could not load library for oracle_fdw - postgresql

I am facing issue while creating oracle_fdw.
I have copied oracle_fdw.dll to postgres lib folder *
both .sql file and control file to shrared/extension
now when I connect to psql with superadmin user & make an query
create extension oracle_fdw;
I am getting response
ERROR: could not load library "D:/postgresdb/lib/oracle_fdw.dll": The specified procedure could not be found.

From the error it seems that the oracle_fdw library is not available in the lib folder of postGreSQL installation directory.
You may download the Oracle fdw extension/or library file from - please download the one suitable to your system environment(eg : 32bit windows/64bit).
Extract the downloaded .zip file.
copy the oracle_fdw.dll from \oracle_fdw-1.4.0-pg95-win64\lib folder to \Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\lib dir
2.copy all the files from oracle_fdw-1.4.0-pg95-win64\share\extension to \Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\share\extension
Now restart postGreSQL server and try.
Note : Always download and use compatible version of library; e.g.: PostgreSQL 9.5 version you should download same version of oracle_fdw zip.

Just had the same problem so this is what i did to resolve it. Not sure if all steps are needed since i was trying untill it worked.
Instant Client Package
Instant Client Package - SQL*Plus
Instant Client Package - ODBC
From oracle (
Unzipped everything to one folder (c:\oracle)
Ran odbc_install in that folder
Added folder to PATH variable (System properties - Environment variables)
Restarted postgresql server
After that it worked. Also notice that you need the same version as your server (x86, x64).
Hope this helps.


error: PostgreSQL/15/lib/timescaledb-2.9.3.dll Unable to load library The specified module could not be found

i have problem when i install timescaledb.
i installed postgresql-15.2-1-windows-x64, timescaledb-postgresql-15_latest-windows-amd64.
i followed install manual.
but i have error message which is '오류: "C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/15/lib/timescaledb-2.9.3.dll" 라이브러리를 불러 올 수 없음: The specified module could not be found.' when i write 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS timescaledb;' on postgres cmd.
how can i fix it?
i tried that move files(ssleay32.dll , libeay32.dll) to C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\15\bin folder.
but i have same problem.
Please, check if the configuration parameter shared_preload_libraries is in the postgresql.conf file and it matches the TimescaleDB .dll folder.
If the dll is not located there, you may need to move the library to the correct directory or update the configuration file to reflect the correct path.
Have you checked any different errors in the server logs?
Also, the troubleshooting doc can be useful:
and a recent question on timescaledb forum:

Unable to connect Oracle database using SQL Developer in MACOS. Time zone error

I am using MAC OS. SQL Developer is not installed. Only zip file is in apolication folder. And when I click on the zip file, it extracts only one file - SQLDevelopr.exe. No others files or folders. Where do I find .conf file? And add my timezone?

neo4j apoc import/export not working. How to modify the neo4j.conf file?

I am a beginner user of neo4j. I am trying to export a simple graph in .graphml format in order to be able to visualize it in Gephi. Even though the apoc procedures seem to be successfully installed, a command like CALL apoc.export.graphml.all("C:/path/to/folder/file.graphml",{}) generates the following error:
apoc.export.graphml.all is not available due to having restricted
access rights, check configuration*.
I tried to modify the neo4j.conf file (which I copied and pasted into the conf folder of the default graph database folder in Documents) adding, shutting down and restarting neo4j with no success.
I am using Windows 10 and I have installed the NEO4J 3.2.1 Community Edition version (installer version). Any help appreciated.
I tried to modify the "neo4j.conf" file (which I copied and pasted
into the conf folder of the default graph database folder in
Documents) adding "*",
shutting down and restarting neo4j with no success.
According the documentation, the correct file location of neo4j.conf file for Windows installations is %APPDATA%\Neo4j Community Edition\neo4j.conf.
So edit the above file and put into it the line*".

Configure SQuirreL for DB2

How to configure SQuirreL for DB2 access.
In SQuirreL I do see two DB2 drivers. But they are both marked with an red X.
I checked with Start Page but did not find an easy solution :/
Download the DB2 Driver from the IBM Website and extract the ZIP archive.
Optionally you may want to copy it from the DB2 Server installation path:
Use db2jcc4.jar and copy it into the squirrel folder e.g. plugins/db2
In der Driver in the tab "Extra Class Path" add the db2jcc4.jar file
Change the class name to

error while creating Postgres extension www_fdw

I want to use www_fdw extension of PostgreSQL in order to read data from web services. I used this command to create extension:
but it gives me following error:
could not open extension control file "C:/Program Files
(x86)/PostgreSQL/9.6/share/extension/www_fdw.control": No such file or
I am working in Windows.
Any idea whats the reason for error?
The problem was solved when I installed mingw64 and msys. I compiled postgresql server in my machine and I used the:
build packages for www_fdw:
and copied the related folders in the related directories (bin, lib, share) in postgresql folder.
Thanks a-horse-with-no-name!