Tiny MCE v5.10.2 adds <br> tag in empty DIV tags - tinymce

I am trying to display some html in the Tiny MCE editor v5.10.2.
My HTML has some blank DIVs with our custom classes. However on setting the content on Editor, tinymce add inside those empty divs. I have tried almost all config settings, but none of them has worked. This is very critical for me as I am migrating from Medium Editor to Tinymce, so already have tonnes of such templates which cannot be changed. I have attached an image explaining the same.


I'm having trouble while customizing the TinyMCE in OpenedX (Devstack). How can I fix?

I'm having trouble customizing the TinyMCE in OpenedX Devstack. Normally I didn't have any problems in front-end-course-authoring TinyMCE editor, but when I installed the 'front-end-lib-content-components' app for customization, the data didn't show up in the editor. I did not change the props, they are the same as the default ones.
(click for larger images)

How to view truncated inline style CSS blocks in Chrome Dev Tools?

I'm trying to track down the source of some bad styling in the browser, but when I click through to the source of it from the Styles pane, I'm taken to one of many inline <style> blocks that are automatically generated on the page, which after a certain point, is truncated with …, as seen below. If I try to "Edit as HTML" or other methods to copy the block's contents, it doesn't expand this. Is there any way to see the full source of it?
Firefox can get the full style text.

Codemirror last line of textarea is unreadable and half cut off

I am using CodeMirror https://codemirror.net/ to turn a textarea into editable code.
CodeMirror handles the resizing of the textarea, and it mostly works. But the last line of the text in the text area is half-cutoff.
This problem does not happen when the codemirror CSS is allowed to operate alone, but when combining it with bootstrap css (et al), we get this problem.
Codemirror has lots of inscrutable options, and I am pretty sure one of them fixes this problem. Alternatively, it would be helpful to know which css style parameter or html parameter I should be fiddling with.
Where should I start solving this problem?

Hide Inline Style in Chrome Dev Tools Elements

Is there a way to hide inline style tags
on HTML tags in Chrome Dev Tools Elements pane?
I'm using a custom JS framework that uses inline styles for styling components and this makes HTML debugging harder. element.style{} under Styles pane shows the style anyway so having it in the source is only a distraction, especially since some of these styles get massive.

<blockquote> tags in iTextSharp pdf

I am converting HTML to List using XMLWorker, the indentation (using blockquote tags) not appears in pdf. I have tried creating List with HTMLWorker but the result is same. Is there any way to preserve indentation (when using blockquote tag in HTML for indentation) in pdf?
The blockquote and li do not have indentation to "preserve", its just that almost every browser (if not all) choose to indent them by default. This is an individual choice made by every browser vendor, just as Netscape choose to use grey as the default body background color in the 90's. Any text formatting that you see iText doing is its own "default style" and anything that differs from your expectations you'll need to manually change.
When I try to run a blockquote through the XMLWorker version 5.4.0 I don't see anything and its not on the list of supported HTML tags. Do you have it further wrapped in a SPAN or some other tag? Can you post a sample?
When I run an OL/LI combination through 5.4.0 I see that iText makes them indented. Can you post a sample that doesn't indent? One quick fix would be to apply a simple margin to the UL/OL such <ol style="margin-left:100px;">