Is there any way using azure-devops API, notify us via email if there are any changes in wiki page or If any new wiki pages created - azure-devops

Using Azure DevOps API, I would like to create an application with below functionality
When ever there are changes in azure devops wiki pages, it should notify us using an email
And also when ever there is new Wiki page created , it should notify us through an email.
Can somebody help on whether it is possible or not, If possible please help us with SDK and all.
I am looking for an exact API, which I need to work.

According to my test and try with the Wiki pages API and Wikis API, we seem have no such API can be used to sent email notifications when Wiki pages added or updated.
The workaround, as #jessehouwing mentioned, you can push the wiki pages as the source files of a Git repository in the project. Then you can set the email notifications for code changes in this Git repository.
You can set up a special repository for Wikis in the project.


How to push from Github to Sharepoint Online page using pipeline?

I'm interested in making a set of detailed documentation with a group of people, but need to track changes in the way github works. Like every line, and by who and when. But I want the final changes to appear on a sharepoint online page each time I publish on github. How can I set up a clean and efficient way to push from github to sharepoint online pages?

Is there a way to get Github pull requests notifications on Microsoft teams?

I'm looking for a way to get Github pull requests notifications on Microsoft teams. I've been using the official github Slack bot, and the pull reminders (formerly pull panda) functionality for quite a while now, and I'm sorely missing these features with MS teams. Anyone would know a good SaaS and/or opensource product for this use case?
You might consider a GitHub Actions like Microsoft Teams (Generic)
a GitHub Actions that sends a message to a given channel in Microsoft Teams, with the most generic way.
That way, you can trigger a message on pull-request (GitHub workflow syntax)

Jira automation smart values of github integration

I have the Github integration for Jira and want to set up some Jira automations integrating with Github API. What I'm looking for specifically is the possibility to get hold of either the Github PR id (or the full PR link) from the "smart values" library within Jira.
I've tried[development].pr but it doesn't return anything.
Any ideas if the PR info is exposed as smart values in Jira at all?
All the GitHub related data would be present in the webhookData smart value, which will contain the data sent by GitHub's webhook.
So to access the PR's URL, you can use webhookData.pull_request.html_url as shown in the screenshot below. Similarly, you can access any other field sent by GitHub's webhook payload via webhookData.
Credits: The complete steps on integrating Jira and GitHub using Automation for Jira is provided in Simeon Ross's article.
The issue smart value would have all the data associated with a JIRA issue. You can create custom fields and set them to the issue when the GitHub data is receiver by the webhook. So if you have added any GitHub data to your issue, you can find the json representation of the issue and try finding out the right smart value with customField.value. You can try accessing the custom fields by following the steps in here.

Automate when a UserStory is resolved,upload video from attachment to Yammer as new post as an attachment. The Title of US would be the contents

We're trying to automate when UserStories are resolved in Azure Devops, the attached video on the UserStory gets posted as a New Yammer Post where the contents includes the Title of the UserStory and the video is saved as an attachment to the post. This helps our company keep up to date with new functionality added to the system, to try and keep everyone updated with developments each build.
Since this feature does not supported by service hook or other UI of Azure Devops.
You can try with one third-party website Zappier, and try with Post Yammer messages for updated Visual Studio Online work items.
After click Try it, you will be direct to the page that need you specified the org and Yammer account. Please follow the page step to configure it.
After configure it, please edit the message which you want to achieve:
And then, according to your demand to specified the configuration of Azure Devops and Yammer event condition:

How to add the commit's description to the discord webhook bot messages?

I followed this tutorial to create a Webhook between Github and Discord.
Everything worked as expected and the bot is updating the chat just fine.
Despite searching in the Docs
( ), I
could not find how to configure the bot so it also displays the commit's description.
I don't really know if this is possible, can someone point me how to handle this?
The Discord GitHub webhook does display the first line of the commit which git typically treats as a summary.
The GitHub push webhook publishes a json document containing fields such as head, refs, and a commits array with fields such as message and author.
However, the default Discord webhook expects a simpler json document with just a content field for the message body. This webhook will reject a GitHub push document.
However Discord also provides a special GitHub webhook that understands the payload of the GitHub push webhook. You've set this up but as noted only displays the first line of the commit. There doesn't seem to be any way to customize it.
If you want to display the full commit message, you'll need a custom bot that can receive the GitHub push event, format a new json document in the form expected by the default Discord webhook, and send it to the Discord API.
There is already an app that does this. The developer has abandoned it in favor of the official Discord GitHub webhook but left it running for now. It's easy to integrate and it does display the full commit message. It does require a public GitHub repository however.