Query File paths field from Microsoft Defender - microsoft365-defender

I am looking for documentation on how to build a Advanced Hunting query in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint where I can use the "File paths" in the KQL query.
The field is in the Software Inventory under devices and in the section Software Evidence
See below screen dump:
enter image description here

You are looking for one of the pages under the Data Tables schema.
My first guess would have been DeviceTvmSoftwareInventory, however that does not seem to include the path.
There are other tables which contain path:
DeviceFileEvents and DeviceImageLoadEvents could be the ones you are looking for, depending on the use case you are trying. The following queries could be a good start.
| where FolderPath contains "part\\of\\your\\path\\comes\\here"
| where FolderPath == "your\\full\\path\\comes\\here"
If you have the full path of every software you are looking for, you can also use FolderPath == the escaped(double \\ in the path).


Powershell: dealing with / in Registry property names

Given this (real) Registry path...
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Local Settings\MrtCache\C:%5CProgram Files%5CWindowsApps%5C89006A2E.AutodeskSketchBook_1.6.0.0_x64__tf1gferkr813w%5Cresources.pri\1d3438f5876f755\6dfb7f2f\#{89006A2E.AutodeskSketchBook_1.6.0.0_x64__tf1gferkr813w?ms-resource://89006A2E.AutodeskSketchBook/Files/Assets/AppLogo/Orion_Tiny.png}
where the property name is...
I am trying to figure out how to properly deal with extracting the data value. I need to differentiate the path to the containing key from the property name, but because the property name contains / and Split-Path converts those to \ and treats them as key delimiters, I get bad data out of that Cmdlet. From a programming standpoint the solution is to not start with a single path. However, I am somewhat constrained by existing data in XML files that provides only a single path. For 99.9% of cases, including drive and UNC file & folder paths, registry Key & Property paths as well as URL paths, Split-Path works. But for this very specific situation it fails. Is there a .NET solution that can be depended on? Or is this a case where there is no solution other than to break up the data and curse Microsoft for their inconsistency and incomplete solutions?
I get that this example is probably a situation I will never actually run into, but I have been burned before with things like assuming anything with an extension is a file and then finding someone (usually Autodesk) has decided to name a bunch of folders with a . in the name, causing code with that assumption about naming conventions to fail. So I am looking for a consistent way to deal with this, if one exists. Ideally in PS 5.1, not PS Core, as I cannot and will not demand that all my users upgrade to a new version of PowerShell to address such an edge case.
EDIT: I should also mention that a similar issue arrises when there is a / in a key name, and I want to verify that the key exists. HKLM\Software\Key/Name is a perfectly valid path, and Split-Path will soil itself every time and come back with Name as the leaf, not Key/Name. Because Split-Path doesn't actually understand what's valid as a registry key name, it seems.

Is it possible to extract metadata such as Content Created date from files - I can't get this with PowerShell

I need to extract the "Content Created" date out of thousands of files, but haven't been able to find a way to do this using PowerShell / other Command Line utility.
Does someone out there know a way to obtain this metadata? If so, please can you advise me. Thanks.
I've looked at various resources online, including this site, but haven't been successful thus far.
Here's a screenshot explaining what I'm trying to do.
I've been unable to find a native powershell cmdlet which does what you want. However, I found this article: Use PowerShell to Find Metadata from Photograph Files and the script it used: get file meta data function.
The article talks about image files, but the function is not specific for image files.
I tested it out on a folder containing a Word and an Excel file and the returned Metadata from the Word file contains the Content Created date. The Excel file does not contain/return that value. This is not unexpected as the Details tab of properties for the Excel file does not contain a Content Created value so it seems to be specific for Word files, and maybe some other file or document types.
You write that you need to extract this info from thousands of files, but if those files are anything but Word-files you probably won't be able to do that.
As far as I can tell this should work with the file types exposing the type of metadata you want. However, it seems that the ContentCreated property is unique to Word. I tried adding a text file (.txt), Acrobat PDF (.pdf), MS Access (.mdb), Excel (.xlxs) and a Word doc (.docx) file to my test folder and the only one that has/returns that metadata property is the Word file.
You should also be aware that the script seems to return metadata localized, so for me to programatically get the info i wanted I had to pipe the output of the script to Select-Object -Property Name,'InnehÄll skapat' (which is the Swedish name for Content created). So if you're running on a non-english system you may need to check what the output looks like before creating your Select-Object statement.
PowerQuery in Excel 2013 or later (data tab). Connect to data> Folder.

