How to rendering multiple sub grids or similar UI using ag grid? - ag-grid

i need to the below like grid. Could you please help me to render?
enter image description here

It looks like you need the Master / Detail feature as this enables you to expand a row and have another grid nested.


Desktop flexible grid amount of content in a row

I have problem designing inside a flexible a grid where it can go from 3 item in a row on full screen to be 1 item in a row on the smallest allowed size of the application, is there a widget or guide for this?
use ResponsiveGridList from the package
It is simple and well documented. I used once already, it fitted my needs perfectly.

Applying one filter for two panels in microstrategy

I have two panels in my dashboard and i have applied a filter(select month) in the first panel and the issue i face is the same filter cannot be applied in panel 2.
I don't want to apply same filter in panel 2 again . I want filter in panel 1 to control both the panels.
panel 1
panel 2.jpg
Thanks in advance....
You can't like this. Your only option is to put the month in the filter bar :/
Try to embed the two panels into a container and apply the filter to it. This is the way to sinchronize scroll bars between two different grids, for example.

How to properly display a grid

I need to change a crystal report. It's a simple grid with header, footer and rows inside a group.
The grid is drawned with lines and inside each square a field is added to display the data. Is this the "normal" way of doing this? I would expect just adding fields with borders would be enought without the need to draw the grid line by line.
I'm using version 14
If you are happy with the kind of display with borders to the fields then you don't need to add the lines to form a grid else if you need to be more user friendly then you can add lines.
Either of the option is just a design change but not the logic change in the report...
So the answer for this question would be up to the user requirement and design requirement of the report

SWT/JFace Column and Line Span in TableViewer

I need to span some column and rows in a TableViewer. The image bellow pretty much speaks for itself.
I was thinking of implementing this by making some line invisible(white) but I don't think you can set individual border options for individual cells. Even if i managed this I would stil have to fix the alignment problem of the text in the spanned columns/rows ("Line Span" and "Column Span" in the picture).
I know about the Nebula Grid component, but I can use 3rd party components only as a last resort.
If anybody has any suggestions please share them:).
Thanks in advance.

How can I force a ListBox to fill entire free area?

I put a ListBox into a tabele cell an want it to ocupy the whole cell (width="100% height="100%") and show as many rows as possible but:
not specifyng setVisibleItemCount causes to show a big dropdownbox (i want a list)
specifying setVisibleCout makes listbox to ignore height (it takes as much place as it needet to exacly display n rows)
i there a workaround ? (in Swing a number of wisible rows ia a funcion of height and I'd like it this way in gwt).
Thanks in advance
ListBox is a native GWT component, and that's the way it works. If you're using GWT 2.1 you can create your own CellRenderer
You could approximate a solution by calculating how many items should be shown based on the height you want.