Is it possible to add two different background images when sliverAppBar collapsed and when it's expanded in flutter? - flutter

Hi, everyone! I want to add two different images for SliverAppBar. One for when app bar collapsed and one for expanded app bar. In the above image for collapsed app bar. And below image for expanded app bar.
How can I achieve that? And how I can animate images to transfer smoothly from expanded to collapsed and reversely? Please help!


Is there any way I can implement pull down appbar in flutter?

Can anyone suggest to me how can I build a pull-down appbar. I searched the whole net but can't find any idea regarding this. It would be great if anyone could guide or suggest to me to build the appbar.
Many developers are saying to use SliverAppBar. SliverAppBar basically collapses the app bar when we scroll up the listview or any other widget, whereas I want an app bar that pulls down i.e when we tap the app bar and scroll it down only the app bar grows on top of the body. So basically when we navigate to the home screen the app bar should look like the second referred image i.e it must be closed. But we can pull down that appbar to view the hidden contents of the appbar. I am attaching an image for reference.
I Think what you mean what pull down App is an Appbar that expands try.
the silver Appbar

I want to make a container under app bar which works like a secondary App Bar where I can put my back icon button and title in the center in flutter

I have tried everything. But I can't find a permanent solution How to put the title in the center while my back icon button on the left side. I want to use this secondary app bar on every screen of my app.
Please check the image below for a better understanding.
This is the problem that I am facing
Take a ListView Widget at body of Scaffold and in its children put first widget as a ListTile that comes under AppBar. So that there will be a leading icon and title in center. After that take a Column and add your needed widgets for every page.

Is there a way to add shadow behind the app bar action buttons in Flutter?

I am using SliverAppBar widget with some background image behind it. Since the image I will load will be dynamic, sometimes it can have light colors and can cause the back button (or any other action button) to be hardly visible.
As you can see in the screenshot below, I gave a little shadow to the app bar title using TextStyle & Shadow widgets, so it is much more visible than the back button.
You can try use "elevation" here is the Flutter link for more clarification:

How to remove the space at the bottom in Flutter?

I am a newbie Flutter developer. How do you make the beggar photo fill up to the space at the bottom?
if you want to remove the button bar that stays at the bottom of your app then this should help you
Note: this will also remove the android status bar at the top, if you just want your button bar removed SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIOverlays([SystemUiOverlay.bottom]); this should do it
In your Image widget there is a property called fit in that use
you can also add height/width as

Flutter Not able to achieve PageView like Swipeable Tabs inside Parent ListView

This is a Flutter Specific Query.
I Want to achieve the Layout Referenced in the Image above. Two Tabs
Below a Container.
The Tabs can be switched using Swipe Animation like that in a
Page View.
The Tabs Contain Dynamically Generated Widgets from Provider.
The Entire Page along with the Fixed Container must be
When Switching between the Tabs the fixed container should stay
in place and only tab Content(Column of Widgets) should swipe
left and right.
What I've Tried :
Using a Parent List View and Nesting the Fixed Container Child
and Using Tab Bar to switch the Widget using Animated Switcher and
Slide Animation. Here the Problem is i cannot swipe left and right
and create the Page View like Effect. I also tried Nesting Page-View
inside List-View but since the Page-View does not have a fixed height
( because the tab contents are dynamically generated ).
A few many more concepts i tried to tackle but the issue every time was
that the tab contents are not having a fixed height.
I really want to achieve this Layout and i want to know if there's any way.