I have an issue to pass multiple query params with page in url in Flutter
with page number = 1
and api query params brands[]=1&categories[]=1&tags[]=1&min_price=0&max_price=100
So How to Handle pagination with this query params.
I'm using this package => https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_paginator_ns
but not work with multiple query params because it take int as page number only.
I'm using REST API to get data from my Learndash courses. I need a list of ID, title, and feature images. I used .. to get the lists of IDs and titles. But when I use _embed I also get IDs from wp:featuredmedia. So I want just source_link from wp:featuredmedia
I tried _fields parameter and also _embedded. Nothing is working
My question is, How to get only the id, title, and featuredmedia link from REST API call?
I'm new to playing around with calling third party REST API's.
I have an API which requires an ID (/sites/{id}/. As I don't know the ID off the top of my head and would like to query multiple ID's, is there anyway to wildcard this ID for it to run through and check for instance ID's 1 through to 10? Or is this more of a python integration?
As mentioned above, if an API happens to have a parameter "id", whether or not you can scan for all available IDs (or any ID between 1 and 10) depends entirely on the API.
In your case, the API (for help.rapid7.com) is well documented. It appears to have an endpoint to "list sites", which should give you what you're looking for:
GET /api/3/sites
Server URL
Retrieves a paged resource of accessible sites.
Query Parameters
* page integer <int32>
Default: 0
The index of the page (zero-based) to retrieve.
* size integer <int32>
Default: 10
The number of records per page to retrieve.
* sort
Multiple query params of string
The criteria to sort the records by, in the format:
The default sort order is ascending.
Multiple sort criteria can be specified using multiple sort query parameters.
You would probably want to do the following:
Call /api/3/sites (with a filter) to get a list of sites you're interested in, then
Make successive calls to /sites/{id}/ for each site in the list you want detailed information about.
I'm new to getStream.io and i'm retrieving feed from flatfeed don't know how to paginate response in flutter.I know we pass offset and limit but how could I know to change offset value dynamically.
Paginated methods such as flatFeed.getPaginatedEnrichedActivities return a json response with a field "next". This field is something of this order:
Essentially you need to parse the URL parameters limit and id_lt in order to query the next page and so on until "next" is null.
We have simplified this process in the core package with loadMoreEnrichedActivities. In the tutorial there is an Activities Pagination section where you can read more about it
Found many examples on simple API queries but nothing close to what i want.
I have my space key and page ID, this is my table
How can i append hyperlinks, and attach a file in cell 3 for each build using REST API.
get the page : add expand=body.storage as a query parameter to get the body.storage.value which holds the html tags. Then parse the get response to edit the specific value in the 's then when updating the page update the body.storage.value withing your json like in the example: https://docs.atlassian.com/atlassian-confluence/REST/latest-server/#content-update
I am using Azure Mobile Web Services for my backend data exposed via REST/JSON. I have not been able to locate documentation that states how many results are posted per page, and how to page through them, as I need to incorporate server side paging for my Angular app.
GITs API has something as follows:
Requests that return multiple items will be paginated to 30 items by default. You can specify further pages with the ?page parameter. For some resources, you can also set a custom page size up to 100 with the ?per_page parameter.
Is there anything similar in Azure's Mobile Web Service API/Does anyone know the results per page and how to page thru them? Ex. https://myrestcall.net/tables/articles?page=2
If you are using the Javascript client you can check out this page
How to: Return data in pages
By default, Mobile Services only returns 50 rows in a given request, unless the client explicitly asks for more data in the response. The following code shows how to implement paging in returned data by using the take and skip clauses in the query. The following query, when executed, returns the top three items in the table.
var query = todoItemTable.take(3).read().done(function (results) {
}, function (err) {
alert("Error: " + err);
Notice that the take(3) method was translated into the query option $top=3 in the query URI.
The following revised query skips the first three results and returns the next three after that. This is effectively the second "page" of data, where the page size is three items.
var query = todoItemTable.skip(3).take(3).read().done(function (results) {
}, function (err) {
alert("Error: " + err);
Again, you can view the URI of the request sent to the mobile service. Notice that the skip(3) method was translated into the query option $skip=3 in the query URI.