MySQL extension not working in GeoServer 2.19.3 - mysql-connector

I downloaded the MySQL extension for GeoServer but the option for adding a MySQL database as a new store in GeoServer is not displayed. There are no issues reported in the log after restarting GeoServer.
My GeoServer version: 2.19.3
MySQL extension:
I copied the zip archive contents to /opt/apache-tomcat-8.5.73/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib
I also modified the ownership of each file in the archive
to tomcat:chown -R tomcat:tomcat
I restarted GeoServer.
The log details can be found here:!AoHzL3uXbH31izDQWgrzDijr6uLY?e=8zeU8i
Any suggestions would be welcome.


Using QGIS project saved in Postgres as project file for QGIS server

I am trying to set up a Qgis server on debian that uses a Qgis project file stored in a Postgres db.
To get started I followed the official Qgis Training Module Lesson 12.1.
When using a project file stored locally on the server, it works fine.
Now I tried to change the "default qgis project" in the qgis.demo.conf file and indicate my project file stored in the postgres database according to this template : postgresql://localhost:5432?sslmode=disable&dbname=mydb&schema=myschema&project=myproject which I found in the QGIS User Guide.
My edited line in the qgis.demo.conf looks like this:
SetEnv QGIS_PROJECT_FILE postgresql://localhost:5432?sslmode=disable&dbname=Test&schema=public&project=world
When doing a GetCapabilities request I now get:
"WMS configuration error" There was an error reading the project file or the SLD configuration.
I looked in the qgis.server.log to understand what is going wrong.
"Error, configuration file 'postgresql://localhost:5432?(...)' does not exist"
I am able to access the stored project file with qgis and with pgadmin 4 I can see that it is stored in the database.
Do I indicate the project file wrong?
you should complete the connectionstring with user and password
SetEnv QGIS_PROJECT_FILE postgresql://user:password#localhost:5432?sslmode=disable&dbname=Test&schema=public&project=world

How to change default H2 database to Postgresql for Kie Workbench (JBPM 7.2.0) running under existing under Wildfly (10.1.0) manually?

I have an existing Wildfly installation containing other apps. Besides that I want to deploy Kie Workbench too. Here I do not want to use the demo installation using Ant, which starts downloading and installing JBoss afresh.
My existing environment is below.
OS: Windows Server
Database: Postgres 9.6.1
JDBC: postgresql-42.1.4.jar
App Server: wildfly-10.1.0.Final
BPM/Drools App: kie-wb-7.2.0.Final-wildfly10.war
I deployed the Kie Workbench by downloading the war file from here:
Now I would like to change the default H2 database driver with Postgresql 9.6.
Prior to this I created users and datasources already and had a workable kie-wb site, but only problem is: it is running on H2.
Any help appreciated in replacing H2 with Postgresql driver.
This post explains how to use Postresql with Wildfly 10.
According to this page you can just drop the Kies application to the deployments directory. This means probably that it uses the "default" H2 data source. Hence you must change jndi-name and pool-name of the newly added Postgresql in step 1 to those of the H2 and comment the H2 data source.
I performed the below steps. But somewhere I went wrong, not sure where. I am unable to login to the kie workbench.
JBPM App Server Configuration for PostgreSQL
Uncompress the zip file: jbpm-installer-full-7.2.0.Final file
Update release.version=7.2.0.Final in
Remove references of H2 in file
Add postgresql references in file including jdbc driver details and download url
Change H2 hibernate dialect to that of PostgreSQLDialect in jbpm-persistence-JPA2.xml file
Change all H2 reference and replace with PostgreSQL in standalone-wildfly-10.1.0.Final.xml, standalone-full-wildfly-10.1.0.Final.xml files
Change default datasource to jBPMDS in those two files:
Upload Postgres Driver and create module.xml file with the postgresql driver using JBOSS-CLI commands.
Issue the below ant commands from the directory of the expanded zip files:
ant clean.generated.ddl
ant download.ddl.dependencies
ant install.jboss
ant install.jBPM-console.into.jboss
Make sure standalone.xml and standalone-full.xml are being copied into the Wildfly configuration directory correctly.
Move the wildfly directory to the location of the JBOSS_HOME, or create environment variable pointing to the same.
Create the directory modules\org\postgresql\main in JBOSS_HOME home and copy files: module.xml, postgresql-42.1.4.jar
Add admin user in the Management Realm: admin
Add JBPM users with roles in braces in Application Realm: kieserver(kie-server), workbench(admin,kie-server)
Run the sql scripts from ddl_dependency folder as the ant script is failing.
Issue standalone -b -c standalone-full.xml command
Bing! you are done!

