How to set DOCKER_HOST with fixed ip address or system variable? - eclipse

I am using eclipse docker tooling perspective to handle minikube docker repository on windows 10. The installation and configuration of minikube are successful.
> minikube docker-env
$Env:DOCKER_HOST = "tcp://"
$Env:DOCKER_CERT_PATH = "C:\Users\joseph\.minikube\certs"
# To point your shell to minikube's docker-daemon, run:
# & minikube -p minikube docker-env | Invoke-Expression
When managing docker images, I use docker explorer of docker tooling perspective. And below image is the the Docker Connection Dialog
[Test Connection] is successful and the connection throws no errors. But the problem is the DOCKER_HOST of minikube is variable. The DOCKER_HOST is not fixed and is changeable whenever minikube is started. I want to know how to fix the DOCKER_HOST ip address when minikube is started or the system variable of DOCKER_HOST with which I can set the value of docker tcp connection URI of eclipse IDE.

I've reproduced your problem using the following steps:
minikube start --vm-driver=xhyve
minikube ip (note the IP address)
minikube stop
minikube delete
minikube start --vm-driver=xhyve
minikube ip (IP address has changed)
After digging around I understood that at the moment there is no support for predictable IP's across restarts.
There is an open issue for this and you can follow it here.


How to set minikube proxy when the driver is hyperkit or virtualbox?

I am trying to use Ingress in minikube by minikube addons enable ingress. However, currently Ingress cannot be used with minikube when the driver is docker on macOS based on this issue ticket.
So I turn to use hyperkit or virtualbox as driver. One image that need to be pulled when enabling Ingress is However, is blocked in my current location.
So I try to use a VPN in global mode for my computer. However, I met this issue that hyperkit is unable to access when the VPN is in use.
Then I found this document
My VPN is listening at, I set
export HTTP_PROXY=
export NO_PROXY=localhost,,,,
Then I tried all these methods to start minikube:
minikube start --driver=hyperkit
minikube start --driver=virtualbox
minikube start --driver=hyperkit --docker-env HTTP_PROXY= --docker-env HTTPS_PROXY= --docker-env NO_PROXY=localhost,,,,
But I saw these messages:
😄 minikube v1.21.0 on Darwin 11.2.3
✨ Using the hyperkit driver based on user configuration
❗ Local proxy ignored: not passing HTTP_PROXY= to docker env.
❗ Local proxy ignored: not passing HTTPS_PROXY= to docker env.
👍 Starting control plane node minikube in cluster minikube
🔥 Creating hyperkit VM (CPUs=2, Memory=6000MB, Disk=20000MB) ...
❗ Local proxy ignored: not passing HTTP_PROXY= to docker env.
❗ Local proxy ignored: not passing HTTPS_PROXY= to docker env.
😄 minikube v1.21.0 on Darwin 11.2.3
✨ Using the virtualbox driver based on existing profile
❗ Local proxy ignored: not passing HTTP_PROXY= to docker env.
❗ Local proxy ignored: not passing HTTPS_PROXY= to docker env.
Seems this "user configuration" overwrite my proxy config. But where is this "user configuration"?
What is the correct way to set proxy for minikube when the drive hyperkit or virtualbox? Thanks!
My guess is conflicts with the VM's internal address, and that's why it's ignored. You might need to configure your proxy to be your host's network IP instead of You might not even need to configure a proxy? Also, the Virtualbox driver gives me problems with VPN. I have the best luck with the VMware driver, and can also get the HyperKit driver to work if I update the VM's DNS to my host's DNS.
minikube start --driver hyperkit
minikube ssh sudo resolvectl dns eth0
minikube ssh sudo resolvectl domain eth0
I also get the unable to access error when creating the VM, but it doesn't seem to affect things.
Downloading this image using docker, exporting it to file, transfering it to minikube VM and importing it to local docker registry, like in this thread has solved the problem.
Your proxy is for circumventing the China Greate Firewall correct? Then I know why it is not working. It is not releated to hyperkit or virutalbox at all.
I checked the source code of minikube. "Local proxy ignored" actually means that your proxy url is set to localhost (127.0.*) and minikube thinks you set the proxy incorrectly so it will just ignore this setting.
The resolution is just to edit your host file (for Windows it is in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts), to give a hostname. You can add the following line into the end of the host file. localproxy
Then change environment variable http_proxy and https_proxy to http://localproxy:1235.
Reopen the CMD window to get the updated environment variable and restart the minikue. You should be able to find that the "Local proxy ignored" message is gone and finally you can download the image from

What are good workflows for deploying podman/buildah created container images to minikube?

