Codemirror last line of textarea is unreadable and half cut off - codemirror

I am using CodeMirror to turn a textarea into editable code.
CodeMirror handles the resizing of the textarea, and it mostly works. But the last line of the text in the text area is half-cutoff.
This problem does not happen when the codemirror CSS is allowed to operate alone, but when combining it with bootstrap css (et al), we get this problem.
Codemirror has lots of inscrutable options, and I am pretty sure one of them fixes this problem. Alternatively, it would be helpful to know which css style parameter or html parameter I should be fiddling with.
Where should I start solving this problem?


TinyMCE 6.0 forced root block option

I understand option forced_root_block will be removed from TinyMCE version 6.0. I use this option to avoid paragraphs (generate br tags instead of p tags).
forced_root_block : false
How am I supposed to avoid white lines in the forthcoming version of TinyMCE?
There's a big discussion about this on GitHub:
CSS margin is our recommended way to remove whitespace between paragraphs, but we have logged a ticket to look at how we can address the need for br tags:
I am not sure if this feature was already there at the time of this question but the newline behaviour option is the solution for me:
newline behaviour: "linebreak"
I wonder where this long time resistance against the br tag by the developer of TinyMCE comes from, because no one wants a new paragraph when using just one enter. Or having br replaced with paragraphs when you paste text from Notepad. Two br tags is another thing. In my scenario I convert two br tags into paragraphs after editing, to be able to style the white line height. Perhaps this approach does not fit in the philosophy of TinyMCE, where HTML inside and outside the editor should be seamless the same.

Printing markdown in VSCode uses different styling than on-screen

When I go to print markdown from VSCode it does render the markdown, but it has a very different styling than the on-screen preview. How do I fix this?
VS Code does not support the printing of markdown or anything else. For that you need a printing extension. There are only two of these, and I wrote the one that prints rendered markdown. I'm quite certain you're talking about mine because it has a Markdown: Styles setting and the other one doesn't.
There are settings that allow you to customise styling. It's not currently styled using a stylesheet because there are complications referencing that sort of asset in remoting environments.
To work around this I had to embed styles into the document. This has the unfortunate effect that you cannot override them with a separate CSS file. As a temporary measure, I have made available settings allowing you to customise the embedded styles.
I notice in the screen snap that I have specified "Blackadder ITC" as the font-family. This is not a typeface I would recommend, probably I was giving a demo. I sincerely hope this wasn't in shipped setting defaults. If that's why you think it's "ugly" then change the heading font-family to whatever typeface you prefer for headings. sans-serif will use the local default.

tinyMCE \r\n as new line breaker

In my app i'm use tinyMCE editor to create rich email content, but now I need also sent messages as plain text now. Did someone knew how to force tinyMCE to use as a simple text editor w o any content editing, and use \r\n as line breaker?
I'm really stack at this moment, and thinking about writing own simple text editor, based on textarea. Didn't find in tinyMCE docs any solution.
TinyMCE is an HTML editor - there is no option to turn it into a plain text editor. The best you could do with TinyMCE is to transform the HTML into plain text when saving the form.

How to resize autocomplete window in Sublime Text 2?

I'm using Sublime text 2 as text editor for HTML and JavaScript and I have a small problem. I'm using autocomplete but some of the function's names are so long that I can see only first 5 or 6 symbols of it. Is anybody knows how can I resize the autocomplete window? Thanks again.
As far as I know, it's not possible in ST2. It might not be in ST3 either, but at least the autocomplete pop-up adapts its size to the content. Should you consider an update, make sure to have a look at the Can I switch to Sublime Text 3 website first.

<blockquote> tags in iTextSharp pdf

I am converting HTML to List using XMLWorker, the indentation (using blockquote tags) not appears in pdf. I have tried creating List with HTMLWorker but the result is same. Is there any way to preserve indentation (when using blockquote tag in HTML for indentation) in pdf?
The blockquote and li do not have indentation to "preserve", its just that almost every browser (if not all) choose to indent them by default. This is an individual choice made by every browser vendor, just as Netscape choose to use grey as the default body background color in the 90's. Any text formatting that you see iText doing is its own "default style" and anything that differs from your expectations you'll need to manually change.
When I try to run a blockquote through the XMLWorker version 5.4.0 I don't see anything and its not on the list of supported HTML tags. Do you have it further wrapped in a SPAN or some other tag? Can you post a sample?
When I run an OL/LI combination through 5.4.0 I see that iText makes them indented. Can you post a sample that doesn't indent? One quick fix would be to apply a simple margin to the UL/OL such <ol style="margin-left:100px;">