Postgres full text search ignore url

I am trying to use PostgreSQL to implement a full-text search system.
I encounter this strange or may be intended feature with that.
While trying to index or search for a column which contains names of files with extension (e.g. myimage.jpg), the system treats it as a url and does not properly tokenize.
I referred to the documentation and see that via ts_debug that the file name is taken as a host of a url.
Could some one tell how to take all inputs as normal word in the FTS of PostgreSQL.
Also, on a second request, how can one do a contains, startswith, and endswith searches with it?
I have now tried the statement create text search configuration..., copied from pg_catalog.english and removed host,url, and url_path and then specified the configuration for the ts_debug method. But still no go., myimage.jpg is still identified as host.
I use version 9.4
tl;dr Look at pre-parsing your input and removing punctuation if you really only want words (and not emails, urls, hosts, etc).
So after trying to figure this out myself the issue is that you don't seem to be able to easily customise the parser. From my understanding the parser runs first, which generates tokens. Those tokens are then matched to dictionaries.
By removing host, url, url_path from the configuration all you are doing is making it so that these tokens don't get looked up in a dictionary, resulting in no lexeme from these tokens. Which essentially means that they don't exist in terms of search. Which is not want you want...
Ideally what you need to do is customise the parser to not generate those tokens in the first place, or to also generate overlapping tokens (similar to how hyphenated words generate a token for the entire word as well as individual components) . This doesn't seem to be possible at the moment without writing a custom parser.
The only solution to this would be to pre-parse the text to remove the full stop. Note that if you rely on other types of tokens like version (e.g. 8.3.0) or email (e.g. name#domain.com) this will break those. So you may need to be a bit clever on how you remove characters.
select ts_debug('english', replace('this-is-a-file.jpg', '.', ' '));
"(asciihword,"Hyphenated word, all ASCII",this-is-a-file,{english_stem},english_stem,{this-is-a-fil})"
"(hword_asciipart,"Hyphenated word part, all ASCII",this,{english_stem},english_stem,{})"
"(blank,"Space symbols",-,{},,)"
"(hword_asciipart,"Hyphenated word part, all ASCII",is,{english_stem},english_stem,{})"
"(blank,"Space symbols",-,{},,)"
"(hword_asciipart,"Hyphenated word part, all ASCII",a,{english_stem},english_stem,{})"
"(blank,"Space symbols",-,{},,)"
"(hword_asciipart,"Hyphenated word part, all ASCII",file,{english_stem},english_stem,{file})"
"(blank,"Space symbols"," ",{},,)"
"(asciiword,"Word, all ASCII",jpg,{english_stem},english_stem,{jpg})"
In terms of your second question. Are you talking about partial word matches? You get this a little bit with the stemming when using a config like english, so running becomes run which will match if you search for run or running. If you're talking about fuzzy matching it gets a little more complicated. I suggest reading this article http://rachbelaid.com/postgres-full-text-search-is-good-enough/

how can we identify notepad file?

how can we identify notepad files which is created in two computer, is there a any way to get any information about in which computer it was created.Or whether it is build in xp or linux.
If you right click on the file, you should be able to see the permissions and attributes of the file.
Check at the end of the line. Under GNU/Linux lines end with \n (ascii: 0x0A) while under Miscrosoft W$ndos it is \r\n (ascii: 0x0D 0x0A).
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newline
found this: http://bit.ly/J258Mr
for identifying a word document but some of the info is relevant
To see on which computer the document had been created, open the Word
document in a hex editor and look for "PID_GUID". This is followed by
a globally unique identifier that, depending upon the version of Word
used, may contain the MAC address of the system on which the file was
Checking the user properties (as already mentioned) is a good way to
see who the creator of the original file was...so, if the document was
not created from scratch and was instead originally created on another
system, then the user information will be for the original file.
Another way to locate the "culprit" in this case is to parse the
contents of the NTUSER.DAT files for each user on each computer. While
this sounds like a lot of work, it really isn't...b/c you're only
looking for a couple of pieces of information. Specifically, you're
interested in the MRU keys for the version of Word being used, as well
as perhaps the RecentDocs keys."
The one thing I can think on the top of my mind is inspecting the newline characters on your file - I'm assuming your files do have multiple lines. If the file was generated using Windows then a newline would be characterized by the combination of carriage return and line feed characters (CR+LF) whereas a simple line feed (LF) would be a hint that the file was generated in a Linux machine.
Right click one the file--> Details . You can see the computer name where it was created and the date.

TFS - files ending up in wrong folder

I'm investigating this for someone else but I hope this explanation is correct:
We have a lot of files and a lot of folders in TFS source control, but two of them are these (made up names):
5 files from the folder $/Root/Shared/Client/Main are now checked in, and when looking at the changeset they all says 'edit' in the change field.
But, when looking at the paths, 3 of them are checked into $/Root/Solutions/Client/Main instead of $/Root/Shared/Client/Main. The last two are at the expected location.
And it gets worse; there is no, and is not supposed to be a $/Root/Shared/Client/Main folder. When browsing source control this location does not exist. And the files are not at their original locations either, they are just gone - except for when viewing them in the changeset.
What could have happened here?? I do have the code, since I can see them in the changeset, but I don't want to lose the history by just creating them again and copying in the code.
Reading things more carefully, it sounds like you're describing files that have been renamed / moved over time.
TFS considers namespace information just as important as file contents. If you ask for an old version of $/Root, you don't just get the old version of those files, you get the old file & folder structure too, preserved exactly the way it was at that time. This design permeates the system, including the View Changeset dialog as you've seen.
The remaining question seems to be, where have my files gone? Quickest way to find out is to use a cmdlet from the Power Tools:
Get-TfsItemHistory -all .\rentest2\grand2\child2\parent\foo3.cs |
Select-TfsItem |
Format-Table -auto path, #{label="version"; expression={$_.versions[0].changesetid}}
Path version
---- -------
$/Test-ConchangoV2/rentest2/grand2/child2/parent/foo3.cs 10725
$/Test-ConchangoV2/rentest/grand2/child2/parent/foo3.cs 10148
$/Test-ConchangoV2/rentest/grand2/parent/foo3.cs 10147
$/Test-ConchangoV2/rentest/grand2/child2/foo3.cs 10146
$/Test-ConchangoV2/rentest/grand2/child/foo2.cs 10145
$/Test-ConchangoV2/rentest/grand2/parent/child/foo2.cs 10144
$/Test-ConchangoV2/rentest/grand/parent/child/foo2.cs 10143
$/Test-ConchangoV2/rentest/grand/parent/child/foo.cs 10142
I have a little GUI tool that does this and more but haven't had time to get it to a publicly usable state, unfortunately.
My guess is you have some screwy workspace mappings. Check for yourself in File -> Source Control -> Workspaces.
For best results (read: least amount of lost sleep on issues like this), create one single mapping at the highest level you need. If that's too broad, make this root mapping a "one level" mapping (using the * syntax; see docs) and then create additional recursive mappings with the same relative paths underneath it as needed.