how can we identify notepad file? - notepad

how can we identify notepad files which is created in two computer, is there a any way to get any information about in which computer it was created.Or whether it is build in xp or linux.

If you right click on the file, you should be able to see the permissions and attributes of the file.

Check at the end of the line. Under GNU/Linux lines end with \n (ascii: 0x0A) while under Miscrosoft W$ndos it is \r\n (ascii: 0x0D 0x0A).

found this:
for identifying a word document but some of the info is relevant
To see on which computer the document had been created, open the Word
document in a hex editor and look for "PID_GUID". This is followed by
a globally unique identifier that, depending upon the version of Word
used, may contain the MAC address of the system on which the file was
Checking the user properties (as already mentioned) is a good way to
see who the creator of the original file, if the document was
not created from scratch and was instead originally created on another
system, then the user information will be for the original file.
Another way to locate the "culprit" in this case is to parse the
contents of the NTUSER.DAT files for each user on each computer. While
this sounds like a lot of work, it really isn't...b/c you're only
looking for a couple of pieces of information. Specifically, you're
interested in the MRU keys for the version of Word being used, as well
as perhaps the RecentDocs keys."

The one thing I can think on the top of my mind is inspecting the newline characters on your file - I'm assuming your files do have multiple lines. If the file was generated using Windows then a newline would be characterized by the combination of carriage return and line feed characters (CR+LF) whereas a simple line feed (LF) would be a hint that the file was generated in a Linux machine.

Right click one the file--> Details . You can see the computer name where it was created and the date.


What is this symbol ``, and why can't some people see it?

The symbol is this one: 
It crops up at the end of folder names sometimes on our filesystem. The people who put the folder there swear that they couldn't see it. I think it might be being produced by one of our internal asset building tools, perhaps in response to something copied in from a Google docs spreadsheet?
Sorry that's so vague...
It looks like the culprit could be Windows CHKDSK (analogous to fsck) … →
# … Windows
# CHKDSK, which will immediately replace all the invalid characters with
# Unicode ordinals in the private use plane.
This symbol is used by OS X if you add a trailing space to a folder name on a FAT file system.
Why? Because it is forbidden to have trailing spaces in folder names on Windows. As OS X allows trailing spaces in general, it somewhat extends this behavior to FAT drives. The private use unicode character is used as a means to keep the file system sane at the same time.
While you're on the Mac, you barely see the additional character as it is rendered as space there. Only after moving the drive to Windows or Linux, the weird unicode character shows up as unprintable.
This is the unicode character U+F028 which falls in the private use area of U+E000–U+F8FF. This means it's use is application specific. You are probably right that some tool produces this character and fails to remove/replace that character when copying. Wikipedia lists some vendor usage examples but I doubt that this list will help much.
To find the cause of the problem, I would first try asking the users who created the folders about which operating systems they use and which applications they copied the text from. If you think one of your build tool is the cause, you could try to search for that character in all log files of those tools and any databases that the tools use.
As for the actual question in the title, this character does not have a defined symbol. Some applications show a default symbol while other application may just ignore it and show nothing.

When and how might the operating system store a file under a different name than I gave it?

I found this statement under another SO question concerning Unicode and I'd like to ask for further elaboration of this rather surprising fact.
Code that believes once you successfully create a file by a given name, that when you run ls or readdir on its enclosing directory,
you'll actually find that file with the name you created it under is
buggy, broken, and wrong. Stop being surprised by this!
When does this happen and what to do about it?
The first example which comes to my mind: If you create a file under OSX that is named é (single U+00E9 codepoint), the OS will store it actually as U+0065 U+0301 (Unicode decomposition). The file will be still accessible under the original name, but listed as decomposed.
How to avoid: don't lookup your files manually unless you are sure their names are pure ASCII.
Second: On Windows, if you have a file called e, try creating (with overwriting enabled) a file called E, the OS will still list a file called e. If e didn't exists beforehand, a file called E would be created.
How to avoid: don't lookup your files manually unless you are sure their names are pure ASCII, and take case into account. Try using a consistent capitalisation style. I suggest going all lowercase.
Third: on Windows, if for example you have Windows 1250 as your system encoding, and you want to create a file named ê via the narrow, char-based API, a file called e will be created instead. This of course is easy to avoid, but this exact problem bit me once: WinRAR extracted files ê.png, è.png and e.png all into e.png, overwriting data. Similar problems can happen with other encoding mixups, too.
How to avoid: don't use API's that take the filename as a char* on Windows.

How can I force emacs (or any editor) to read a file as if it is in ASCII format?

