Is there a way to disable auto-formatting code in OpenModelica? - modelica

I have created several models manually in OpenModelica using the text editor, most of which are nested inside of packages. When I am building a model in this way, I will typically keep things aligned for readability.
Sometimes when I am working with the graphical tool, OpenModelica auto-formats the entire file rather than just the section that I am working on. Is there any way to prevent this behavior?


Is there a way to draw multi-page mind map diagrams with PlantUML?

I have tried using different MindMap diagrams and it looks like this field didn't get enough attention in software development community, so I cannot find enough info on other resources.
Anyway, I use PlantUML to draw Mind Map diagram. The issue is that I draw it from the website, so it gets nested to 6th level and deeper. In PlantUML I can use it either as plain PlantUML or save as PNG file. (It doesn't seem support other formats)
There are several questions but the main is, how can I save/split it as a multi-page?
Sub-questions which also can be answers in my case, how to organise Mind Map to make it readable in PNG? How to keep it on single PNG? Are there other formats supported?
Even though this question asks about specific tool (PlantUML), this question touches fundamental question. I struggle to have this peace ready in my software and it is crucial part before the release.
Here is example of the PNG file I receive after conversion .puml to .png:
NOTE: The .puml file was too long for to render. The length of the file is 16754 lines.
As I wrote in my comment above, SVG representations of a large Mind Map might be more easily navigated:
Try PlantUML using VSCode and this extension:
If you use Local rendering (you have to install PlantUML and configure it on your local machine) you can use large diagrams and produce SVG output. I don't use the IntelliJ plug-in, so I'm not sure if you can also generate SVG with it.

What's the point of using UnityEditor assembly if you can't build project?

As the title says.
I use a couple of scripts that extend the Unity editor functionality, like SceneAsset class or TagSelector attribute, but now I just realized I can't build my project because of them and now I have to delete all of these and replace them with normal string and fill it myself, which I was avoiding until now.
Do I use these classes only for development? I know I can use #if UNITY_EDITOR #endif so part of the code will only work if built via Unity Editor, but in my case, this seems ugly because I want to declare fields via the inspector. Do I have to declare multiple fields for the same thing and separate the usage or is it possible to make two versions for one field so I don't have to change the code?
You can't have anything using UnityEditor in a build since this namespace is completely stripped of.
You only use it so you can implement editor scripts that simply only extend the functionality of the Unity Editor itself ... custom Inspectors/Windows etc.
Make sure you
Either put these in folders called Editor! these are excluded from the build automatically
Or use the pre-processors as you mentioned
Serialized fields should be used for both, editor and build (otherwise you will always get some warning about mismatching serialization layouts). If you need them for the editor, just keep them for the build as well even if they are not really of use there - they don't hurt and nobody will see them anyway.

Reformat code style with another code style when using GitHub

Context : I'm working in a large project (more than 20 developpers) and we just set a "default" code style we should always apply before commit our files. The whole actual project is already updated with the "default" code style so we won't have thousand of lines that appear "modified" when we only update 2 lines of code and reformat code.
Everyone is using his own code style and when they forget to reformat code before pushing, it messes up everything.
Question : is it possible to automatically reformat code with a different code style (other than actual one) when one saves or commits or pushes files ?
We are using Android Studio and GitHub. Thanks.
No, this is not possible as of Android Studio 1.1.
Generally speaking, everyone using their own code style is not a sustainable approach for a project. Consider that Google, a company where the number of developers is three orders of magniture larger, somehow manages to agree on a single code style for all of their projects.
It's a terrible idea, since automatic style formatters always mess up, purging even intentional style violations done for extra readability. It's incredibly hard to design a formal style definition that encompasses all cases.
So it's best to agree on a single style and use it throughout the project.
Well, if you're still certain and you've found a command-line utility able to reformat code to your liking, you can hang it onto the Git's (not Github's) pre-commit hook, so that it's run for every commit attempt.

Using a build system for reproducible research?

I am doing a research project that involves a pipeline of programs, each generating an output file that becomes the input for the next program. I would like to make it easy to repeat the series of commands that I used to create the desired output. It seems like make or any other build system would be a good fit for this task, but all the build systems that I've looked at (except for maybe make itself) seem to be strongly biased toward building executabe files from source code, and I can't figure out how to do anything else with them. Does anyone have experience using a build system for tasks other than compiling source code into executables? Can I easily use a build system to facilitate reproducible research, or should I be looking for a different kind of tool?
Well, I figured this out by myself eventually. I'm using plain old (GNU) Makefiles.

Graphically laying out wx app

Being really new to wx, I'm wondering if there is an IDE (especially for Linux) which would help me lay out a frame or dialog or whatever just to help me see what I'm doing. That means also creating the code for those changes.
I remember way back when using resource compilers for OS/2 and Windows that produced binaries that would then create the window, and was hoping for something similar (though obviously not binary if wx doesn't support that).
I use wxFormBuilder. It is written in wxWidgets, so it works on Linux quite well. It can generate C++ code or XRC files. Make sure you understand its philosophy, and use it like this:
generate C++ code for the GUI
don't edit the code wxFormBuilder generated, but create new files
in new files, derive new classes from the classes it generated
implement event handlers in you own class (wxFB creates virtual function for each event handler you wish to use)
I usually name the wxFormBuilder generated classes/files like, for example, MainFrameGUI, and one with implementation (derived one in which I write all my code) would be just MainFrame. This enables you to change the visual layout and regenerate C++ files from wxFB at any time without overwriting your code.
DialogBlocks works quite well for me, although sometimes you need to edit the code to fix errors manually. It has a property editor that seems advanced enough.
Just another options is wxGlade. It does not have the that much features as the others mentioned seem to have, but it works just good enough for me to not daring to switch.
I use Code::Blocks IDE from which has
- built-in GUI editor
- Cross compilable, so you can use it under Linux, OSX and Windows.
But I still use wxFormBuilder with it instead of built-in wxSmith editor. But they are compatible with internal wxSmith.
For windows you've got "wx-devcpp" which is Blodsheed Dev C++ with some addons providing what you looking for
Here is project page