Rasberry Pi Data Collection (First Steps) - raspberry-pi

I work in industrial automation and the functions of automation processors and software are locked down. I'm trying to sample and collect an analog signal at as fast of a rate as I can, <=10ms.
I have tried VB into excel, using a DDERequest and incrementing a delayed loop.
Application.Wait is too slow (1s)
"Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)," had the most promise, but too slow (100ms). It can be pushed faster, but this is on my computer, and then grabbing the float from the automation processor over ethernet... 100ms is the fastest without distorting the "real-time sample."
I have tried a Python module that pulls the float from the IP traffic. (Still over ethernet and too slow)
#x parameters
sample = .001
iterations = 1000
for i in range(iterations):
# read the GPIO
float1 = SomeGPIOCommand(pin#)
float2 = SomeGPIOCommand(pin#)
# add the result to our ypoints list
t = i*sample
# pause
plt.plot(xpoints, ypoints1, 'c-', label='target' ) plt.plot(xpoints, ypoints2 ,'r--', label='actual')
OR is this fast of a sample rate going to require code under an IDE? The key here is matching the time stamp, in ms, exactly with the measured value.
I'd like to get there without an IDE, I just have no clue where to start, especially with the pi.
I have yet to see any example with this performance level.
Appreciate any help!

OR is this fast of a sample rate going to require code under an IDE?
No. A fast sample rate doesn't require coding under an IDE. Whether or not the code is developed under an IDE will have no bearing on sample rate.


HAL_SPI_Transmit works faster than direct registers manipulation, how come?

So knowing the fact that HAL is considered "slow" I decided to rewrtite a small routine in my programm using direct register access. And I decided to see, what I have won. Surprisingly, I actually lost.
So the code is
HAL_SPI_Transmit(hspi, spi_array, 3, HAL_MAX_DELAY);
SPI1->DR = spi_array[0];
while (!(SPI1->SR & SPI_SR_TXE));
SPI1->DR = spi_array[1];
while (!(SPI1->SR & SPI_SR_TXE));
SPI1->DR = spi_array[2];
while(SPI1->SR & SPI_SR_BSY);
So first I send 3 bytes using HAL, and then the same 3 bytes using the registers and same SPI.
Using HAL, the "interbyte" pause is 0,848ms.
And using registers - 1.192ms
How come? Isn't doing things with registers supposed to be quicker?
P.S. The stm32 is l071, 32 Mhz, SPI is 16Mhz.
Ok, so my mistake is - this was done on Debug build with 0 optimisation. With optimisation the register method is faster. Question is how to see the assembly code in Eclipse.

Syncing of buffer-transmission with ESP32, I2S MEMS-mic and SD-card (FreeRTOS, PlatformIO, ESP-PROG)

i know this forum dislikes "open" questions like this, nevertheless i'd like somebody to help untie the knot in my head, much appreciated.
The goal is simple:
read a stereo 32bit 44100 S/s I2S signal from 2 adafruit sph0645 mics
create a wav-header and store the data onto an SD-card
I've been at this for a few days now and i know that this will be much more complicated than i originally thought. Main reason: signal quality. Like most tutorials on this subject the simplest "hello world" for these mics is a looped polling for I2S-samples. Poll, fill buffer, output via serial or write to SD-card. This returns a choppy, noisy, sped up version of RL-audio. The filling of the internal DMA-buffers can be seen as constant, but the rest is mostly chaos, so
how to i sync these DMA-buffers with the rest of my code?
From experience with the STM32 HAL i'd imagine some register which can be set to throw an interrupt whenever a buffer is full, or an event which can be sent between tasks via queues. Examples on this subject either poll in a main loop with mono an abysmal sample-rate and bit depth or use pages of overkill code and never adress what it does, "just copy and it works", not good. Does the ESP32-Arduino framework provide some way to to this properly? The espressif-documentation isn't something to look forward to, since some of their I2S interface functions don't even work (if you are researching this topic as well, you too might have noticed that i2s_read only returns zeros). Just a hint into the right direction would help, i'm writing my own code anyway. Interrupts? Events? Timers? Polling for full buffers? Only you might know.
have a good one, thx
Thanks to https://github.com/atomic14/ i now have an answer for a syncing-method which works very well. This method has been tried by https://esp32.com/viewtopic.php?t=12546 who also didn't fully understand what was going on: the espressif i2s-interface offers a flag stored in an event which is triggererd every time one of the specified dma-buffers has received a full set of data, ergo, is full. It looks like this:
while(<your condition>){
i2s_event_t evt;
if (xQueueReceive(<your queue>, &evt, portMAX_DELAY) == pdPASS){
if (evt.type == I2S_EVENT_RX_DONE){
size_t bytesRead = 0;
//read data via i2s_read or i2s_read_bytes
} while (bytesRead > 0);
No data is stored in this queue, but rather a flag which can then be used to synchronize dma-filling and further buffering/calculating/sending the read data.
HOWEVER this only works if you install the i2s driver in a specific setup. Instead of using
i2s_driver_install(I2S_NUM_0, &i2s_config, 0, NULL);
in your setup, you can activate the "affinity" for events by passing a queue-handle and a lenght:
i2s_driver_install(I2S_NUM_0, &i2s_config, 4, &<your queue>);
hope this helps getting started, it sure did help me.

How do I use system time as a trigger in codesys ladder?

