How to Run Java3D on Window10 with Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630 Card(DirectX), using Eclipse - eclipse

I could not load a 3D object using Java3D 1.5.1. I tried a few examples like:
(1) from
The major error for this and other Java 3D Applications is "no J3D in java.library.path" like this screenshot
Errors with Java3D Applications
I have put "j3dcore-ogl.dll" in C:\Window and other system folders, but when I run "regsvr32 j3dcore-ogl.dll", I got 'The module "j3dcore-ogl.dll" was loaded but the entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found.' I tried but failed to find an OpenGL driver for my Graphic Card. I tried but failed to switch to the DirectX option as documented in the "Java3D/1.5.1/README.html".
(2) (Toy Plane) from
The major error from this and other Java 3D Applets is "Could not find or load main class sun.applet.AppletViewer" like this screenshot
Errors with Java3D Applets
I changed my JRM to JavaSE-8 but has no effect. The author, Mykeynavbeh or fukinotou11d (his username here and on Youtube Channel) seems have been running these applets and application with a PC successfully. I really wish someone like him could help me out. Thank you all in advance. Perry

[1] Is j3dcore-ogl.dll in C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdkx.x.x\jre\bin? (For the 64-bit version, Program Files)
Please check
are in the above bin folder,
are in C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdkx.x.x\jre\lib\ext
If the required files are in the correct directories, I think Java3D programs should work fine using Java3D 1.5.1 in Java8.
If they are not in the above folders, probably something wrong with the installer for Java 3D (for the 64-bit installer, sometimes one of the required .dlls was missing), or you didn't reinstall Java3D after the new JDK is installed, for example after updating JDK from 1.7 to 1.8.
If you can't find these files in the above folders, try the following manually:
Copy these .dll files from C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\Java3D\x.x.x\bin
to C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdkx.x.x\jre\bin.
Copy these .jar files from C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\Java3D\x.x.x\lib\ext to C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdkx.x.x\jre\lib\ext.
Please install (copy) the above files while watching my video,
"How to Put a MetasequoiaLE(Free) Model into Java 3D_2," 1:34
because their locations are a little hard to find.
[2] You may want to use Java3D 1.6. Java3D 1.5.1 is no longer maintained. On the other hand, Java3D 1.6 is actively maintained by devoted developers. Native libraries (.dll) are wrapped up in jogamp-fat.jar, so you don't have to worry about .dll files.
This program is a java application extending the Applet class, and not an applet to be executed in an AppletViewer or on a web browser. It can be executed as an ordinary java program as it is in Java8, and can be distributed as a .jar file.
I used to display applets in that website. The site name "Java3D Applets" comes from this. Sorry for the confusion and misleading. I removed those applets because they could not be used any more, and instead started posting there simple Java 3D application source code. Google notified that starting September 1, 2021, the Classic Google Sites would no longer be viewable, so I moved the contents of the old site to the new site, and rearranged the site:


mscorlib.dll is an invalid CIL image

I downloaded the new beta version of Unity (5.5.0b2) and when I open any project I always get an exception in the console that says:
The file C:\Program Files\Unity 5.5.0b2\Editor\Data\MonoBleedingEdge\lib/mscorlib.dll is an invalid CIL image
I really don't have any clue to what this means and what to do about it, I can't even enter play mode, any advice on how to solve this?
I'm currently on Windows 7 64 bit, the Unity version installed is 64 bit, too, I tried installing it on the main hard drive and the secondary but the error is still there.
I installed version 5.4.0f3 and replaced the folder MonoBleedingEdge of the version 5.5.0b2 with the one found in the previous version.
The folder is located at Unity 5.5.0b2\Editor\Data.

Getting an error when trying to build the CubicPilot sample from the Unity Google Play plugin

i just watched this video about the Google Play Games plugin for Unity, and readed about how to set it up here.
But i get this error when i try to build the CubicPilot sample:
Error building Player: Win32Exception: ApplicationName='C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\javac.exe', CommandLine='-bootclasspath "C:/Users/Danny/Desktop/adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20131030/sdk/platforms/android-19\android.jar" -d
I've followed all the steps to set it up but i was not really sure about the step called:
"Additional instructions on building for Android on Windows" (Im using windows 7)
My computer had no JAVA_HOME enviroment variable, so i tried to create one and set the path to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7 (I had no idea what i was doing, but it didn't work)
The instructions said that i had to set it to:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45.
However, there were no jdk1.7.0_45, so i just set it to the jre7 which was the only folder.
And i also didn't understand the "Add the Java SDK's bin folder to your PATH environment variable".
I hope someone can help me with the issue.
Thanks in advance.
How to change the path environment variable:
I never experienced this error on unity before, but i got some issues like that programming for google app engine and android apps.
So, try download the jdk and use it instead of the jre. it has more features for developers, many of my problems (in another environments) were solved when I passed to use the jdk.

win32com.dll in Eclipse incompatible with 64 bit version. RXTX?

