Scala Dataframe column split URL parameters to new columns - scala

I have URL data in a column in my dataframe that I need to parse out parameters from the query string and create new columns for.
Sometimes the parameters will exist, sometimes they won't, and they aren't in a specific guaranteed order so I need to be able to find them by name. I am writing this in Qcala but can't get the syntax correct and would love some help.
My code:
val df = Seq(
(1, ""),
(2, "")
).toDF("key", "URL")
val result = df
// .withColumn("param_name", $"URL")
.withColumn("parsed_url", explode(split(expr("parse_url(URL, 'QUERY')"), "&")))
.withColumn("parsed_url2", split($"parsed_url", "="))
// .withColumn("exampletest",$"URL".map(kv: String => (kv.split("=")(0), kv.split("=")(1))) )
.withColumn("Search_OriginLongitude", split($"URL","\\?"))
.withColumn("Search_OriginLongitude2", split($"Search_OriginLongitude"(1),"&"))
// .map(kv: Any => (kv.split("=")(0), kv.split("=")(1)))
// .toMap
// .get("originlongitude"))
Desired Result:
|KEY| URL| originlatitude | originlongitude |
| 1|https://www.myweb...| 35.0133612060147 | -116.156211232302 |
| 2|https://www.myweb...| 19.9141319141121 | -56.1241881401291 |

parse_url function can actually take a third parameter key for the query parameter name you want to extract, like this:
val result = df
.withColumn("Search_OriginLongitude", expr("parse_url(URL, 'QUERY', 'originlatitude')"))
.withColumn("Search_OriginLongitude2", expr("parse_url(URL, 'QUERY', 'originlongitude')"))
//|key| URL|Search_OriginLongitude|Search_OriginLongitude2|
//| 1|https://www.myweb...| 35.0133612060147| -116.156211232302|
//| 2|https://www.myweb...| 19.9141319141121| -56.1241881401291|
Or you can use str_to_map function to create a map of parameter->value like this:
val result = df
.withColumn("URL", expr("str_to_map(split(URL,'[?]')[1],'&','=')"))
.withColumn("Search_OriginLongitude", col("URL").getItem("originlatitude"))
.withColumn("Search_OriginLongitude2", col("URL").getItem("originlongitude"))