I am exploring and learning about containers and kubernetes using podman and minikube on a linux workstation. I use podman to build images on the workstation and would like to deploy these images in minikube also running on the workstation using the kvm2 virtual machine driver. I also start minikube using the CRI-O container runtime.
What are efficient workflows to deploy these images from the workstation to minikube in this scenario? Docker is not running on the minikube VM so the reusing the Docker daemon as described in the minikube documentation is not an option. Sharing the host file system with minikube also appears to not be viable at this time when using kvm2.
Is running a local registry that is visible to both the workstation and the minikube vm the best option? Answers to How to use local docker images with Minikube? and (Kubernetes + Minikube) can't get docker image from local registry appear to offer good solutions for configuring a local registry.
Would skopeo be a solution?
Edit: this is a nice post describing how to set up a registry using podman:
thank you
Minikube documentation provides the foundation for a potential workflow at In order to use podman in lieu of docker I did the following
Start minikube, as instructed, with the --insecure-registry flag. I specifically use
minikube start --network-plugin=cni --enable-default-cni --bootstrapper=kubeadm --container-runtime=cri-o --cpus 4 --memory 4g --insecure-registry ""
Enable the minikube registry addon.
minikube addons enable registry
Configure podman to use the insecure minikube registry by adding the registry to the insecure registries section of /etc/containers/registries.conf. This section now looks like
registries = ['']
where is the minikube ip. This ip may change following minikube restarts.
Follow the build, push and run commands in substituting podman for docker. This assumes the test-img container file exists.
Build: podman build --tag $(minikube ip):5000/test-img .
Push: podman push $(minikube ip):5000/test-img
Run: kubectl run test-img --image=$(minikube ip):5000/test-img
This worked but suffers from a serious complication: there is no apparent way at this time to set the IP address for the minikube VM when using kvm2. The IP will always be in the subnet but that is the only certainty. Each time minikube is started the IP address of the registry will change which has significant implications for podman and the workflow in general.
More to come an another solution.

How to completely purge minikube config or reset IP back to

I want to completely purge Minikube so that I could start over as if I installed it for the first time to avoid some configuration clashes. Mailnly to have initial IP, unfortunatelly it increases on next minikube start to, etc. I've run to delete Minikube:
minikube delete
rm -rf ~/.minikube
rm -rf ~/.kube
I'm running minikube version: v0.31.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 with driver VirtualBox 5.2.18
I found this problem on the Mac with VirtualBox as well. I tried removing the Host Network Manager, but it did not work for me. However, I did find another solution.
After issuing minikube delete, I removed the following file:
Starting minikube again reset the address to .100.
File contents:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Leases version="1.0">
<Lease mac="08:00:27:66:6a:19" id="01080027666a19" network="" state="expired">
<Address value=""/>
<Time issued="1555277299" expiration="1200"/>
<Lease mac="08:00:27:08:03:a3" id="010800270803a3" network="" state="expired">
<Address value=""/>
<Time issued="1555276993" expiration="1200"/>
<Lease mac="08:00:27:32:ed:f8" id="0108002732edf8" network="" state="expired">
<Address value=""/>
<Time issued="1555276537" expiration="1200"/>
I've recently run into this issue on mpb; tracking down issues with minikube helm and tiller on VirtualBox v6.0.10
Cleanest solution I've found works as expected
function minikube_reset_vbox_dhcp_leases() {
# # Reset Virtualbox DHCP Lease Info
echo "Resetting Virtualbox DHCP Lease Info..."
kill -9 $(ps aux |grep -i "vboxsvc\|vboxnetdhcp" | awk '{print $2}') 2>/dev/null
if [[ -f ~/Library/VirtualBox/HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet0-Dhcpd.leases ]] ; then
rm ~/Library/VirtualBox/HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet0-Dhcpd.leases
Credit: issues/951
Minikube is used on different platforms, so it might be helpful to add information related to most popular of them.
Minikube is not responsible for assigning IP address to its VM.
If you are starting minikube on Windows or MacOS new VM is created. That VM gets the first available IP address from the pool of hypervisor DHCP service. In brief, DHCP service reserves this IP for the VM for some period of time, usually from 24 hours to 7 days. If in this period the client doesn't refresh DHCP lease and this IP is not available on the network, the IP is considered free and can be offered to another client.
VirtualBox has only basic settings for its DHCP service, you are not allowed to configure lease time or static ip binding. So, you may try to change ip configuration of minikube VM network interface, after VM is created using minikube ssh. Or you can play with VM MAC address right after creation because DHCP offers IP address based on host MAC address.
HyperV uses existed DHCP on local network for shared networks or manually configured DHCP server for internal networks. If you have access to DHCP administration console you can delete the old minikube VM IP binding before starting a new VM using minikube start.
For Linux you can choose two options, you can use virtualbox hypervisor and create VM like it works on Windows or MAC, so DHCP will work like I've mentioned previously, or you can use -vm-driver=none argument and setup Kubernetes cluster inside host environment without VM. In this case your host machine becomes a Kubernetes master node with the same IP configuration.
If you use virtualbox as the vm-driver, you can use this Python script on Linux/Mac to reset the ip to
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import subprocess as sp
from sys import platform
import os
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Resetting Virtualbox DHCP...")
procs ="ps aux", shell=True, stdout=sp.PIPE)\
pids = [
p.split()[1] for p in procs if 'vboxsvc' in p or 'vboxnetdhcp' in p
for pid in pids:['kill', '-9', pid])
cfg_dir = ".config" if platform != 'darwin' else 'Library'
file = f"~/{cfg_dir}/VirtualBox/HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet0-Dhcpd.leases"
except OSError as e:
If you make the script an executable via chmod +x minikube_reset and put it into your path, you can run:
minikube stop # Stop your running minikube instance.
minikube_reset # Reset the ip.
minikube start # Start new minikube instance with
Your minikube instance should always start with after minikube_reset.
For Ubuntu 18.0.4 you can try
rm -r /home/username/.config/VirtualBox/HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet0-Dhcpd.leases

