Reformat code style with another code style when using GitHub - github

Context : I'm working in a large project (more than 20 developpers) and we just set a "default" code style we should always apply before commit our files. The whole actual project is already updated with the "default" code style so we won't have thousand of lines that appear "modified" when we only update 2 lines of code and reformat code.
Everyone is using his own code style and when they forget to reformat code before pushing, it messes up everything.
Question : is it possible to automatically reformat code with a different code style (other than actual one) when one saves or commits or pushes files ?
We are using Android Studio and GitHub. Thanks.

No, this is not possible as of Android Studio 1.1.
Generally speaking, everyone using their own code style is not a sustainable approach for a project. Consider that Google, a company where the number of developers is three orders of magniture larger, somehow manages to agree on a single code style for all of their projects.

It's a terrible idea, since automatic style formatters always mess up, purging even intentional style violations done for extra readability. It's incredibly hard to design a formal style definition that encompasses all cases.
So it's best to agree on a single style and use it throughout the project.
Well, if you're still certain and you've found a command-line utility able to reformat code to your liking, you can hang it onto the Git's (not Github's) pre-commit hook, so that it's run for every commit attempt.


Human editable snippet store in eclipse

I am looking for a easier way to manage my eclipse code snippets. I know and have used Eclipse's template and snippets features. But as far as I have found, they can only be exported and imported as XML files.
Since I use many versions of eclipse and I keep migrating between machines managing the snippets is a hassle. I am looking for a UltiSnips like method to manage these snippets/templates. Is there one?
I also looked at snip2code, but it didn't appeal to me because I sometime work offline. Also, I want to have much greater control over the snippets using version control.
Oh well! I couldn't find anything that matched the set of requirements I had. So, I've ended up creating my own.

How can I version control my little framework better?

I have a little php framework for HTML development. I basically made HTML semi-functional by writing functions that return some HTML markup. For example:
P('Some, text' . a('Link', '#'), 'my_class);
returns something like this:
<p class="my_class">Some, textLink</p>
Apart from being shorter to write, it is also a lot faster, not only because it is shorter, but because there are less weird combination of characters needed to type the function calls than there are to type the equivalent markup.
This framework is still under development, but I use it across different projects. My current layout is this:
As you can see, the framework is called core, and I have one copy of it at the top directory, then, each project has its own copy. What I currently do, which is not any form of version control, is I copy the core on a project back to the top directory core when I make changes to the core of that project.
For example, lets imagine I'm working on project_1, and I realize there is something that I need to be added to core, so I add it. Then I copy the core on project_1 to the top core with this:
cp -rvu ~/public_html/project_1/core/ ~/public_html/
I do a recursive update. I like verbose because I can see what is being copied.
When I need to work on another project, lets say project_2, I do the opposite, updating project_2/core/ with the contents from ~/public_html/core
As you can see this is a problem. Not only is it annoying, but it is also very prone to problems. For example, I could forget to do an update after changing a core that is local to a project. This introduces a lot of problems, like changing the same file on two different projects without updating will likely result on changes being overwritten and lost.
How can I manage this in a more efficient and safe way? Not to mention saner!
I was looking at git, but is seems that I would just end up with many different version-controlled version of core.
You can (really - must) use any SCM, which allow code re-use and share (instead of cloning) (and I don't know any VCS, which does NOT have this feature)
Subrepo (guestrepo)
Submodules (git-subtree)
PS: Git as first VCS is worst choice