Spark Dataframe extracting columns based dynamically selected columns

Schema of input dataframe
- employeeKey (int)
- employeeTypeId (string)
- loginDate (string)
- employeeDetailsJson (string)
For Perm employees , some attributes are available and some not. Same for Contracting Employees.
So looking to find an efficient way to build dataframe based on only selected columns, as against transforming all columns and select the ones which I need.
Also please advise this is the best way to extract values from json string based on a key. As the attributes in the string are dynamic, I can not build StructSchema based on it. So using good old get_json_object.
(spark 2.45 and will use spark 3 in future)
val dfSelectColumns=List("Employee-Key", "Employee-Type","Login-Date","cont.Vendor-Name","cont.Hourly-Rate" )
//val dfSelectColumns=List("Employee-Key", "Employee-Type","Login-Date","perm.Level","perm-Validity","perm.Supervisor" )
val resultDF = inputDF.get
.withColumn("Employee-Key", col("employeeKey"))
.withColumn("Employee-Type", when(col("employeeTypeId") === 1, "Permanent")
.when(col("employeeTypeId") === 2, "Contractor")
.withColumn("Login-Date", to_utc_timestamp(to_timestamp(col("loginDate"), "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"), ""America/Chicago""))
.withColumn("perm.Level", get_json_object(col("employeeDetailsJson"), "$.Grade"))
.withColumn("perm.Validity", get_json_object(col("employeeDetailsJson"), "$.ValidTill"))
.withColumn("perm.SuperVisor", get_json_object(col("employeeDetailsJson"), "$.Supervisor"))
.withColumn("cont.Vendor-Name", get_json_object(col("employeeDetailsJson"), "$.Vendor"))
.withColumn("cont.Hourly-Rate", get_json_object(col("employeeDetailsJson"), "$.HourlyRate"))
.select(dfSelectColumns.head, dfSelectColumns.tail: _*)
I see that you have 2 schemas, one for Permanent and another for Contractor. You can have 2 schemas.
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val schemaBase = new StructType().add("Employee-Key", IntegerType).add("Employee-Type", StringType).add("Login-Date", DateType)
val schemaPerm = schemaBase.add("Level", IntegerType).add("Validity", StringType)// Permanent attributes
val schemaCont = schemaBase.add("Vendor", StringType).add("HourlyRate", DoubleType) // Contractor attributes
Then you can use the 2 schemas to load the data into dataframe.
For Permanent Employee:
val jsonPermDf = Seq( // Construct sample dataframe
(2, """{"Employee-Key":2, "Employee-Type":"Permanent", "Login-Date":"2021-11-01", "Level":3, "Validity":"ok"}""")
, (3, """{"Employee-Key":3, "Employee-Type":"Permanent", "Login-Date":"2020-10-01", "Level":2, "Validity":"ok-yes"}""")
).toDF("key", "raw_json")
val permDf = jsonPermDf.withColumn("data", from_json(col("raw_json"),schemaPerm)).select($"data.*")
For Contractor:
val jsonContDf = Seq( // Construct sample dataframe
(1, """{"Employee-Key":1, "Employee-Type":"Contractor", "Login-Date":"2021-12-01", "Vendor":"technicia", "HourlyRate":29}""")
, (4, """{"Employee-Key":4, "Employee-Type":"Contractor", "Login-Date":"2019-09-01", "Vendor":"Minis", "HourlyRate":35}""")
).toDF("key", "raw_json")
val contDf = jsonContDf.withColumn("data", from_json(col("raw_json"),schemaCont)).select($"data.*")
This is the result datafrme for Permanent:
| 2| Permanent|2021-11-01| 3| ok|
| 3| Permanent|2020-10-01| 2| ok-yes|
This is the result dataframe for Contractor:
|Employee-Key|Employee-Type|Login-Date| Vendor|HourlyRate|
| 1| Contractor|2021-12-01|technicia| 29.0|
| 4| Contractor|2019-09-01| Minis| 35.0|
If the schema of the JSON in employeeDetailsJson is unstable, you can still parse it into Map(String, String) type using from_json function with schema map<string,string>. Then you can explode the map column and pivot to get keys as columns.
val df1 = df.withColumn(
from_json(col("employeeDetailsJson"), "map<string,string>")
).groupBy("employeeKey", "employeeTypeId", "loginDate")
//|employeeKey|employeeTypeId|loginDate |Grade|HourlyRate|Supervisor|ValidTill |Vendor |
//|1 |1 |2021-02-05'T'21:28:06|100 |29 |Alex |2021-12-01|technicia|

How to Transform a Spark Scala Nested Map within a Map Data Structure?

I want to write a nested data structure consisting of a Map inside another Map using an array of a Scala case class.
The result should transform this dataframe:
|Value|Country| Timestamp| Sum|
| 123| ITA|1475600500|18.0|
| 123| ITA|1475600516|19.0|
|value |
The actualResult dataset below gets me close but the structure isn't quite the same as my expected dataframe.
case class Record(value: Integer, attributes: Map[String, Map[String, BigDecimal]])
val actualResult = df
.map(r =>
r.getAs[String]("Country") ->
r.getAs[String]("Timestamp") -> new BigDecimal(
The Timestamp column in the actualResult dataset doesn't get combined together into the same Record row but rather creates two separate rows instead.
|value |
With the use of groupBy and collect_list by creatng combined column using struct I was able to get single row as below output.
val mycsv =
| 123|ITA|1475600500|18.0
| 123|ITA|1475600516|19.0
val df: DataFrame ="header", true)
.option("sep", "|")
.option("inferSchema", true)
val df1 = df.
.agg( collect_list(struct(col("Country"), col("Timestamp"), col("Sum"))).alias("attributes")).drop("Country")
val json = df1.toJSON // you can save in to file
Result combined 2 rows
|Value|Country| Timestamp| Sum|
|123.0|ITA |1475600500|18.0|
|123.0|ITA |1475600516|19.0|
|value |