Programming a raspberry pi with codesys, using mostly ladder, basically I need to write all data that is currently in a couple arrays to a csv file at midnight, so i'd like to be able to use a dt value as a trigger. I can't figure out how to use that value in ladder, however. I can display the local time on visualizer, but if i wanted something like "if localTime=#value" then coil 'Write' turns on, where is the actual variable for system time?
As far as I know, you need to read the clock from local system using function blocks, for example GetDateAndTime from CAA DTUtil Extern Library. Then you need to keep it up-to-date by using a function block, for example RTC from Standard libary
The following reads the system local time and then updates it with a RTC function block. Works at least on Windows, couldn't test with Raspberry. Please note that if the local time changes for some reason, this won't update it again. So you need to run the GetDateAndTime call every now and then, for example.
First, a program that updates and provides the local time:
PROGRAM PRG_UpdateSystemTime
SystemDateTime : DT;
ReadLocalTime : DTU.GetDateAndTime; //Reads local time from system
RtcBlock : RTC; //Real-time clock - updates the previously received local time
//NOTE: Output is UTC time
//The block that reads local time. NOTE: Error handling is missing
ReadLocalTime(xExecute:= TRUE);
//Running real-time clock
EN := ReadLocalTime.xDone AND NOT ReadLocalTime.xError,
PDT := ReadLocalTime.dtDateAndTime,
CDT => SystemDateTime
And then one example for ladder. I think there are millions of ways. Note that the "DoSomething" will be TRUE for the whole second, so you should probably use rising edge detection.

STM32F411 DWT CYCCNT counter width

For some time I have been using the DWT cycle counter, CYCCNT in STM32F4 processors for timing operations. Everywhere I look, the assumption is that this is a 32 bit counter.
However, I am now using the STM32F411CE processor and it looks to me like there are only 31 bits.
I run this code:
CoreDebug->DEMCR |= CoreDebug_DEMCR_TRCENA_Msk;
DWT->CTRL |= 1;
uint32_t next = millis()+200;
while(next > millis()){
// do nothing
next += 200;
printf("%8lu %12lu\n",next,DWT->CYCCNT);
And observe the results on the terminal. The processor is running at 100MHz, so the counter increases by 20 million after 200ms. After a while the counter value wraps but it wraps at 2^31, not 2^32:
21435 2039916353
21635 2059916353
21835 2079916353
22035 2099916353
22235 2119916353
22435 2139916341
22635 12432705
22835 32432705
23035 52432705
23235 72432705
So, can anyone point me to any definitive information about the CYCCNT counter width on the STM32F411 processor? Or have I overlooked something embarrassingly simple?
I ran the exact same code on a board containing an STM32F405 processor and got these results:
30419 4204732031
30619 4233532031
30819 4262332031
31019 4291132031
31219 24964735
31419 53764738
31619 82564738
31819 111364735
So it seems clear to me that the '405 processor CYCCNT register is 32 bit whereas the '411 processor is only 31 bit. Most odd!
A second board with the same processor type behaves perfectly as well. A friend also ran the code on his (different) '411 board with no problems. It now seems that the board itself is faulty or, possibly, the processor is broken. All the other processor functions appear correct. Looks like it is just time to swap out the processor.
The description of DWT_CYCCNT is in section C1.8.8 of the Arm V7m Architecture Reference manual which you can get from here
Section C1.8.3 says
CYCCNT is an optional free-running 32-bit cycle counter.
When implemented and enabled, CYCCNT increments on each cycle of the processor clock. When the counter
overflows it wraps to zero, transparently.
So this doesn't explain your findings.

I2C: Raspberry Pi (Master) read Arduino (Slave)

I would like to read a block of data from my Arduino Mega (and also from an Arduino Micro in another project) with my Raspberry Pi via I2C. The code has to be in Perl because it's sort of a plug-in for my Home-Automation-Server.
I'm using the Device::SMBus interface and the connection works, I'm able to write and read single Bytes. I can even use writeBlockData with register address 0x00. I randomly discovererd that this address works.
But when I want to readBlockData, no register-address seems to work.
Does anyone know the correct register-address, or is that not even the problem that causes errors?
Thanks in advance
First off, which register(s) are you wanting to read? Here's an example using my RPi::I2C software (it should be exceptionally similar with the distribution you're using), along with a sketch that has a bunch of pseudo-registers configured for reading/writing.
First, the Perl code. It reads two bytes (the output of an analogRead() of pin A0 which is set up as register 80), then bit-shifts the two bytes into a 16-bit integer to get the full 0-1023 value of the pin:
use warnings;
use strict;
use RPi::I2C;
my $arduino_addr = 0x04;
my $arduino = RPi::I2C->new($arduino_addr);
my #bytes = $arduino->read_block(2, 80);
my $a0_value = ($bytes[0] << 8) | $bytes[1];
print "$a0_value\n";
Here's a full-blown Arduino sketch you can review that sets up a half dozen or so pseudo-registers, and when each register is specified, the Arduino writes or reads the appropriate data. If no register is specified, it operates on 0x00 register.
The I2C on the Arduino always does an onReceive() call before it does the onRequest() (when using Wire), so I set up a global variable reg to hold the register value, which I populate in the onReceive() interrupt, which is then used in the onRequest() call to send you the data at the pseudo-register you've specified.
The sketch itself doesn't really do anything useful, I just presented it as an example. It's actually part of my automated unit test platform for my RPi::WiringPi distribution.