LiveCode Source Control

Anyone out there using LiveCode in a multi developer project?
Either way, can someone recommend a good source control system / plugin to use?
We've looked at MagicCarpet but since it is no longer developed we wish to use something else.
I'm working on a solution to this problem by exporting the stack file as a structured directory of script, json and image files which will diff and merge nicely in most VCS. It is not yet available but the intention is it will be open source. My goal is to demonstrate it at the RunRevLive conference in May.
Here's the repo for lcVCS
I have put a git library stack on revOnline (libVersionControl) that exports to structured xml files that git can handle. It works as far as it goes, but I have hopes that Monte's solution will supersede this effort.
revOnline link to stack
Yes, our team has been using LiveCode with multiple developers. Since the Livecode community is still young, acquiring good source control tools can be a challenge. Our solution has been to break code into modules (stack files). When there are updates to merge into the main codebase, we clone our existing codebase, and merge code changes manually using line by line compare in a text editor. This is not a fun process, but is much less painful than it sounds.
If I were to redesign the system, we would simply use Git ( etc.). There is no reason this would not work with Livecode stacks.
We use LiveCode in a small team with Subversion.
We don't have a perfect solution, but it is very lightweight; we all use a custom extension to the standard toolbar, which among other things has a 'save+backup' button. When we started using it with Subversion, we added code to this button which saves an XML sidecar file for the stack. The file contains all the scripts, custom properties, and optionally fields (controlled by user property in each stack). In our case almost all of our work is in scripts, so this works for us.
The effect is that each time we commit to SVN, we're always committing two files, the LiveCode stack and the accompanying sidecar file - the latter works fine for diffing etc.
Where this lets us down is that we don't have any solution for merging. If we were working on larger systems more actively, we'd also modify I expect look to modify the sidecar format into a complete folder of files. For now however this makes the situation workable (and it takes no noticeable time to generate the sidecar file).
Happy to share code if that was useful.
I know of a tool thats being worked on that is going to really help in this regard. When he showed it to me it looked very functional already. But I'm not sure when he will share it with the community.
So the point is, its just a matter of time before people's stuff comes together to make a turn key solution for this.

Versioning for Dummies

I'm looking for a subversion tool, and i have the following requirements:
Must integrate into VS 2008
Automatically submits new versions
Does not use the command line as primary interface
Doesn't clutter up explorer with bright icon overlays or context menus
is only going to be used by one user mostly if not completely, so doesn't need to have advanced diff tools or anything like that
Basically, i want a subversioning tool that will only bother me when creating a project or actually needing to get something from a previous version.
Does something like that exist, and if so, what is it?
Yes. VisualSVN (commercial)
Except for "automatically submits new versions" - that makes no sense.
The day computers know when your code is ready to be committed and free of bugs is the day the world needs a lot less programmers
You commit when you're done a task, which effectively gives you a rollback point. It's also important to add a meaningful commit message ("Fixed crash when clicking on Save button") - this way you can find things easily later. A lot of new users to version control skip this part, and unfortunately only learn the hard way 3 months later when they need to go back and undo a fix/feature.
AnkhSvn is a free alternative, I've personally only used 1.x, which was really quite terrible. It definitely looks more usable in 2.x.
One upside to VisualSVN is that it uses TortoiseSVN for a lot of its dialogs. This means when you're working with subversion just from explorer, you have basically the same interface and same UI. Quite handy, as it lets you do things like edit images or text files without having to fire up VisualStudio, or edit scripts/installers, or other parts of a product that are not necessarily in VisualStudio.
Yes, they are available.
The two I know of are VisualSVN and AnkhSVN. There are a bunch of comparisons available on SO
I use AnkhSVN myself. It is free, integrates nicely with Visual Studio, and doesn't cause any performance issues.
visual SVN is what you need.

