Matlab - Reading names of files in a directory [duplicate] - matlab

This question already has answers here:
How to put these images together?
(1 answer)
MATLAB - iterate function on all files in a directory
(1 answer)
Closed last year.
For files with some repeating numerical pattern like file0001, file0002...file0100, I've written the following script to operate on the input files and save the results with the same name.
% The folder has 100 files to be operated on
% "save_filename" is the name of data saved for the "inname" file
for k = 1:100
inputfiledir = './Data/Category1/';
if (k<10)
save_filename = sprintf('score_sp1_a000%d',k);
inname = sprintf('sp1_a000%d',k);
elseif (k>=10)
save_filename = sprintf('score_sp1_a00%d',k);
inname = sprintf('sp1_a00%d',k);
if (k>=100)
save_filename = sprintf('score_sp1_a0%d',k);
inname = sprintf('sp1_a0%d',k);
[prediction,score] = predict_class(trainedNet,strcat(inputfiledir,inname,'.wav'));
How do I do it for files with no pattern?
I tried to use the ls command:
filename = ls()
But it returns the entire list of file names as a string, without separation.


Problem adding tow digits to path string to read multiple files

I want to read multiple files from a folder, the only problem in my code down is that
instead of having the full image path:
I have the path without the zero in the last two digits
EDIT: There is space instead of zero on the first 9 Image paths.
'checkboard/Gaussian_Noised/image_ 1.jpg'
how can I fix this please
clear all
close all
path = 'checkboard/Gaussian_Noised/';
% Define images to process
imageFileNames = cell(1,36);
for n = 1:36
imageFileNames{n} = strcat(path,sprintf('image_%2d.jpg',n))
In this case, it is better to use the float-format-specifier to pad zeros:
So in your case:
general advice
As a general advice, you may want just to check the folder for all files of a certain pattern
path2dir = pwd; % path to working directory
pattern = 'image_*.jpg'
Lst = dir(fullfile(path2dir ,pattern));
for i = 1:length(Lst)
path2file = fullfile(Lst(i).folder,Lst(i).name);
% load the file and do something with it

Movefile when string is a variable

This is within a forloop aimed at moving multiple files within multiple folders into the 'RawData' directory. I am having issues with using movefile. I would like the file being moved to be a varaible and not a string typed into the command.
Here is a portion of the folder list if needed to better understand:
'Data-20141003T091843-1-Eyes Open on Flat Surface-Force.csv'
'Data-20141003T091843-1-Eyes Open on Flat Surface-Results.csv'
'Data-20141003T091923-2-Eyes Closed on Flat Surface-Force.csv'
'Data-20141003T091923-2-Eyes Closed on Flat Surface-Info.csv'
'Data-20141003T091923-2-Eyes Closed on Flat Surface-Results.csv'
'Data-20141003T092208-3-Limits of Stability-Force.csv'
'Data-20141003T092208-3-Limits of Stability-Info.csv'
>>foldername =;
directoryname = 'C:\Users\murphy\Documents\MATLAB\RawData\';
folderdirectory = strcat(directoryname,foldername);
folderdir = dir('*.csv');
folderList = {}'; %List of Files in folder
for f = 1:length(folderList) **movefile(folderList(f),'C:\Users\murphy\Documents\MATLAB\RawData')**
folderList is a cellstr.
In your for loop you need to pass folderList{f} instead of folderList(f).
for f = 1:length(folderList)

Check wav file exists in Matlab folder

I need to check whether a wav file in Matlab work folder exists ou not. If it does, I need to load the file into a variable (file in my case), i use this code but it doesn't work.
if strcmp(file,'\n')==0
elseif findstr(file,'.')==''
[TestWave,Fs] = audioread(file);
You don't say if you are trying to find a particular .WAV file, or just any .WAV file...
If you just want to know if a particular file (of any kind) exists, use the exist() function. It returns value 2 if a file exits:
myFileName = 'test.wav';
myDirectory = 'c:\temp';
filepath = fullfile(myFileName,myDirectory);
if exist(filepath,'file') == 2
[TestWave,Fs] = audioread(file);
Otherwise, just search for the files you need using dir():
myDirectory = 'c:\temp';
wildcard = '*.wav';
theseFiles = dir(fullfile(myDirectory,wildcard));
for i = 1:length(theseFiles)
thisFilePath = fullfile(myDirectory,theseFiles(i).name);
[TestWave,Fs] = audioread(thisFilePath); % Load this file
% Do something with the loaded file...