neo4j apoc import/export not working. How to modify the neo4j.conf file?

I am a beginner user of neo4j. I am trying to export a simple graph in .graphml format in order to be able to visualize it in Gephi. Even though the apoc procedures seem to be successfully installed, a command like CALL apoc.export.graphml.all("C:/path/to/folder/file.graphml",{}) generates the following error:
apoc.export.graphml.all is not available due to having restricted
access rights, check configuration*.
I tried to modify the neo4j.conf file (which I copied and pasted into the conf folder of the default graph database folder in Documents) adding, shutting down and restarting neo4j with no success.
I am using Windows 10 and I have installed the NEO4J 3.2.1 Community Edition version (installer version). Any help appreciated.
I tried to modify the "neo4j.conf" file (which I copied and pasted
into the conf folder of the default graph database folder in
Documents) adding "*",
shutting down and restarting neo4j with no success.
According the documentation, the correct file location of neo4j.conf file for Windows installations is %APPDATA%\Neo4j Community Edition\neo4j.conf.
So edit the above file and put into it the line*".

could not load library for oracle_fdw

I am facing issue while creating oracle_fdw.
I have copied oracle_fdw.dll to postgres lib folder *
both .sql file and control file to shrared/extension
now when I connect to psql with superadmin user & make an query
create extension oracle_fdw;
I am getting response
ERROR: could not load library "D:/postgresdb/lib/oracle_fdw.dll": The specified procedure could not be found.
From the error it seems that the oracle_fdw library is not available in the lib folder of postGreSQL installation directory.
You may download the Oracle fdw extension/or library file from - please download the one suitable to your system environment(eg : 32bit windows/64bit).
Extract the downloaded .zip file.
copy the oracle_fdw.dll from \oracle_fdw-1.4.0-pg95-win64\lib folder to \Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\lib dir
2.copy all the files from oracle_fdw-1.4.0-pg95-win64\share\extension to \Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\share\extension
Now restart postGreSQL server and try.
Note : Always download and use compatible version of library; e.g.: PostgreSQL 9.5 version you should download same version of oracle_fdw zip.
Just had the same problem so this is what i did to resolve it. Not sure if all steps are needed since i was trying untill it worked.
Instant Client Package
Instant Client Package - SQL*Plus
Instant Client Package - ODBC
From oracle (
Unzipped everything to one folder (c:\oracle)
Ran odbc_install in that folder
Added folder to PATH variable (System properties - Environment variables)
Restarted postgresql server
After that it worked. Also notice that you need the same version as your server (x86, x64).
Hope this helps.

Odbc_fdw.control is missing

I am using cartoDB and Postgres 9.3 including PostGIS. When I try to create development user in cartoDB I get this error:
ERROR: could not open extension control file "/usr/share/postgresql/9.3/extension/odbc_fdw.control": No such file or directory
Also, when I try to run odbc_fdw extension inside Postgres I get the same error.
Any idea how to fix it?
You have to install the files odbc_fdw--0.0.1.sql and odbc_fdw.control in the extension subdirectory of the PostgreSQL share directory.
You can find the PostgreSQL share directory with pg_config --sharedir.
In your case the files have to be installed in /usr/share/postgresql/9.3/extension.