minikube - How to know the name of the minikube VM being used?

I want to use minikube ssh [flags] command
There is Global Flag:
-p, --profile string The name of the minikube VM being used.
So, I need to know the name of the minikube VM. How to do this?
Profiles feature on some stacks are broken since 0.26.0, and still with version 0.28.2. #2818, #2574
Without setting a profile the default profile will create a VM called "minikube".
minikube profile default
minikube profile was successfully set to minikube
Set the profile to another name,
minikube profile experiment
then view the profile set with
minikube config view
and create a new Minikube VM with that profile name
minikube start --profile experiment
With the profile set to "experiment", the VM created in VirtualBox will (should) be named "experiment".
Minikube is a tool that makes it easy to run Kubernetes locally. Minikube runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster inside a VM on your laptop for users looking to try out Kubernetes or develop with it day-to-day.
Parameter "-p", that you mentioned, is used to name the VM where minikube creates a Kubernetes stack. Omitting this parameter presupposes default value "minikube".
For the system running minikube with the support of the VirtualBox:
VBoxManage list runningvms
First returned value is the name of minikube instance. I assume there is no other
VirtualBox session running.
Next, you can use this name to:
minikube ssh <name>
When you create minikube with -p parameter, to manage this setup you must use -p
with every minikube command call. This parameter is useful for multiple minikube instances running on the same host.

Minikube on Windows with VirtualBox: Connection attempt fail

I got Kubernetes Minikube on my laptop (4cores, 8 GB RAM). I just performed the basic installation steps (got miniKube and kubectl, enabled the BIOS virtualization) and I am able to start the cluster:
C:\Users\me>minikube start
Starting local Kubernetes cluster...
Starting VM...
SSH-ing files into VM...
Setting up certs...
Starting cluster components...
Connecting to cluster...
Setting up kubeconfig...
Kubectl is now configured to use the cluster.
However, when I try to interact with the cluster, I allways get the same error, sample:
C:\Users\me>kubectl get pods --context=minikube
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party
did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
I execute minikube ip and I ping the result IP and I get a response. Also I tried to give more memory (3Gb vs the standard 2Gb) and nothing changed.
Am I doing something wrong here?
I had same issue as above. I found out that kubectl couldn't connect to the cluster and would throw up the error when i'm on a VPN connection. When I turned off my VPN client, it started working as fine.
I think it could be some problem with the cluster, when I run minikube status I've got the mixed results of cluster running and cluster stopped:
First run:
c:\> minikube status
minikube: Running
cluster: Stopped
kubectl: Correctly Configured: pointing to minikube-vm at
Second run:
minikube: Running
cluster: Running
kubectl: Correctly Configured: pointing to minikube-vm at
Third run:
minikube: Running
cluster: Stopped
kubectl: Correctly Configured: pointing to minikube-vm at
The service is flapping.
Connecting to the minikube vm using minikube ssh I realized the kubeconfig file have wrong path separator for certificates generated by minikube automatic configuration. The path on kubeconfig file stands for \var\lib\localkube\certs\ca.cert and it have to be /var/lib/localkube/certs/ca.cert and so on...
To update the file I have to copy the content of the orignal file to my desktop, fix the directory separators and save the correct file to /var/lib/localkube/kubeconfig and restart the service using:
sudo systemclt restart localkube.
I hope everyone can use minikube with this tip.
If it keep to hit 8443 connection issue when changed work environment, would simplify turn off TLS verification for minikube local cluster if there is not clue.
Hope it is helpful for you.
from the documentation:
for Troubleshooting
Run minikube start --alsologtostderr -v=7 to debug crashes
I had the same problem:
check if a some service of a VPN is running by checking the task management, for me, I had a running service of my VPN, so kill the task and try to run the command showed above