How to setup tRPC project with pnpm - prisma

I am trying to learn from this repo.
Step 3 of the setup instructions says to run yarn dx.
The package.json for this repo defines that script as:
"dx": "run-p dx:* --print-label",
When I try to do this, I get an error message that says:
yarn dx yarn run v1.22.19 $ run-p dx:* --print-label [dx:next
] $ run-s migrate-sqlite generate-sqlite db-seed && next dev
[dx:prisma-studio] $ pnpm prisma-studio-sqlite [dx:prisma-studio]
/bin/sh: pnpm: command not found [dx:prisma-studio] error Command
failed with exit code 127. [dx:prisma-studio] info Visit for documentation about this
command. ERROR: "dx:prisma-studio" exited with 127. error Command
failed with exit code 1.
I'm not sure what pnpm means, or why prisma is trying to link to sqlite when the db it specifies is psql.
Can anyone point me in the direction of what's required to get this repo to start?

If you use yarn, change any occurrence in the package.json from pnpm to yarn and I think it should work :)


Why Github workflows doesn't recognize command?

I built a github workflow and for some reason it doesn't recognize the dita.bat file as a command. All the files are present in the repo and checkout is performed.
sudo: ./dita.bat: command not found
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
Github workflow step:
- name: Build WebHelp Responsive
run: |
cd oxygen-publishing-engine-3.x/bin
sudo ./dita.bat --input=../../doc/project-documentation/search-service-
doc.ditamap --format=webhelp-responsive -
Dwebhelp.publishing.template=../../templates/webhelp-documentation-template --
Please add chmod +x filename before calling your script.

ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 128

I'm trying to download internal Git on Google Colab for running ML models; however, at first, I download like this
!pip install git+
It shown error so I found out in this website, showing that replace https with git like this may help.
!pip install git+git://
Nevertheless, it still shown the error as below,
Looking in indexes:,
Collecting git+git://
Cloning git:// to /tmp/pip-req-build-mmz02x7l
Running command git clone -q git:// /tmp/pip-req-build-mmz02x7l
fatal: unable to connect to[0:]: errno=Connection timed out[1: 2620:1ec:21::20]: errno=Cannot assign requested address
WARNING: Discarding git+git:// Command errored out with exit status 128: git clone -q git:// /tmp/pip-req-build-mmz02x7l Check the logs for full command output.
ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 128: git clone -q git:// /tmp/pip-req-build-mmz02x7l Check the logs for full command output.
How do we address this issue?
Use codes below instead:
git clone https://{your username}:{your password}

Fail to initialize IBM Blockchain Platform on VS Code

Failed to activate extension: Failed to execute command "npm" with arguments "rebuild, grpc, --target=7.1.11, --runtime=electron, --update-binary, --fallback-to-build, --target_arch=x64, --dist-url=" return code 1
Could not rebuild native dependencies Failed to execute command "npm" with arguments "rebuild, grpc, --target=7.1.11, --runtime=electron, --update-binary, --fallback-to-build, --target_arch=x64, --dist-url=" return code 1. Please ensure that you have node and npm installed
PS C:\Users\k> code --version
PS C:\Users\k> node --version
PS C:\Users\k> npm --version
I've installed all the dependencies and for some reason VS Code is failing to initialize.

Continue after a failing command in appveyor

In appveyor I use the statement:
- initexmf --admin --force --mklinks
but due to a problem it gives the message:
initexmf --admin --force --mklinks
Sorry, but "MiKTeX Configuration Utility" did not succeed for the following reason:
Script configuration file not found.
The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again:
The system cannot find the path specified.
Command exited with code 1
due to the error code the process terminates and I cannot type the C:\ProgramData\MiKTeX\2.9\miktex\log\initexmf_admin.log anymore, so a bit hard to debug ...
How to continue after an error
How to stop after the outputting the file (exit 1 ?)
To run a script on failure use on_failure section, for example to push initexmf_admin.log to artifacts:
- appveyor PushArtifact C:\ProgramData\MiKTeX\2.9\miktex\log\initexmf_admin.log

Failed do_rootfs for agl-demo-platform

I am building Yocto for AGL image (for more details:
The below error occurred during the build progress (do_rootfs).
In, declared packagegroup-agl-image-ivi as a runtime dependent package.
RDEPENDS_${PN} += "\
packagegroup-agl-image-ivi \
I can build successfully the packagegroup-agl-image-ivi separately. But when building the whole agl-demo-platform image, happened as follows:
ERROR: agl-demo-platform-1.0-r0 do_rootfs: Unable to install packages. Command '/LTSI4.9/LTSI4.4/build/tmp/work/m3ulcb-agl-linux/agl-demo-platform/1.0-r0/opkg.conf -t /LTSI4.9/build/tmp/work/m3ulcb-agl-linux/agl-demo-platform/1.0-r0/temp/ipktemp/ -o /LTSI4.9/build/tmp/work/m3ulcb-agl-linux/agl-demo-platform/1.0-r0/rootfs --force_postinstall --prefer-arch-to-version install
mc packagegroup-core-tools-profile
kernel-module-vsp2 kernel-module-pvrsrvkm
opkg packagegroup-core-tools-debug
psplash kernel-module-vspm
omx-user-module kernel-devicetree'
returned 1:
Solver encountered 1 problem(s):
Problem 1/1:
- package packagegroup-agl-demo-platform-1.0-r0.all requires packagegroup-agl-image-ivi, but none of the providers can be installed
Solution 1:
- do not ask to install a package providing packagegroup-agl-demo-platform
ERROR: agl-demo-platform-1.0-r0 do_rootfs: Function failed: do_rootfs
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /LTSI4.9/build/tmp/work/m3ulcb-agl-linux/agl-demo-platform/1.0-r0/temp/log.do_rootfs.14498
ERROR: Task (/LTSI4.9/meta-agl-demo/recipes-platform/images/ failed with exit code '1'
Can anyone help me out in this case ?
I tried 02 ways as follows. They did work.
First method, I cleaned all relative packages and rebuild the whole image.
$ bitbake -c cleanall -c cleansstate <recipes>
recipes consisted of all dependent & runtime dependent packages. But it was a little bit confused to inexperienced users to determine which ones.
Second method, I wiped out the build/tmp/, cache/, sstate-cache/ folders, and re-build all Yocto packages.
There were nothing happening any more. It was really a bad idea if be in critical period of time, but if have free time, be helpful.