Should I store generated code in source control

This is a debate I'm taking a part in. I would like to get more opinions and points of view.
We have some classes that are generated in build time to handle DB operations (in This specific case, with SubSonic, but I don't think it is very important for the question). The generation is set as a pre-build step in Visual Studio. So every time a developer (or the official build process) runs a build, these classes are generated, and then compiled into the project.
Now some people are claiming, that having these classes saved in source control could cause confusion, in case the code you get, doesn't match what would have been generated in your own environment.
I would like to have a way to trace back the history of the code, even if it is usually treated as a black box.
Any arguments or counter arguments?
UPDATE: I asked this question since I really believed there is one definitive answer. Looking at all the responses, I could say with high level of certainty, that there is no such answer. The decision should be made based on more than one parameter. Reading the answers below could provide a very good guideline to the types of questions you should be asking yourself when having to decide on this issue.
I won't select an accepted answer at this point for the reasons mentioned above.
Saving it in source control is more trouble than it's worth.
You have to do a commit every time you do a build for it to be any value.
Generally we leave generated code( idl, jaxb stuff, etc) outside source control where I work and it's never been a problem
Put it in source code control. The advantage of having the history of everything you write available for future developers outweighs the minor pain of occasionally rebuilding after a sync.
Every time I want to show changes to a source tree on my own personal repo, all the 'generated files' will show up as having changed and need comitting.
I would prefer to have a cleaner list of modifications that only include real updates that were performed, and not auto-generated changes.
Leave them out, and then after a build, add an 'ignore' on each of the generated files.
Look at it this way: do you check your object files into source control? Generated source files are build artifacts just like object files, libraries and executables. They should be treated the same. Most would argue that you shouldn't be checking generated object files and executables into source control. The same arguments apply to generated source.
If you need to look at the historical version of a generated file you can sync to the historical version of its sources and rebuild.
Checking generated files of any sort into source control is analogous to database denormalization. There are occasionally reasons to do this (typically for performance), but this should be done only with great care as it becomes much harder to maintain correctness and consistency once the data is denormalized.
I would say that you should avoid adding any generated code (or other artifacts) to source control. If the generated code is the same for the given input then you could just check out the versions you want to diff and generate the code for comparison.
I call the DRY principle. If you already have the "source files" in the repository which are used to generate these code files at build time, there is no need to have the same code committed "twice".
Also, you might avert some problems this way if for example the code generation breaks someday.
No, for three reasons.
Source code is everything necessary and sufficient to reproduce a snapshot of your application as of some current or previous point in time - nothing more and nothing less. Part of what this implies is that someone is responsible for everything checked in. Generally I'm happy to be responsible for the code I write, but not the code that's generated as a consequence of what I write.
I don't want someone to be tempted to try to shortcut a build from primary sources by using intermediate code that may or may not be current (and more importantly that I don't want to accept responsibility for.) And't it's too tempting for some people to get caught up in a meaningless process about debugging conflicts in intermediate code based on partial builds.
Once it's in source control, I accept responsibility for a. it being there, b. it being current, and c. it being reliably integratable with everything else in there. That includes removing it when I'm no longer using it. The less of that responsibility the better.
I really don't think you should check them in.
Surely any change in the generated code is either going to be noise - changes between environments, or changes as a result of something else - e.g. a change in your DB. If your DB's creation scripts (or any other dependencies) are in source control then why do you need the generated scripts as well?
The general rule is no, but if it takes time to generate the code (because of DB access, web services, etc.) then you might want to save a cached version in the source control and save everyone the pain.
Your tooling also need to be aware of this and handle checking-out from the source control when needed, too many tools decide to check out from the source control without any reason.
A good tool will use the cached version without touching it (nor modifying the time steps on the file).
Also you need to put big warning inside the generated code for people to not modify the file, a warning at the top is not enough, you have to repeat it every dozen lines.
We don't store generated DB code either: since it is generated, you can get it at will at any given version from the source files. Storing it would be like storing bytecode or such.
Now, you need to ensure the code generator used at a given version is available! Newer versions can generate different code...
There is a special case where you want to check in your generated files: when you may need to build on systems where tools used to generate the other files aren't available. The classic example of this, and one I work with, is Lex and Yacc code. Because we develop a runtime system that has to build and run on a huge variety of platforms and architectures, we can only rely on target systems to have C and C++ compilers, not the tools necessary to generate the lexing/parsing code for our interface definition translator. Thus, when we change our grammars, we check in the generated code to parse it.
Leave it out.
If you're checking in generated files you're doing something wrong. What's wrong may differ, it could be that your build process is inefficient, or something else, but I can't see it ever being a good idea. History should be associated with the source files, not the generated ones.
It just creates a headache for people who then end up trying to resolve differences, find the files that are no longer generated by the build and then delete them, etc.
A world of pain awaits those who check in generated files!