Is there any way to subtract two dataframes with alphanumeric datatype. I tried using except but the count of records is not coming correctly

I am trying to subtract two data frames in scala and my datatypes are alphanumeric like I have a string as the data type for id column. I tried using except
df2, how='outer', indicator=True
).query('_merge == "left_only"').drop('_merge', 1)
val df1 = Seq(("1","2019-04-03 14:45:00","1"),("2","2019-04-03 14:45:00","1"),("3","2019-04-03 14:45:00","1")).toDF("ID","Timestamp","RowNum")
val df2 = Seq(("2","2019-04-03 13:45:00","2"),("3","2019-04-03 13:45:00","2")).toDF("ID","Timestamp","RowNum")
val idDiff ="ID").except("ID"))
val outputDF = df1.join(idDiff, "ID")
But nothing helps. I was not getting the correct count. Any help will be appreciated.
So the outputDF should contains only one record "1","2019-04-03 14:45:00","1" ?
I've ran your code and looks like it works, you can get same result with left_anti join.
val idDiff ="ID").except("ID"))
val outputDF = df1.join(idDiff, "ID")
| ID| Timestamp|RowNum|
| 1|2019-04-03 14:45:00| 1|
| ID| Timestamp|RowNum|
| 1|2019-04-03 14:45:00| 1|

How to create a DataFrame from List?

I want to create DataFrame df that should look as simple as this:
| timestamp| col2|
|2018-01-11| 123|
This is what I do:
val values = List(List("timestamp", "2018-01-11"),List("col2","123")).map(x =>(x(0), x(1)))
val df = values.toDF
And this is what I get:
| _1| _2|
| col2| 123|
What's wrong here?
val df = List(("2018-01-11", "123")).toDF("timestamp", "col2")
toDF expects the input list to contain one entry per resulting Row
Each such entry should be a case class or a tuple
It does not expect column "headers" in the data itself (to name columns - pass names as arguments of toDF)
If you don't know the names of the columns statically you can use following syntax sugar
.toDF( columnNames: _*)
Where columnNames is the List with the names.
EDIT (sorry, I missed that you had the headers glued to each column).
Maybe something like this could work:
val values = List(
List("timestamp", "2018-01-11"),
val heads = // extracts headers of columns
val cols = // extracts columns without headers
val rows = cols(0).zip(cols(1)) // zips two columns into list of rows
rows.toDF(heads: _*)
This would work if the "values" contained two longer lists, but it does not generalize to more lists.

How to fetch the value and type of each column of each row in a dataframe?

How can I convert a dataframe to a tuple that includes the datatype for each column?
I have a number of dataframes with varying sizes and types. I need to be able to determine the type and value of each column and row of a given dataframe so I can perform some actions that are type-dependent.
So for example say I have a dataframe that looks like:
| foo | bar |
| 12345 | fnord |
| 42 | baz |
I need to get
(("12345", "Integer"), ("fnord", "String")),
(("42", "Integer"), ("baz", "String"))
or something similarly simple to iterate over and work with programmatically.
Thanks in advance and sorry for what is, I'm sure, a very noobish question.
If I understand your question correct, then following shall be your solution.
val df = Seq(
(12345, "fnord"),
(42, "baz"))
.toDF("foo", "bar")
This creates dataframe which you already have.
| foo| bar|
| 42| baz|
Next step is to extract dataType from the schema of the dataFrame and create a iterator.
val fieldTypesList = => struct.dataType)
Next step is to convert the dataframe rows into rdd list and map each value to dataType from the list created above
val dfList = => row.toString().replace("[","").replace("]","").split(",").toList)
val tuples = => => (value, fieldTypesList(list.indexOf(value)))))
Now if we print it
It would give
List((12345,IntegerType), (fnord,StringType))
List((42,IntegerType), (baz,StringType))
Which you can iterate over and work with programmatically