Matlab | How to load/use files with consecutive names (abc1, abc2, abc3) and then pass on to the next series (cba1, cba2, cba3)?

I have a folder containing a series of data with file names like this:
... etc
My goal is to load all the relevant files for each file name, so all the "abc" files, and plot them in one graph. Then move on to the next file name, and do the same, and so forth. Is there a way to do this?
This is what I currently have to load and run through all the files, grab the data in them and get their name (without the .mat extension) to be able to save the graph with the same filename.
dirName = 'C:\DataDirectory';
files = dir( fullfile(dirName,'*.mat') );
files = {}';
data = cell(numel(files),1);
for i=1:numel(files)
fname = fullfile(dirName,files{i});
files{i} = files{i}(1:length(files{i})-4);
[Rest of script]
You already found out about the cool features of dir, and have a cell array files, which contains all file names, e.g.
files =
The main task now is to find all prefixes, 37abc, 50bca, 1cba, ... which are present in files. This can be done using a regular expression (regexp). The Regexp Pattern can look like this:
i.e. take any number of numbers ([\d]*), then any number of non-numeric characters ([\D]*) and keep those (by putting that in brackets). Next, there will be any number of numeric characters ([\d]*), followed by the text .mat.
We call the regexp function with that pattern:
pre = regexp(files,'([\d]*[\D]*)[\d]*.mat','tokens');
resulting in a cell array (one cell for each entry in files), where each cell contains another cell array with the prefix of that file. To convert this to a simple not-nested cell array, we call
pre = [pre{:}];
pre = [pre{:}];
resulting in
pre =
'37abc' '37abc' '50bca' '50bca' '1cba' '1cba'
To remove duplicate entries, we use the unique function:
pre = unique(pre);
pre =
'37abc' '50bca' '1cba'
which leaves us with all prefixes, that are present. Now you can loop through each of these prefixes and apply your stuff. Everything put together is:
% Find all files
dirName = 'C:\DataDirectory';
files = dir( fullfile(dirName,'*.mat') );
files = {}';
% Find unique prefixes
pre = regexp(files,'([\d]*[\D]*)[\d]*.mat','tokens');
pre = [pre{:}]; pre = [pre{:}];
pre = unique(pre);
% Loop through prefixes
for ii=1:numel(pre)
% Get files with this prefix
curFiles = dir(fullfile(dirName,[pre{ii},'*.mat']));
curFiles = {}';
% Loop through all files with this prefix
for jj=1:numel(curFiles)
% Here the magic happens
Sorry, I misunderstood your question, I found this solution:
file = dir('*.mat')
matching = regexp({}, '^[a-zA-Z_]+[0-9]+\.mat$', 'match', 'once'); %// Match once on file name, must be a series of A-Z a-z chars followed by numbers.
matching = matching(~cellfun('isempty', matching));
str = unique(regexp(matching, '^[a-zA-Z_]*', 'match', 'once'));
str = str(~cellfun('isempty', str));
group = cell(size(str));
for is = 1:length(str)
ismatch = strncmp(str{is}, matching, length(str{is}));
group{is} = matching(ismatch);
Answer came from this source: Matlab Central

Batch Change File Names in Matlab

I have 200 JPEG images numbered from 1200 to 1399. How do I change their names from 1200.jpg-1400.jpg to 1.jpg-200.jpg, while keeping the original order of the image names?
This is a problem which can be tackled more efficiently in bash or other shell scripting languages. Probably, it can even be solved just via a single shell find.
Anyway, matlab can also do the job.
Consider this.
list = dir('./stack*.png'); % # assuming the file names are like stack1200.jpg
offset = -1200; # % numbering offset amount
for idx = 1:length(list) % # we go through every file name
name = list(idx).name;
number = sscanf(name,'stack%f.png',1); % # we extract the number
movefile(name,['stack' num2str(number + offset) '.png' ]); % # we rename the file.
I have find this solution which is quiet straightforward.
Pathfold= ('Path\to\images\');
dirData = dir('path\to\images\*.jpg');
fileNames = {};
for i = 1:size(fileNames)
newName = sprintf('%d.jpg',i);
movefile(fileNames{i},[Pathfold , newName]) %# Rename the file