I could not find this answer in the man or info pages, nor with a search here or on Google. I have a file which is, in essence, a text file, but it somehow got screwed up upon saving. (I think there are a few strange bytes at the front of the file accidentally.)
I am able to open the file, and it makes sense, using head or cat, but not using any sort of editor.
In the end, all I wish to do is open the file in emacs, delete the "messy" characters, and save it once cleaned up. The file, however, is huge, so I need something powerful like emacs to be able to open it.
Otherwise, I suppose I can try to create a script to read this in line by line, forcing the script to read it in text format, then write it. But I wanted something quick, since I won't be doing this over & over.
perl -i.bk -pe 's/[^[:ascii:]]//g;' file
Found this perl one liner here:
Try M-xfind-file-literally in Emacs.
You could edit the file using hexl-mode, which lets you edit the file in hexadecimal. That would let you see precisely what those offending characters are, and remove them.
It sounds like you either got a different line ending in the file (eg: carriage returns on a *nix system) or it got saved in an unexpected encoding.
You could use strings to grab "printable characters in file". You might have to play with the --encoding though I have only ever used it to grab ascii strings from executable files.

Perl and reading files with different encodings

I am using a perl script to read in a file, but I'm not sure what encoding the file is in. Basically, my file is a list of book titles, but each book has other info associated with it (author, publication date, etc). So each book title is within a discrete chunk of data for the book. So I iterate through the file line by line until I find the regular expression '/Book Title: (.*)/' and take what's in the paren. Then, I create a separate .txt file with the name of the text file being my book. However, in my unix server, when I look at the name of the file, it's actually not, for example, 'LordOfTheFlies.txt' but rather 'LordOfTheFlies^M.txt'
What is this '^M'? Is that a weird end of line encoding I'm not taking into account? I tried chomp but it doesn't seem to be working. What is the best file encoding for working with perl?
It's the additional carriage return character that Windows systems insert before line feed characters (M == 13th letter, hence ASCII 13 is visualised as ^M).
It has nothing to do with file encoding, it's just the line ending policy biting you. Perl is usually good at handling line ending characters correctly, but if they occur somewhere else than the end of a line you have to do it yourself. You can use s/\r// instead of chomp() to get them out.
Before processing the file, you need to know the encoding of the file, which is determined by the producer of the file.
That "^M" is control-M, which is a carriage return, and is not needed in Unix file systems.Looks like the file is created in Unix and transferred to Windows. It can also be added with ftp when text file are transfered as binaries.
Try chop, instead of 'chomp'. Chomp removes the 'new line character'. s/\r// is also good.
For your general question, you might want to use appropriate module for the file type you have to make your life easier and better with Perl.

Microsoft Symbol Server / Local Cache Hash Algorithm

I am trying to figure out what hashing algorithm is used for the Microsoft Symbol Local Cache directory.
For example, the local cache can be something like the following
There seems to be some sort of correspondence between a file and its debug database. Other than that, I can’t figure out how the names of these (presumably) hexadecimal string folders are being generated.
Some of them are 9 digits, some 13 digits, and others are 33 digits. It looks like an actual, live-file (which for some reason is stored in the symbol cache) has a 13-digit hash while its (nearly similar) debug database gets a 9-digit hash. Some debug databases get a 13-digit hash; can’t figure out what makes these ones special, although they don’t have a corresponding live-file.
I’ve tried hashing the files with every kind of hash algorithm that I know of (39 of them) and none match in any way (straight up, reversed, alternate endian’d, etc.)
Any ideas?
I think I finally found it. From Symbol Storage Format:
SymStore uses the file system itself as a database. It creates a large tree of directories, with directory names based on such things as the symbol file time stamps, signatures, age, and other data.
Dang, unfortunately it only mentions that the directory name is derived from various aspects (not quite a hash I guess), but does not say exactly how. The search continues… :-(
This page has info on calculating the IDs for the symbol files as well as executables/DLLs.
Basically, for executables and DLLs, you extract the timestamp and filesize from the PE header as listed in the page that Griff linked to. For PDB files however, you will need the DBH command from the Windows Debugging Tools. Simply load the PDB file into DBH and use the INFO command to get the PdbSig/PdbSig70 and PdbAge. Bam! That’s it.
I just created the appropriate folders for the PDB files that I had in my SYSTEM32 folder for some reason, and finally moved them to the local symbol store.
Try looking at this page: Symbol Server Callback Function
EXE/DLL directory name is created by concatenating hex string of the "file modified" time-stamp and "SizeOfImage" from IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER
Finding PE files
The format for the path to a PE file in a symbol server share is:
"%s\%s\%08X%x\%s" % (serverName, peName, timeStamp, imageSize, peName)
Finding PDB files
The format for the path to a PDB file in a symbol server share is:
"%s\%s\%s%x\%s" % (serverPath, pdbName, guid, age, pdbName)
Source: Symbols the Microsoft Way by Bruce Dawson.
You can find the answer,
PDB File Internals