How to start a new navigation stack? - swift

I am building an IOS App and I have a flow that enables users to build and share a post. First they start on a home screen, where they select the media, then another screen to write the paragraph and another one to edit the media and so on. At the end they share the post and I want them to come back to the root view and start the whole flow all over again but without the ability to navigate back.
How do I achieve that? I could technically hack it by disabling the back button in the root view but that doesn't feel clean.
Ideally, I would need to delete the current navigation stack and start a new one when they navigate back to home. Is there a way to do that?
If not, what is the standard way of doing it?


Push navigator Flutter

if I have an app and open 2 pages with push navigator, is there any way to open the 3rd page in order to delete the second one (and the first page remain)?
I don't know if it went well to understand my doubt
I believe you want to navigate to the next screen without the way back.
You can refer to the question, Move to a new screen without providing navigate back to previous screen and use Navigator.pushReplacement

How to clear routing without moving to another page Flutter Getx

I can go to my page PgMain by a lot of way (end of action, logout, button go to menu, button back, system back button, etc.). I want clear my routing every time, where I open PgMain page. How to do it inside PgMain class, for example inside build method? As I said previously, I have a lot of ways to go to PgMain, and not at every case I can use Get.offAll() method
whenever you navigate to PgMain page.

Ionic either doesn't show back button or page doesn't load at all

I am trying to create a new page from an existing page with a back button. I have recreated the issue here in a plunkr. In the trip analytics option When I click the first card i.e. Enter Home address. I want the todayDetail .html page to come up with a back button. I have already tried two approaches
First approach The ng-click approach. In which I give $state.go(statename) to give that page. But then I wouldn't get a back button as the navigation stack is changed.
Second approach - If I keep the navigation stack i.e. keep the state name as The page doesn't load at all.
What is the issue? How should I go about it?

Usability for confirm message in a long form

I term of usability, I'm wondering what's the best solution to display my confirm message.
I have a long form, and in small screen I can't see the top of the form.
When I'm submitting my form, where is the best position for my message "Your information has been saved"?
In the top of the form, and I add an automatic scroll up ?
In the bottom close to the save button?
In a dialog box?
Other solutions?
I tried to find that on Internet but nothing really interesting. Please quote your source if you have an answer for me.
If this is the only place in your application that has this functionality, it doesn't matter so much; if you already have it working one way or the other somewhere else, consistency is the most important.
Where will the user need to navigate to next? If navigation is at the top, auto-scrolling them to the top and showing a message there might be appropriate.
If the navigation is on the left side, auto-scrolling will lose the user's place in the page, which will make navigation harder. In this case, tell them right next to the submit button.
If there's only one place they can navigate to next, skip the AJAX and do an interstitial "success!" screen that also takes them to the next place they'll want to navigate.
But most of all? Consistency with the rest of your app.

How do I create a simple two-screen iPhone app?

I've gone through most of the example code and I still need some help. I want to make an uber-simple app: show one screen at startup with a label and a button. click the button and we slide over to another screen (I suppose these are called views) which has another label and the "back" button in the top menu bar. I just want to click back and forth between the two screens.
How do I do this?
Take a look at the NavBar sample on Apple's Developer website.
You'll need to use a UINavigationController to accomplish the "slide"/"back button" behavior you're talking about. It is as simple as you might think, as long as the app is setup correctly. Essentially, UINavigationControllers allow you to push and pop instances of UIViewController or subclasses thereof, and take care of the animation and view history tracking for you.
The best way to get started, by far, is just open XCode, choose "New Project", and start with the "Navigation-Based Application." Dig around that project for a while and I think you'll start to see clearly what needs to be done.
You can checkout how to get started with that using this tutorial: at