In some projects I add generated code to source control, but it really depends. My basic guideline is if the generated code is an intrinsic part of the compiler then I won't add it. If the generated code is from an external tool, such as SubSonic in this case, then I would add if to source control. If you periodically upgrade the component then I want to know the changes in the generated source in case bugs or issues arise.
As far as generated code needing to be checked in, a worst case scenario is manually differencing the files and reverting the files if necessary. If you are using svn, you can add a pre-commit hook in svn to deny a commit if the file hasn't really changed.
arriving a bit late ... anyway ...
Would you put compiler's intermediate file into source version control ?
In case of code generation, by definition the source code is the input of the generator while the generated code can be considered as intermediate files between the "real" source and the built application.
So I would say: don't put generated code under version control, but the generator and its input.
Concretely, I work with a code generator I wrote: I never had to maintain the generated source code under version control. I would even say that since the generator reached a certain maturity level, I didn't have to observe the contents of generated code although the input (for instance model description) changed.
The job of configuration management (of which version control is just one part) is to be able to do the following:
Know which changes and bug fixes have gone into every delivered build.
Be able to reproduce exactly any delivered build, starting from the original source code. Automatically generated code does not count as "source code" regardless of the language.
The first one ensures that when you tell the client or end user "the bug you reported last week is fixed and the new feature has been added" they don't come back two hours later and say "no it hasn't". It also makes sure they don't say "Why is it doing X? We never asked for X".
The second one means that when the client or end user reports a bug in some version you issued a year ago you can go back to that version, reproduce the bug, fix it, and prove that it was your fix has eliminated the bug rather than some perturbation of compiler and other fixes.
This means that your compiler, libraries etc also need to be part of CM.
So now to answer your question: if you can do all the above then you don't need to record any intermediate representations, because you are guaranteed to get the same answer anyway. If you can't do all the above then all bets are off because you can never guarantee to do the same thing twice and get the same answer. So you might as well put all your .o files under version control as well.
There are good arguments both for and against presented here.
For the record, I build the T4 generation system in Visual Studio and our default out-of-the-box option causes generated code to be checked in. You have to work a bit harder if you prefer not to check in.
For me the key consideration is diffing the generated output when either the input or generator itself is updated.
If you don't have your output checked in, then you have to take a copy of all generated code before upgrading a generator or modifying input in order to be able to compare that with the output from the new version. I think this is a fairly tedious process, but with checked in output, it's a simple matter of diffing the new output against the repository.
At this point, it is reasonable to ask "Why do you care about changes in generated code?" (Especially as compared to object code.)
I believe there are a few key reasons, which come down to the current state of the art rather than any inherent problem.
You craft handwritten code that meshes tightly with generated code. That's not the case on the whole with obj files these days. When the generated code changes, it's sadly quite often the case that some handwritten code needs to change to match. Folks often don't observe a high degree of backwards compatibility with extensibility points in generated code.
Generated code simply changes its behavior. You wouldn't tolerate this from a compiler, but in fairness, an application-level code generator is targeting a different field of problem with a wider range of acceptable solutions. It's important to see if assumptions you made about previous behavior are now broken.
You just don't 100% trust the output of your generator from release to release. There's a lot of value to be had from generator tools even if they aren't built and maintained with the rigor of your compiler vendor. Release 1.0 might have been perfectly stable for your application but maybe 1.1 has a few glitches for your use case now. Alternatively you change input values and find that you are exercisig a new piece of the generator that you hadn't used before - potentially you get surprised by the results.
Essentially all of these things come down to tool maturity - most business app code generators aren't close to the level that compilers or even lex/yacc-level tools have been for years.
Both side have valid and reasonable argument, and it's difficult to agree on something common. Version Control Systems (VCSs) tracks the files
developers put into it, and have the assumption that the files inside VCS are hand crafted by developers, and developers are interested in the history
and change between any revision of the files. This assumption equalize the two concepts, "I want to get this file when I do checkout." and "I am
interested in the change of this file."
Now, the arguments from both sides could be rephrase like this:
"I want to get all these generated files when I do checkout, because I don't have the tool to generate them in this machine."
"I should not put them into VCS, since I am not interested in the change of this file."
Fortunately, it seems that the two requirements are not conflicting fundamentally. With some extension of current VCSs, it should be possible to have
both. In other words, it's a false dilemma. If we ponder a while, it's not hard to realize that the problem stems from the assumption VCSs hold. VCSs
should distinguish the files, which are hand crafted by developers, from files which are not hand crafted by developers, but just happens to be inside
this VCS. For the first category of files, which we call source files (code) usually, VCSs have done great job now. For the latter category, VCSs have
not had such concept yet, as far as I know.
I will take git as one example to illustrate what I mean.
git status should not show generated files by default.
git commit should include generated files as snapshot.
git diff should not show generated files by default.
Git hooks could be used as a workaround, but it would be great if git supports it natively. gitignore doesn't meet our requirement, for ignored
files won't go into VCSs.enter code here
