How to create a link followed by another? - paypal

So currently im coding a bot and in that bot you can buy several other bots and features and i wanted to ask how that works when someone for example clicks my link for paypal and after he pays he will get redirected to the specific bots invite link. Does that even work?

When using a link/HTML-only PayPal integration (no API), a return is never guaranteed. PayPal may be obligated to show them a receipt, and they may not click to return, or their browser/user agent may crash or window closed. So, this is a bad option.
What you should do instead is create a website with a PayPal Checkout that integrates via an API. If you have a backend you can do a server-side integration, otherwise you'll have to rely on client-side JS. Here's a simple demo of the latter:


Payment using messenger bots

I have one requirement in which I need to develop Facebook messenger bots and implement payment for product from bots.
Has anyone experience with payment with bots and its approval by Facebook?
As I know currently it only has a receipt structured message that you can use for sending receipt. But there is no any API supports for the payment, you could either make a series of messages between the bot and customers by using postback, but it's very inefficient and stupid, also insecure. So I recommend using an external link that customers can click it and go to your payment system.
I have developed a bot that has integration with Stripe Payments (which is really fantastic btw). I created a WebView that redirects to my payment processing page. I didn't have any issues with the approval. All I did was send them a demo of how I get card information and showed them that I'm not storing any specific payment information because stripe hides the actual info and gives me a token to process a payment.
I find Bot approval in Facebook is stringent but straightforward as long as you give them the information they need. That means giving them a DEMO on how you're going to collect information and make sure that everything is clear.
Our terms and condition also have some payment terms (cancellation, refund, etc). Although they never checked it, I would highly suggest to clearly state these items on the T and C - and of course, make sure they tick a box specifying they agreed to such terms.
Good luck!

What is PayPal API for when accepting payments in my website thru a button? Do I need to use API?

I'm in the process of developing a feature to accept payments in my website, and I already did it using a paypal button and IPN (a PHP listener to process data to a DB once the payment is completed, this one actually, properly customized).
I never touched PayPal API and I wonder if I am missing something... I'm kind of new to this kind of development and I want to be sure I'm doing it right and not missing any obvious thing which might compromise the security of the payment or whatever... I already tested things in Sandbox and everything works as expected, but I am concerned about the API and I see many people using it...
So, am I missing anything?
What you've done is accurate and will work just fine so long as it's suiting your needs.
One potential security risk would be if you are not using a hosted button. Did you choose to "Save this button at PayPal" when you created the button? If so, you should see a hosted_button_id included in the HTML for the button. In this case it's protected.
If the button code includes individual parameters for things like item_name, amount, etc. then that code could be adjusted by people in their browser and then the button could be submitted with different pricing, for example.
You could check for this sort of thing in your IPN script and setup an automatic refund if the price doesn't match your database, but I generally try to avoid that sort of thing.
I prefer using the Express Checkout API instead. If you were comfortable getting IPN working with PHP then you should be plenty comfortable using this PayPal PHP SDK to integrate Express Checkout.
The three calls you'll need to work with are SetExpressCheckout, GetExpressCheckoutDetails, and DoExpressCheckoutPayment.
This documentation will cover the general steps and where those calls come into play, and that library will make each of those calls very simple for you.
Express Checkout will eliminate any potential adjustments users could make to code (because they won't be able get to the code at all unlike HTML) and it also has more advanced features and options that PayPal Standard does not have. Most importantly, the ability to force the "guest checkout" experience so that non-PayPal account holders can easily checkout using a credit card without any confusion.
They can do it with PayPal Standard, too, but depending on cookies set in their browser it may make the guest checkout option tough to find. Express Checkout makes it very prominent at all times, and generally results in increased checkout conversion rates.

Sending information using paypal API without creating a complete payment

Is there a way to use the paypal API to send basic details of a payment without actually creating the payment itself? What I mean is, I'm working with a non profit organization that does not currently employ SSL. They want to use paypal to accept donations, but they want their own branded form on their page, they don't want to use the simple donate button. I had thought I might be able to send basic details, such as name and address along with the amount they wish to donate and a few other details using the paypal API, and then have the actual payment information processed on paypal's secure servers. All the examples I can find on how to use their API however are creating complete payments and sending them to Paypal, something I'm not able to do for obvious reasons. Short of employing SSL, something that we should probably do anyways, and capturing a complete payment, is there a way of sending just select information over the API and handling the rest on paypal's end?
If you want to control the form itself you don't have any choice but to go SSL. Any other route would require sending the user to PayPal, where you would no longer have that control.

paypal different pages - visa/debit payment not create account

Hi I have searched for this solution and although others have experienced the same problem I couldn't find a solution that works for my site.
My wordpress site mainly sells registrations/bookings for events and I'm using the s2Memberplugin to process the payments with Paypal. The problem is that when we direct the users/customers to the paypal page to complete the transaction which i want set up with the option of paying via credit/debit card if the user/customer doesn’t have (or doesn’t want to create one) a paypal account. That has been working perfectly except for when users/customers are using a variety of internet browser with various cookie settings so the user/customer get’s directed to a completely different page both in appearance and functionality from the page I want them to see. This incorrect page ‘requires’ users/customers to have or create a paypal account to make the payment, no option to pay via card is available. I tried calling paypal and of course they say it is something wrong with my site.
Over 20 days ago i lodged a support ticket with Paypal MTS (or whatever they are called) and of course no response. I have lodged about 5 more tickets and made about 10 more phone calls and they simply don't care about customers. That is clearly demonstrated when you ask to speak to the complaints section and they say "We don't have a complaints section'
Thanks very much, any assistance is greatly appreciated
I haven't been provided with any error codes, unfortunately - i did ask for them but nobody supplied them.
we just discovered that the payflow and IPN settings within my sites plugin were empty but i'm filling them in now but i have two questions:
The vendor, is that just my username for my paypal account? (why don't they just use the same terminology - confusing)
My s2Member plugin say's i'll need my IPN url (and then supplies a url, but whn i look at the IPN notification url within my paypal settings it's a totally different link. Should i be changing my paypal IPN url to that which is supplied by my s2Member plugin or am i getting two different url's confused?
Thanks for your help again mate.
If you're using Payments Standard this experience is cookie based as you mentioned. If you want to make sure the full credit card form shows up and allows people to pay with a credit card without creating an account you can use the Express Checkout API instead.
In your SetExpressCheckout request you just need to set SOLUTION=Sole and LANDINGPAGE=Billing.

PayPal MassPay API - How does it work exactly?

I have gone through the Paypal website, looked at their dozens of FAQS and documents, and still don't have a great idea as to how to integrate the Paypal Masspay API. I was hoping I'd have better luck on here :).
I have an app that gives users prizes, with an oracle SQL database that populates whenever a user redeems a prize.
Would I need to download the SDK onto my app, include the PayPal IPN, and call the MassPay API each time a user redeems a prize?
I have attempted to contact Paypal multiple times to no avail.
Not sure which aspect of your question is most problematic for you. I assume that you've looked at the concept diagram at
where the Excel worksheet is roughly analogous to a table's (or query's) worth of payees.
You would normally provide scripting code on your server/website that would submit that payee/amount list through the MassPay API calls against the PayPal website. If you only have one or two payees at a time, this is not the usual way to make a payment to your users (one-offs are generally Adaptive Payments API). It's not a downloadable app, though.
So is your app something the users download and interact with your site? If so, the correct place to put the code that faces PayPal (and actually transfers money around) is on your site's server. Not on the handset.
I finally reached a capable support member of the PayPal Team. The answer I got:
No SDK needed. All I need to do is set up an API call from my server to their server each time I want to reference a payment.