I have a 64 Windows 7 computer, and I need to run win32com in order to create a connection between my computer and a microcontroller. However, I ran into the same problem as seen here:
Error with win32com.dll in Eclipse
My post on the thread above was deleted, so I'm asking the question here.
I tried downloading RXTX as tmwoods said, but I'm still having some issues. I think I misunderstand how to go installing RXTX.
I downloaded and placed the files tmwoods mentionned into my program file / java / lib (etc...) appropriately, but my Java program still needs to be referenced to the win32com.dll file, or else it won't compile. And that win32com.dll file is still in 32 bits, so Java still can't process it. (Another question I've been wondering: I also have a program File (x86) file in my Windows folder, and I noticed some RXTX downloads on the web offer a x86 version. Should I download that then?)
How can I get around this issue? Could someone please explain in more detail how to solve this problem? Thanks a bunch!
In the end, I found the solution: I used jSSC instead of RXTX, and it worked fine.
Just google java-simple-serial-connector - jSSC - java serial port communication.
Hope this will come in handy if anyone in the future has the same problem I did.

Reference errors building OpenCV Android CVCamera_MSER sample app

I'm relatively new to Android development, as well as OpenCV. I've tried out some OpenCV samples found with the sdk (using OpenCV2.4.2), as well as some here offered by Stanford University. The first two samples by Stanford worked fine (histogram equalization and color histogram). However I've spent almost a week now trying to get the remaining three to run.
I've already installed Android ndk and tried a hello world android app using ndk once and the three sample projects in question seem to all need native code (thus ndk).
On selecting the project in eclipse the console reads:
<terminated> Native Builder CVCamera_MSER [Program] C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe
/usr/bin/bash: 1ine 0: cd: /home/Davidchen/opencv/android/apps/cvCamera_MSER: No such file or directory
I tried building the native project using the commands in the command line (as I understood from here):
cd {project path}
{ndk path}/ndk-build
However scores of errors appeared, all reference-related, since there are inumerable references to home/DavidChen. There is no folder on my computer named DavidChen. My guess is that there is a reference somewhere to the project path within the cygwin home folder of the project's author. I still cannot find where this faulty reference is specified however so that I could alter it to an existing one instead; I've looked into the paths and symbols under the C/C++ General Project Properties in eclipse as well as the source files, both native code and java code.
When I've tried it on cgywin's console, it still didn't work.
The errors are upon trying to run the project CVCamera_MSER, under the project video titled Local Feature Points found in the link provided above (also [here][14] for convenience). I've also tried running the projects Edges, Lines, and Circles and Feature Tracking with no success.
I'm using Eclipse Indigo Service Release 2 running on Windows7 x64bit.
Thank you for your time.

How to set up Eclipse for FPGA design in VHDL and Verilog)?

I am new with Eclipse, I have used it for SW development and in Altra environment for Nios processor. But now, I have a pretty large project that I have to manage and I would like to use Eclipse to have all the files in the system to make it easier to manage and update.
The project has multiple directories for various IPs and has multiple targets for ASCI, Xilinx and Altera FPGAs. In a near future the project will support both NIOS, Microblaze and ARM processors and I would really like to keep the whole project in one Eclipse project file if possible. I have tried several different options, but nothing seems to work properly.
I am looking for some freeware and not commercial programs like Sigasi.
Thanks in advance,
This is an update to let others know about my progress.
Well, I finally managed to get it to work.
I installed the latest version of Eclipse on my PC
Installed version 6 of Java (the only one I could get to work)
Installed the latest version of the VEditor into Eclipse.
Mounted the Linux project directory as my P disk on PC
created a new project in Eclipse and linked it to the one on the P drive.
It took some time to figure this out, but it now works perfectly.
These are the ones I know of:
Veditor (beta) -
sigasi free -
signs (no longer in development) -
zamiaCAD (replacement of signs) -