I would argue for. If you're using a continuous integration process that checks out the code, modifies the build number, builds the software and then tests it, then it's simpler and easier to just have that code as part of your repository.
Additionally, it's part and parcel of every "snapshot" that you take of your software repository. If it's part of the software, then it should be part of the repository.
It really depends. Ultimately, the goal is to be able to reproduce what you had if need be. If you are able to regenerate your binaries exactly, there is no need to store them. but you need to remember that in order to recreate your stuff you will probably need your exact configuration you did it with in the first place, and that not only means your source code, but also your build environment, your IDE, maybe even other libraries, generators or stuff, in the exact configuration (versions) you have used.
I have run into trouble in projects were we upgraded our build environment to newer versions or even to another vendors', where we were unable to recreate the exact binaries we had before. This is a real pain when the binaries to be deplyed depend on a kind of hash, especially in secured environment, and the recreated files somehow differ because of compiler upgrades or whatever.
So, would you store generated code: I would say no. The binaries or deliverables that are released, including the tools that you reproduced them with I would store. And then, there is no need to store them in source control, just make a good backup of those files.
I (regretfully) wind up putting a lot of derived sources under source control because I work remotely with people who either can't be bothered to set up a proper build environment or who don't have the skills to set it up so that the derived sources are built exactly right. (And when it comes to Gnu autotools, I am one of those people myself! I can't work with three different systems each of which works with a different version of autotools—and only that version.)
This sort of difficulty probably applies more to part-time, volunteer, open-source projects than to paid projects where the person paying the bills can insist on a uniform build environment.
When you do this, you're basically committing to building the derived files only at one site, or only at properly configured sites. Your Makefiles (or whatever) should be set up to notice where they are running and should refuse to re-derive sources unless they know they are running at a safe build site.
The correct answer is "It Depends". It depends upon what the client's needs are.
If you can roll back code to a particular release and stand up to any external audit's without it, then you're still not on firm ground. As dev's we need to consider not just 'noise', pain and disk space, but the fact that we are tasked with the role of generating intellectual property and there may be legal ramifications. Would you be able to prove to a judge that you're able to regenerate a web site exactly the way a customer saw it two years ago?
I'm not suggesting you save or don't save gen'd files, whichever way you decide if you're not involving the Subject Matter Experts of the decision you're probably wrong.
My two cents.
I would say that yes you want to put it under source control. From a configuration management standpoint EVERYTHING that is used to produce a software build needs to be controlled so that it can be recreated. I understand that generated code can easily be recreated, but an argument can be made that it is not the same since the date/timestamps will be different between the two builds. In some areas such as government, they require a lot of times this is what's done.
In general, generated code need not be stored in source control because the revision history of this code can be traced by the revision history of the code that generated it!
However, it sounds the OP is using the generated code as the data access layer of the application instead of manually writing one. In this case, I would change the build process, and commit the code to source control because it is a critical component of the runtime code. This also removes the dependency on the code generation tool from the build process in case the developers need to use different version of the tool for different branches.
It seems that the code only needs to be generated once instead of every build. When a developer needs to add/remove/change the way an object accesses the database, the code should be generated again, just like making manual modifications. This speeds up the build process, allows manual optimizations to be made to the data access layer, and history of the data access layer is retained in a simple manner.
If it is part of the source code then it should be put in source control regardless of who or what generates it. You want your source control to reflect the current state of your system without having to regenerate it.
Absolutely have the generated code in source control, for many reasons. I'm reiterating what a lot of people have already said, but some reasons I'd do it are
With codefiles in source control, you'll potentially be able to compile the code without using your Visual Studio pre-build step.
When you're doing a full comparison between two versions, it would be nice to know if the generated code changed between those two tags, without having to manually check it.
If the code generator itself changes, then you'll want to make sure that the changes to the generated code changes appropriately. i.e. If your generator changes, but the output isn't supposed to change, then when you go to commit your code, there will be no differences between what was previously generated and what's in the generated code now.
I would leave generated files out of a source tree, but put it in a separate build tree.
e.g. workflow is
checkin/out/modify/merge source normally (w/o any generated files)
At appropriate occasions, check out source tree into a clean build tree
After a build, checkin all "important" files ("real" source files, executables + generated source file) that must be present for auditing/regulatory purposes. This gives you a history of all appropriate generated code+executables+whatever, at time increments that are related to releases / testing snapshots, etc. and decoupled from day-to-day development.
There's probably good ways in Subversion/Mercurial/Git/etc to tie the history of the real source files in both places together.
Looks like there are very strong and convincing opinions on both sides. I would recommend reading all the top voted answers, and then deciding what arguments apply to your specific case.
UPDATE: I asked this question since I really believed there is one definitive answer. Looking at all the responses, I could say with high level of certainty, that there is no such answer. The decision should be made based on more than one parameter. Reading the other answers could provide a very good guideline to the types of questions you should be asking yourself when having to decide on this issue.