Vs Code, pylance stops for no reason - visual-studio-code

It starts and stops all the time.Highlighting and autocompletes goes missing.
I think something is forcing it to stop, then it autostarts again.
I reinstalled VScode a few times, tried reinstalling extensions.
Preferences-settings-extensions-python-> 'Language server' is 'Pylance'.
Python path is okay.
I use python 3.9.10 / VsCode x64
If you can give me some advice, it will be appreciated. Thanks..


What is the install terminal and how to remove it from VS Code terminal window?

This started showing up a few months back in my VS Code setup. It wasn't bothering so much, so I kept ignoring it. I am not sure what it's called, but searching around with "install window" or other combinations for VS Code gives some unexpected results. I am using remote-ssh extension for development and believe that it has something to do with a remote extension setting. If I try to close this window, my ssh connection breaks and VS Code opens up another of these to recreate the ssh connection.
I have tried checking and unchecking various remote-ssh extensions but to no avail. Even reinstalling VS Code didn't do any good. I don't see the same behavior on other machines that I have VS Code installed.
I would really appreciate if someone could help me get rid of this terminal. My VS Code is running on macos and ssh server is Ubuntu if this helps.
Remove "remote.SSH.showLoginTerminal": true from your User settings JSON file, then exit VSCode and re-launch the workspace. If that doesn't work set the setting to false instead.

My VS code keeps crashing when opening it

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, but the problem did not dissappear. It seems that when I open the app, more than 20 windows open at the same time, causing the app to crash. Here is a screenshot:
I've searched on the internet for what else to do, but I didn't come across any solution.
The solution was to start VS Code from the command prompt with the following command:
code --disable-extensions --max-memory=12288mb
Then to close all open tabs and correctly exit VS Code without any open files.
Hopefully this helps someone!
I tried all the fixes above when my Ubuntu install of VS Code crashed repeatedly at startup. The only thing that worked for me was deleting the entire ~/.config/Code/Backups folder. Back it up first, just in case!
I had the same issue with the latest version of VSCODE. Then i tried installing "Downloads: Windows: User" one from https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_52. It worked. I am not sure of the root cause.
I observed that after installing the extension 'Django Template Support' the VSCode started crashing.
I tried by installing the latest version of VSCode too. Still the VSCode did crash.
Once after uninstalling that extension, VSCode is working fine.
May be, we should note the change which has made the VScode to crash (though, it shouldn't, I believe.)

Visual Studio Code freezing up my computer

So I have been using VS Code for a while now, and as of recently when I start up the program, within a couple minutes, my entire computer freezes. I have attempted re-installing it. I have made sure im on the latest update, and I have not recently installed any extensions in the days leading up to this issue.
It is consistently freezing though. Even after restarting my computer and re-installing the application. I have no clue what could be causing this but I really do enjoy VS Code and would like to not have to swap to something else.
Any help is of course greatly apprecaited. Thanks!
I got the same issue in my Ubuntu 16.04.
I did switch off git.autorefresh in the Settings, then it works flawlessly and smoothly
If the problem keeps occurring, I guess an extension is causing the issue (must be).
Try to remove the extensions one by one or disable it in settings then test again. I got the same issue and its fixed after removing the git blame extension.
I had the same problem and adding these settings to Visual Studio Code the PC freezing doesn't happen anymore:
Open VS Code settings (press F1 -> "Preferences: Open Settings
Add these json properties at the end of your settings
"search.searchOnType": true,
"search.followSymlinks": false,
"search.collapseResults": "auto",
"search.maxResults": 2000,
Save settings.
It freezes a lot too
if you check task manager without vs code it should okay but after you open vs code and try it its the disk has like 100% or something that's why it's freezing

Visual Studio Code causing blue screen of death on Windows

I have Visual Studio Code version 1.22.2 running on Windows. When working on Javascript code, it crashes and causes a blue screen with the following technical info:
STOP: 0X0000007E
mfeavfk.sys - Address <...>
I have a plugin for MS SQL and a beautify plugin installed.
I recently updated Windows and started experiencing BSODs every time I started VS Code. Here's how I fixed it - hopefully this helps someone else:
Open a command prompt and type the following command:
code --disable-extensions
If your computer doesn't BSOD after this step, then an extension is likely causing the issue.
Press ctrl+shift+x to open the extensions sidebar
Under disabled, uninstall any extensions you aren't using or don't recognize.
Restart VS Code, and see if it still crashes.
If step 3 didn't help, try removing all extensions and then reinstalling one at a time until you find one that causes the crash. Then repeat steps 1-4, this time removing the extension you identified as causing the crash.

Unable to launch VSCode

I am running into an issue with Visual Studio code where i could not able to launch it in Windows 8.1. It is working fine untill few days back. Even though it shows two processes named Code 32 bit are running in Task Manager, i cannot see the VSCode UI. I tried going to folder and right click and click on Open with Code, but no luck.
Even after uninstall and installing the VSCode also, i am running into same issue. Does anyone face this issue before?
Is there a way i can clean uninstall VSCode and re install?
Did you try AppData\Local\Code\bin\code.cmd ?
vscode is running by update.exe