Changing workflow of an already published form -

When i check the formsflow application,i found that user with designer role can change the workflow of an already published form.if he do so , what happens to the existing submitted application and task? will it affect the existing task?
Will the user has the permission to edit the submitted form?


Workflow email notification template

I have created custom workflow for reviewing the content before publishing if the content is okay admin will approve if it needs any changes admin will reject the content. in both cases workflow send email to the initiator?
by default its taking input template from /etc/workflow/notification/email/default/en.txt
when i made changes to this file its not reflecting in that workflow email notification to the user. I want to customize the template. Is there anyway to overcome this problem?
Restarting on 6.3 solved the same issue for me. Restarting the whole AEM also worked, btw.

Start a workflow on page activation without activating the page in AEM 6.2

I need a setup where users can update a page and then submit it for approval/activation in AEM 6.2. The page would be submitted to workflow where a content approver/administrator would review and publish the page. This seems like a common setup for content managment, but I can't figure out how to do it in AEM.
I have done the following:
setup a user that has permission to update but does NOT have
replicate permission on folderX.
setup users with update and replicate permissions on folderX and added them to a group "content-authors-approvers"
created a workflow where the first step of the workflow is the page will be submitted for approval and publication to member of "content-authors-approvers" group
assigned this workflow to folderX
However, when a user does NOT have replicate permission, the "publish" option does not show up at all. This makes sense, really....but then, how does one go about setting up a workflow like this?
From what I've read about this in earlier versions of AEM/CQ5, the replicate/publish option was still available to all users, but it would automatically kick off workflow if the user did not have replicate permissions. (see Start a workflow on page activation without activating the page in CQ5 )
this seems to have changed in 6.2. can anyone help?
I have tried looking up online, but found nothing
There is a native workflow to handle that. It's named Publish Example. see it here: http://localhost:4502/etc/workflow/models/publish_example.html . I believe that it's better then the automatic triggering cause the author actually knows he triggers a workflow (whilst when it happened automatically there was no info about that). To explicitly call it you have to either from /siteadmin select a page and click workflow on it, or do it from sidekick or in touch.
touch - editpage:

What version of AEM/CQ5 page will be seen when a page is already in a separate workflow?

If you take a page and put it in a workflow, then if someone wants to modify that page – in an emergency situation and essentially start another workflow on it –
Is that possible to send that page through another workflow?
If you don’t want to send the same page through a workflow, but just want to edit it, can you?
Apparently If one person is editing a CQ page and same page is edited by someone else at the same time, at production level, how the CQ / developer handles the situation?
Thanks in Advance
It is not possible to subject a page to more than one workflow at once, none of the interfaces allow this to happen.
The pages can be edited even when they are subject to a workflow. In emergency situations where in it is not possible to complete the workflow , users with required privileges can terminate the workflow from the instances tab of the workflow console (/libs/cq/workflow/content/console.html). Pages can be usually activated even if they are subject to workflows.
The repository is accessed via repository session. Based on the credentials provided the user gets a repository session. Any changes made via that session is only visible to the other users when the session is saved. Since different sessions are used , multiple users can edit the same page simultaneously. The data in dialogs are loaded via asynchronous GET requests when EDIT is clicked and not on page load , so it is very unlikely that the user will be editing old data. They can still overwrite some other user's changes. Developers do not have to handle these situations unless there is some special requirement. If a user wants to stop other users from editing a page , they can use the lock functionality that comes out of the box. A locked page can be unlocked only by the user who locked it or an administrator. A page or node can be programmatically locked via the JCR API.

Submiting a content as admin in Liferay (workflow)

I'm create a simple site (intranet) where I'm a admin, but when submiting a content, this stay as: pendent. Why? I'm the administrator of Liferay Portal.
I don't have experience with Liferay, but it's so complicated this workflow.
You need to approve the content as some user that has appropriate role in the document's workflow.
You can do it in control-panel -> my workflow tasks.
First assign the task to you and then approve the content.

Workflow form generated by SharePoint designer 2007 not seen by users

I’ve designed a form for a user here to collect data for a workflow. I used SharePoint designer to build a custom approval form. When the workflow is initiated I am receive and email to ‘Edit Task’. I click on the Edit Task button and it takes to the form. I enter the information requested and my tasks lists and calendar are updated. However when I set the email to go to the user who will be entering the data( approval) the ‘Edit Task’ Button takes him to an error page “404 page not found”.
It seems that when I created the form SharePoint saved it to a local server and not to the Sharepoint server. I notice that the out of the box workflows go to this directory:
However my form is in the Workflow directory:
I use my Explorer to go to My Network Places and I can see the directory for my workflow and workflow form. However other users with my same permission can get to the Workflow directory but only they cannot see the form. The other files associated with the workflow are present for them. Why can’t others access(see) the form? Users that I have asked to test this workflow all have full permissions like me.
Make sure the page that you navigate to when you click the Edit Task button is not checked out to you. If it is checked out, check it in and others should be able to see the page.