts...
Preparing environment
Waiting for pod gitlab-runner/runner-jxrw3mh1-project-290-concurrent-0dpd88 to be running, status is Pending
Running on runner-jxrw3mh1-project-290-concurrent-0dpd88 via gitlab-runner-d7df6c548-hsgxg...
Getting source from Git repository
error: could not lock config file /root/.gitconfig: Read-only file system
Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
ERROR: Job failed: command terminated with exit code 1
Inside the log of the job pod we found:
helper Running on runner-jxrw3mh1-project-290-concurrent-0dpd88 via gitlab-runner-d7df6c548-hsgxg...
helper {"command_exit_code": 0, "script": "/scripts-290-207166/prepare_script"}
helper error: could not lock config file /root/.gitconfig: Read-only file system
helper {"command_exit_code": 1, "script": "/scripts-290-207166/get_sources"}
helper {"command_exit_code": 0, "script": "/scripts-290-207166/cleanup_file_variables"}
Inside the log of the gitlab-runner pod we found:
Starting in container "helper" the command ["gitlab-runner-build" "<<<" "/scripts-290-207167/get_sources" "2>&1 | tee -a /logs-290-207167/output.log"] with script: #!/usr/bin/env bash
if set -o | grep pipefail > /dev/null; then set -o pipefail; fi; set -o errexit
set +o noclobber
exit 0
job=207167 project=290 runner=JXRw3mH1
Remote process exited with the status: CommandExitCode: 1, Script: /scripts-290-207167/get_sources job=207167 project=290 runner=JXRw3mH1
Container "helper" exited with error: command terminated with exit code 1 job=207167 project=290 runner=JXRw3mH1
the error "error: could not lock config file /root/.gitconfig: Read-only file system" is due to the current user inside container is different by root
the file /logs-290-207167/output.log contains the log of the job pod
Inside job pod shell we also tested some git commands and perform successfully fetch and clone using our personal credentials (the same user that perform the run of the pipeline from gitlab gui).
We think the problem can be related on gitlab-ci-token, but we have finished our investigation... :frowning:

How to setup tRPC project with pnpm

I am trying to learn from this repo.
Step 3 of the setup instructions says to run yarn dx.
The package.json for this repo defines that script as:
"dx": "run-p dx:* --print-label",
When I try to do this, I get an error message that says:
yarn dx yarn run v1.22.19 $ run-p dx:* --print-label [dx:next
] $ run-s migrate-sqlite generate-sqlite db-seed && next dev
[dx:prisma-studio] $ pnpm prisma-studio-sqlite [dx:prisma-studio]
/bin/sh: pnpm: command not found [dx:prisma-studio] error Command
failed with exit code 127. [dx:prisma-studio] info Visit for documentation about this
command. ERROR: "dx:prisma-studio" exited with 127. error Command
failed with exit code 1.
I'm not sure what pnpm means, or why prisma is trying to link to sqlite when the db it specifies is psql.
Can anyone point me in the direction of what's required to get this repo to start?
If you use yarn, change any occurrence in the package.json from pnpm to yarn and I think it should work :)

my pipeline for auto devops in gitlab not working property

this is my test
i run the job with autodevops runner
i run this without .gitlab-ci.yaml file. but i receive the error like this.
$ if [[ -z "$CI_COMMIT_TAG" ]]; then # collapsed multi-line command
$ /build/
Building Heroku-based application using gliderlabs/herokuish docker image...
Attempting to pull a previously built image for use with --cache-from...
invalid reference format
invalid reference format
No previously cached image found. The docker build will proceed without using a cached image
invalid argument "/master:fa1708343b13496937aa567a1aecdc184f43d197" for "-t, --tag" flag: invalid reference format
See 'docker build --help'.
Cleaning up file based variables
ERROR: Job failed: command terminated with exit code 1

How to fix the Error while running docker container

Step 1/5 : FROM python:3.4-alpine
---> c06adcf62f6e
Step 2/5 : ADD prince_web/alpine_test/code /home
ERROR: Service 'web' failed to build: ADD failed: CreateFile
The system cannot find the path specified.
Use COPY instead of ADD here in this case .
Because it is taking a dynamic path with ADD command which is not present or creates in your system .

Python script in Rundeck failing

I have a python script on server_A that connects to server_B via SSH and calls a local rsync command to reset a directory B with a fresh set of files. Then the script on A proceeds to rsync over additional set of files to B. My hope was to run this on a schedule in Rundeck. However, it is erroring on me every time during run with this output. What am I doing wrong?
Remote command failed with exit status 1
Failed: NonZeroResultCode: Remote command failed with exit status 1
Execution failed: 9 in project Test: [Workflow result: , step failures: {1=Dispatch failed on 1 nodes: [server_A: NonZeroResultCode: Remote command failed with exit status 1]}, Node failures: {server_A=[NonZeroResultCode: Remote command failed with exit status 1]}, flow control: Continue, status: failed]
Exit status 1 was returned by the command you called. What are you running?