is it possible to set notifications emails by github api? I cant find any information in their docs, but maybe im searching wrong :d
notifications panel
Using Azure DevOps API, I would like to create an application with below functionality
When ever there are changes in azure devops wiki pages, it should notify us using an email
And also when ever there is new Wiki page created , it should notify us through an email.
Can somebody help on whether it is possible or not, If possible please help us with SDK and all.
I am looking for an exact API, which I need to work.
According to my test and try with the Wiki pages API and Wikis API, we seem have no such API can be used to sent email notifications when Wiki pages added or updated.
The workaround, as #jessehouwing mentioned, you can push the wiki pages as the source files of a Git repository in the project. Then you can set the email notifications for code changes in this Git repository.
You can set up a special repository for Wikis in the project.
i've look at and did not find apps that suitable for my needs.
the idea is to notify the user in slack and post the Github url when they were mentioned/tagged in the Github (#username) (similar with when Github sent email notification)
is there a way for a person to be notified in slack?
A lot of people use MailClark to convert email notifications into Slack notifications. When there is a mention in an email, MaiClark recognizes it and converts it as a Slack mention.
So if you link your GitHub notifications to a Slack channel with MailClark, it could work (providing you have the same user name in Slack and in GitHub.) Not sure that it is the best solution, but you still can give it a try!
At the moment for a Github organisation of mine, potential members have to be manually searched for an added. Is there way a to make your Github Organization public, so people can easily and automagically join your cause?
I am a beginner with Github, but have searched a lot and they don't seem to have this feature. Is it a plugin anywhere?
I see 2 problems, either of which would be nice to fix.
Why can't users request an invite to your organisation, even if you have to manually approve?
Why can't I send out bulk invites to say an email list? Or can I do this?
Thanks Stack Overflow
I don't know why Github doesn't offer anything like this functionality. Github Organisations seem still kind of underdone, and I look forward to them making them more useful. For the moment I have something which can help you with one of your problems.
Second Problem: Bulk Invites
After needing bulk invite students for a university club I am a part of, I created thundergolfer/automated-github-organisation-invites. It's a Heroku deploy-able web app that allows anyone with access to the URL to get themselves an organisation invite automatically.
It uses the Github API to do basically what you need. You can send out a bulk email with a link to the web app. Job Done.
First Problem: Users requesting invites
The problem with the above solution is that you don't get a chance to review who requests an invite. They are automatically added. Perhaps when I get time in the future I can extend the project above to allow you to capture requests and then review them before sending out the email.
I am not sure about the first point. But the second point should be no problem. You can use the GitHub API to invite members to your organisation. You can read more about it here:
If using GitHub classroom then you can solve both problems. In the classroom you can add multiple email invites at the same time (or link with a LMS to get the list of people to invite automatically, both are explained here). You can also create an assignment and end up with a link that can be sent to people to join. Within an assignment there can be auto Team and Repo creation.
With your second problem another option is a python script that can bulk invite users to a GitHub organisation:
The webhooks guide lists email as one of the available services, however it seems that this only kicks off when a user actually pushes a change to the repository. How can you configure it so that an email is fired off for every event concerning that repo - issues opened/closed, pull requests, etc.?
You cannot, currently. See this pull request to the github-services which would enable at least pull request notification by email, but it was never merged by GitHub.
As a work-around I currently use IFTTT on my Android device to get notified about pull requests by email.
I am developing an App which has a search functionality for user's emails with Gmail Account, But I don't know exactly how to integrate Gmail account into my app and get the list of all emails. And Please let me know if any Search API is available of Gmail for iOS?
You may want to look into this website because there is no API from Google to get you're emails. You need to do this through the POP protocol.
then see the features here for the library
and download the library here
Hope this will get you started with reading emails and listing them, good luck!
as and addition have a look into:
and another addition:
Interesting too: