Drools - check if argument is null before calling query - drools

Inside the drools rule file, I'm trying to match the request object against inserted facts using a query (backward chaining). How do I check for null for the request object attribute? If the attribute is not null, I want to pass it to the query. If the attribute is null, I want to keep it unbound so that it will match all results. Since there are many request attributes, I'm looking for a generic solution instead of different rules for each attribute.
To give an example, lets assume I have two attributes currency and country in the goal: Goal() object and I want to call the query isMatching(String country,String currency)
if goal.getCountry() and goal.getCurrency() is not null, I want to call isMatching with goal.getCountry()and goal.getCurrency().
if goal.getCountry() is null and goal.getCurrency() is not null, I want to call isMatching with unbound variable country and goal.getCurrency()
if goal.getCountry() is not null and goal.getCurrency() is null, I want to call isMatching with goal.getCountry() and unbound variable currency
if both goal.getCountry() and goal.getCurrency() are null, I want to call isMatching with unbound variable country and currency

Best practice is to have a separate rule for each combination.
rule "both country and currency"
Goal( $country: country != null, $currency: currency != null )
$isMatching: Boolean() from isMatching( $country, $currency )
Not sure what you're referring to as an "unbound" variable in your question for your other use cases.
If you insist on not following best practices and try to kludge all of this into a single rule, you could either do your null check on the right hand side, or possibly abuse conditional and named consequences to do this. Doing it in the rule consequences ("then") will cause you to lose all of the performance optimization done by the Drools engine, which is done on the left hand side only.
Alternatively you could just update the query to handle the null case.
query isMatching( String $country, String $currency) {
$country := String( this == null )
$currency := String( this == null )
( actual implementation )
rule "example"
Goal( $country: country, $currency: currency )
isMatching( $country, $currency )
// ...
Actual implementation may vary; I have no idea how you'd implement a currency <-> country check.


How to get correct type and nullability information for enum fields using jOOQ's metadata API?

I'm trying to use jOOQ's metadata API, and most columns behave the way I'd expect, but enum columns seem to be missing type and nullability information somehow.
For example, if I have a schema defined as:
CREATE TYPE public.my_enum AS ENUM (
CREATE TABLE public.my_table (
id bigint NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
name text,
my_enum_column public.my_enum NOT NULL,
The following test passes:
// this is Kotlin, but hopefully pretty easy to decipher
test("something fishy going on here") {
val jooq = DSL.using(myDataSource, SQLDialect.POSTGRES)
val myTable = jooq.meta().tables.find { it.name == "my_table" }!!
// This looks right...
val createdAt = myTable.field("created_at")!!
createdAt.dataType.nullability() shouldBe Nullability.NOT_NULL
createdAt.dataType.typeName shouldBe "timestamp with time zone"
// ...but none of this seems right
val myEnumField = myTable.field("my_enum_column")!!
myEnumField.dataType.typeName shouldBe "other"
myEnumField.dataType.nullability() shouldBe Nullability.DEFAULT
myEnumField.dataType.castTypeName shouldBe "other"
myEnumField.type shouldBe Any::class.java
It's telling me that enum columns have Nullability.DEFAULT regardless of whether they are null or not null. For other types, Field.dataType.nullability will vary depending on whether the column is null or not null, as expected.
For any enum column, the type is Object (Any in Kotlin), and the dataType.typeName is "other". For non-enum columns, dataType.typeName gives me the correct SQL for the type.
I'm also using the jOOQ code generator, and it generates the correct types for enum columns. That is, it creates an enum class and uses that as the type for the corresponding fields, which are marked as not-nullable. The generated code for this field looks something like (reformatted to avoid long lines):
public final TableField<MyTableRecord, MyEnum> MY_ENUM_COLUMN =
So it appears that jOOQ's code generator has the type information, but how can I access the type information via the metadata API?
I'm using postgres:11-alpine and org.jooq:jooq:3.14.11.
Update 1
I tried testing this with org.jooq:jooq:3.16.10 and org.jooq:jooq:3.17.4. They seem to fix the nullability issue, but the datatype is still "other", and the type is still Object. So it appears the nullability issue was a bug in jOOQ. I'll file an issue about the type+datatype.
Update 2
This is looking like it may be a bug, so I've filed an issue.

Drools compare if one list contains element from another list

I have got below structure in Java:
public class Request {
List<Product> product;
List<Account> accounts;
public class Product {
String productIdOne;
String productIdTwo;
String productTax;
public class Account {
List<ProductRelationship> productsRelationship;
public class ProductRelationship {
String productIdOne;
String productIdTwo;
And the request is the fact object send to drools. I am wondering how I can check if there is at least one product that productTax is set to 'true' and there is a relationship between one account and one product. In other words, if there is a product with tax set to true and at least one account contains a relationship with this product (by productIdOne and productIdTwo) then the rule result should pass;
The main issue is that the list of the product relationship is inside the account list.
Thanks for any advice
You have a rather straight-forward set of conditions, so it is possible to write a relatively simple rule to check them. I will consider each condition separately and then combine them into a final rule.
As you wrote:
there is at least one product that productTax is set to 'true'
Now, as you mentioned, your rule inputs are the Request instance which contains two lists (products, accounts.) We'll start by declaring that:
rule "Account exists with taxed product"
Request( $products: product != null,
$accounts: accounts != null )
Next, we want to find the taxed product. If we only wanted to prove the existence of the product, we could use an exists( ... ) condition, which is extremely fast. However since we want to do further comparisons, we'll want to actuall find the product with this condition and save a reference to it.
$taxedProduct: Product( productTax == "true" ) from $products
I've assumed here that any value other than exactly "true" is indicative of an untaxed product. You should adjust as needed (and possibly consider changing this type to a boolean.)
The next condition is to find the account:
there is a relationship between one account and [the taxed] product
First, we'll need to update our $taxedProduct declaration and get references to its ids:
$taxedProduct: Product( productTax == "true",
$id1: productIdOne,
$id2: productIdTwo ) from $products
Now we need to find an account with a matching relationship.
$account: Account( $relationships: productsRelationship != null ) from $accounts
exists( ProductRelationship( productIdOne == $id1,
productIdTwo == $id2 ) from $relationships )
Here, I used an exists condition for the relationship because we don't need to refer to the relationship itself ever again, just verify that the relationship exists. I did declare a variable $account to point to the account that has the product relationship.
Putting it all together, we have:
rule "Account exists with taxed product"
Request( $products: product != null,
$accounts: accounts != null )
$taxedProduct: Product( productTax == "true",
$id1: productIdOne,
$id2: productIdTwo ) from $products
$account: Account( $relationships: productsRelationship != null ) from $accounts
exists( ProductRelationship( productIdOne == $id1,
productIdTwo == $id2 ) from $relationships )
// We have a taxed product $taxedProduct
// and an associated account $account
When I first started with Drools I found it difficult to wrap my head around the way it treated objects in lists, which is why the ProductRelationship sub-list seems like a tricky issue on its face. What Drools is going to do is iterate through the $products list and find those Product instances that meet our criteria (namely, have productTax == "true".) Once it has found these taxed products, it then similarly goes through the $accounts list and finds all Accounts that meet the criteria (which have a productsRelationship list.) Then for each of those accounts, it is going to test that there exists a relationship as we've defined.
This is a simplified explanation, of course, but it helps to form a mental model of roughly what Drools is doing here. In reality Drools is much more efficient than then roughly O(n^3) workflow I've just described.
An interesting thing you should keep in mind is that this rule is not going to "stop" as soon as it finds a match. If you have two taxed products that have a relationship to a single account, this rule will fire twice -- once for each taxed product. Or, alternatively, if you have one taxed product and two accounts that have a relationship to it, the rule will fire twice (once for each account.) Basically, the rule will fire once for each "match" it finds in the given request.
can you try this following
rule "sample"
request:Request(accountList: accounts)
request1:Request(productList: product)
Account(productsRelationshipList:ProductRelationship) from accountList
Product(productId contains productsRelationshipList, productTax = true ) from productList
System.out.println("Rule fired satisfied");

Optaplanner: Iterate over list variable in drools rule file

I am solving a problem similar to employee rostering. I have an additional constraint. The employees have a "type" value assigned to them. It's a hard constraint that atleast 1 employee of each "type" be there everyday. I have modelled it as follows:
rule "All employee types must be covered"
$type: Constants.EmployeeType() from Constants.EmployeeType.values()
not Shift(employeeId != null, $employee: getEmployee(), $employee.getType() == $type.getValue())
scoreHolder.addHardConstraintMatch(kcontext, -100);
This rule however, does not consider that the constraint be satisfied on each day. I have a list of date strings. How can I iterate over them in the drools file in the same manner that I am on the EmployeeType enum?
Edit: I figured out a way but it feels like a hack. When initialising the list of date strings, I also assign it to a static variable. Then I am able to use the static variable similar to the enum.
rule "All employee types must be covered"
$type: Constants.EmployeeType() from Constants.EmployeeType.values()
$date: String() from Constants.dateStringList;
not Shift(employeeId != null, $date == getDate(), $employee: getEmployee(), $employee.getType() == $type.getValue())
scoreHolder.addHardConstraintMatch(kcontext, -100);
Don't think this is the correct approach though.
Your approach works, but having to define dynamic configurations in a static property of a class doesn't sound right (like you pointed out).
One solution would be to either use a global in the session, or to have a fact class that specify this configuration.
Using a global
If you decide to take this approach, then you need to define a global of type List<String> in your DRL and then use it in your rules in combination with the memberOf operator:
global List<String> dates;
rule "All employee types must be covered"
$type: Constants.EmployeeType() from Constants.EmployeeType.values()
not Shift(
employeeId != null,
date memberOf dates,
$employee: getEmployee(),
$employee.getType() == $type.getValue()
scoreHolder.addHardConstraintMatch(kcontext, -100);
It is recommended to set the value for global before you insert any fact Shift into you session:
List<String> dates = //get the List from somewhere
ksession.setGlobal("dates", dates);
Using a Fact Class
Other than a global, you can model your configuration as a class. This makes things easier if you want for example to modify the configuration inside the rules themselves.
for this approach you will need to have a class containing the List<String> first. You could in theory insert the List<String> without wrapping it in any class, but this will make things hard to read and maintain.
public class DatesConfiguration {
private List<String> dates;
//... getters + setters
Then, you need to instantiate an object of this class and to insert it into your session:
DatesConfiguration dc = new DatesConfiguration();
At this point, the object you have created is just another fact for Drools and can be used in your rules:
rule "All employee types must be covered"
$type: Constants.EmployeeType() from Constants.EmployeeType.values()
DatesConfiguration($dates: dates)
not Shift(
employeeId != null,
date memberOf $dates,
$employee: getEmployee(),
$employee.getType() == $type.getValue()
scoreHolder.addHardConstraintMatch(kcontext, -100);
Hope it helps,

gravity forms Form Entry - display label, not value for checkboxes, select

I've got checkboxes and selects where label is different to its value.
In the DB the value is saved ok, however, when viewing Form Entries (and pre-submit form data) for all the checkboxes and selects the values are displayed not labels. So I end up with not so informative IDs rather than names.
Is there a way to display labels instead of values in the Form Entries screen?
I came across your question while looking to do the same thing. I have a field called Account Type that stores the account type ID as the value. In the entries list I want to show the account type name, not the ID.
Here's the solution:
In your theme's functions.php file add the following filter:
add_filter( 'gform_entries_column_filter', 'modify_entry_view', 10, 5 );
You'll find the documentation for it here: https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_entries_column_filter/
Then add the function code:
function modify_entry_view( $value, $form_id, $field_id, $entry, $query_string ){
//- Check the field ID to make sure you only change that one
if( $field_id == 14 ){
return 'modified value';
return $value;
In my case I'm using a custom field that I created called account_type that prepopulates a select menu with choices corresponding to each of the account types in our system. I used the following call to check the field type instead of checking based on field id since the id will change from form to form:
if( RGFormsModel::get_field( $form_id, $field_id )->type == 'account_type' ){
You could do the same thing but use the label property instead of type, like:
if( RGFormsModel::get_field( $form_id, $field_id )->label == 'Field Label' ){
In my case the value saved is a term id from a custom taxonomy I set up called account_type, so I simply use:
return get_term_by( 'id', $value, 'account_type' )->name;
to replace the account id with the account name.
FYI: The process is the same for the entry detail, use the filter documented here: https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_entry_field_value/

Insert with defaults using subquery in knex

I have this query;
knex('metrics').insert(function() {
this.select('metric as name')
.from('stage.metrics as s')
.whereNotExists(function() {
.where('metrics.name', knex.raw('s.metric'))
The table metrics has two columns; an id, which is incrementing, and name. I expected this to insert into the name column because the subquery has one column, labeled name, and default id. however, instead it complains that I am providing a column of type character varying for my integer column id. How do I make it explicit that I want the id to take the default value?
This can do the trick
knex('metrics').insert(function() {
knex.raw('null::bigint as id'), // or any other type you need (to force using default value you need to pass explicitly null value to insert query)
'metric as name'
.from('stage.metrics as s')
.whereNotExists(function() {
.where('metrics.name', knex.raw('s.metric'))
I know, looks a bit hacky. Would be great to see something in knex API like (example below is a proposal and not a working example)
['name', 'surname'],
function () {
this.select(['name', 'surname']).from('other_table'))
Which produces
insert into table_name (name, surname) select name, surname from other_table;
I'm not sure about this interface, but you got the point. Like explicitly write fields you want to insert.