How i setup paypal payment button? - paypal

I have a button that redirects to a paypal payment on my website. i want to do that only if you bought the thing im selling it will redirect to the download page and you can't access it just by typing the url of the download page, how i can do it? i couln't find anything about it on google

You need some type of access control system for your website or the content you distribute, which PayPal itself doesn't provide (it only processes the payment)
If you are not a programmer who can program an access control system on your own site, then you can either hire a developer to do it or find a third party solution that has this functionality. Going to the PayPal Partner Directory and searching for the keyword "download" may be a good place to start, and a general web search for what features meet your needs is another place to look.


Get Webhook if donation is made to 3rd Party Charity through my Website

I would like to offer a service to my website's users if they donate to a charity while visiting my website. E.g.: Users visit my website and can unlock something if they click a button to donate $10 to a suggested animal sanctuary charity.
I would like to be able to keep track who donated. Importantly, I am looking for a way where I don't have to handle any money. I just want the money to go directly to the charity and get informed how much was donated by the users visiting my website.
Current solutions seem to suggest that PayPal is the best way to do this. Are there other alternatives also, preferably alternatives that have an API for this very purpose and offer Webhooks??
The best alternative I could come up with so far is to create a GoFundMe, but I would much prefer if it is donated directly to a chartiy. Does anybody have an idea how this could be accomplished?
If you want to use the PayPal Donation flow, you can use the Donate SDK or button, setting a business parameter (rather than a hosted_button_id) to a value that is the PayPal account to receive the donation.
For notification you can use the old IPN service, specifying a notify_url as documented here.
The newer Webhooks service cannot be paired with facilitating Donate flow payments to another account.

How to create a link followed by another?

So currently im coding a bot and in that bot you can buy several other bots and features and i wanted to ask how that works when someone for example clicks my link for paypal and after he pays he will get redirected to the specific bots invite link. Does that even work?
When using a link/HTML-only PayPal integration (no API), a return is never guaranteed. PayPal may be obligated to show them a receipt, and they may not click to return, or their browser/user agent may crash or window closed. So, this is a bad option.
What you should do instead is create a website with a PayPal Checkout that integrates via an API. If you have a backend you can do a server-side integration, otherwise you'll have to rely on client-side JS. Here's a simple demo of the latter:

PayPal Pay Now Button - Email Link

I have browsed this forum and been through the PayPal documentation but I am confused. I know what I need but cannot work-out how to specify it for my coder.
We have a .Net application that runs on our internal network. We use this application to create customer quotations. These quotations are emailed to our customers. I simply want the application to be create a link that I can send to the customer such then when it is opened it takes them straight into Paypal and allows then to make a payment for the quotation. Or maybe the link is embedded into the body of the quotation that I send. Either would be fine.
I know of programs that do this (Sage Line50 does it with Sagepay rather than PayPal) but I cannot get my head around the process. Most of my research is talking about taking payments from an external website but trawling through the PayPal documentation it looks like it should be possible. But I cannot figure out whether I need Smart Buttons or PayPal Me. The key thing is that I don't want to force customers to have a PayPal account so guest access must be an option.
Smart Payment Buttons would be ideal, and offer the best payment experience to your customers. However, they require your own server on which to host some HTML/JS for them. They do not offer a link that can take the customer directly from an email to a PayPal checkout.
I recommend using Smart Payment Buttons, if you are able to host one. The flow is:
Email -> page on your server with Smart Button -> PayPal payment.
The key thing is that I dont want to force customers to have a PayPal account so guest access must be an option. does not meet that requirement
If your requirement is truly a link that proceeds directly:
Email -> checkout for payment (no webserver of yours) ... well, there two solutions for this.
One is to use PayPal invoicing, which can be emailed directly by PayPal, or can be a link which you share yourself (via your own email). A PayPal invoice can be created manually via: . Or programmatically via the invoicing API (see
The second way, which may work fine but is a very old web 1.0 way of doing things, is to start by going to and create a Buy Now button for an item named "Placeholder", amount "777.88". Expand the section "Step 2", and uncheck the option to Save the button at PayPal. Do not change any of the customization options, particularly ones that add menus or input fields.
Once you have generated the code, click the option above it to remove code protection, and then switch to the E-mail tab.
This will give you a plain HTML link with a description and amount that can be set dynamically by your developer when sending your own email. Additional useful variables, such as invoice (for an invoice number that is unique for what is being paid for, and can't be accidentally paid twice) are documented here.
Again, Smart Payment Buttons should be preferred if you have a web server to act as an intermediary. Here is a skeleton demo of the experience.

How to make a web page specificly accessible?

so i want to make a website where i'm going to sell a specific software and after the user completes the paypal checkout he is going to be redirected to the download page. My question is how do i make that page accessible only after the checkout? If you generaly have a better way to successfuly deliver the software is welcome.
You can use PayPal Auto Return feature to reach this requirement. Please refer to the link below for the details.

Is it possible to generate PayPal payment links that are valid for a certain amount of time?

Let's say we have a hotel booking system and we want to receive payments via PayPal.
When user goes through the booking process he / she ends up on the page that says "complete your payment here" which is a link to PayPal.
Because this link is in a different system (PayPal) it would be nice if it would be valid for a certain amount of time. Otherwise I can open this link after one day and pay while my real booking was already cancelled.
The only way to implement something similar I have found so far is to use option "Can customers buy an item when it is sold out?".
The idea is to have a link like this:
PayPal does not provide this functionality.
However, you could build it yourself:
You can add arbitrary functionality (such as checking an expiration date, or inventory, or offer conditions...) by having the "payment" link go to your website rather than PayPal's, do the checks, then redirect to PayPal.
Just respect PayPal's branding rules (I have not checked them recently but they may not let you use their regular button to silently go to your site, but might require that you use a "buy now with PayPal" button or something).
Using PayPal REST SDK you can generate new links to be used by users for checkouts. So every time a user makes a request e.g clicks a button "complete your payment here" a new link is generated for the particular service. So no need for embedding an old link to the button.
Their SDK supports most of the programming languages
and also check out their GitHub for examples and usage.