Azure DevOps - Pipeline triggering pipeline - azure-devops

Like many before me I'm struggling hard with configuring pipeline triggers in Azure DevOps.
single project in the Organization
three branches: main, Infrastructure, Application
The branches are kind of independent of each other. They are never merged into main either.
I have a pipeline which deploys two App Services. The YAML file for this pipeline is in the Infrastructure branch. The Default branch for manual and scheduled builds is set to Infrastructure.
Then I have 2 pipelines, each to deploy a different App to the App Service. The YAMLs for those pipelines are in the Application branch. The Default branch for manual and scheduled builds is set to Application.
By themselves, the pipelines work perfectly fine. However what I am trying to achieve is to trigger the App pipelines after the App Service pipeline finishes. And no matter what combination of settings I try, I can't get it to work.
This is currently how it looks like in the n-th version of the YAML:
name: 'deploy-webapp-002'
vmImage: windows-latest
- pipeline: 'Deploy App Services' # Internal name of the source pipeline, used elsewhere within this YAML
# e.g. to reference published artifacts
source: deploy-appservices # Azure Pipelines name of the source pipeline referenced
project: HomeLab # Required only if the source pipeline is in another project
- Infrastructure
- Application
pr: none
trigger: none
Is it even possible to do what I'm trying to do?
If yes, what settings should be specified in the Resources/Pipelines section in the YAML, and how should the Default branch for manual and scheduled builds look like for each of those pipelines?

I can reproduce the same issue when I put the YAML files separately in two branches and set the default branch.
Refer to this doc: Define a pipelines resource
When you define a resource trigger, if its pipeline resource is from the same repository (say self) as the current pipeline, triggering follows the same branch and commit on which the event is raised. But, if the pipeline resource is from a different repository, the current pipeline triggers on the default branch of the self repository.
In your case, you are using the same repo. So triggering follows the same branch and commit on which the event is raised.
To solve this issue, you need to copy the YAML file in Application Branch to Infrastructure Branch.
On the other hand, you can also try to set Build completion trigger manually on UI.
For example:


Add a Build Pipeline to an existing branch

In Azure Devops, when i view a branch Repos->Branches->Select a branch i was able to click Set up build.
However, i am not able to choose an existing pipeline there.
When i select a pipeline Pipeline->Edit->Triggers i can add Branch filters aswell as path filters, however those do not take effect.
I tried to add filters for release/my-release aswell as release/* or a path-filter release.
I want to be able to start a pipeline from the Branch overview. What do i have to do?
If you're using YAML pipelines, e.g. azure-pipeline.yml, make sure this file is also available in your branch.
If the pipeline YAML was added to main after you've branched the release branches, the build will never trigger. Because the branch doesn't have the pipeline YAML .
Furthermore the triggers of the YAML should be specified in the YAML instead of Pipeline->Edit->Triggers.
- master
- release/*
Don't forget to turn off the "Override the YAML continuous integration trigger from here" Option:

Azure Devops - YAML Build Triggers Don't Work. Alternative?

I have some Azure YAML pipelines that I need to trigger in a chain. I am finding that the documented approach does not seem to work. I have tried various things recommended in other SO posts: Azure Pipeline to trigger Pipeline using YAML and Azure DevOps unable to trigger yaml pipeline off of completed build.
I also know they had open bugs for some of this so not sure if I am missing something or if the feature is broken now?
For sake of brevity, I have two pipelines named "MyProject.Common" and "MyProject.Foo". I want Foo to run after Common succeeds. ​
A snippet of my yaml is below. Note that here are some things I have already tried:
Not including the first "trigger: none" line.
Including "trigger: true" after the "source:" bit, instead of the "branches: include:... piece".
Tried is with "branches: include: - '*' "
And various other things. MyProject.Foo is just not being triggered.
I have also verified that there are no CI triggers under the Edit -> Triggers menu.
Have also verifies that MyProject.Common is publishing a build artifact.
Any ideas? If this is a broken feature, what would be a good workaround?
trigger: none
- pipeline: 'MyProject.Common'
source: 'MyProject.Common'
- main
- refs/head/main
Branch triggers and Pipeline resource triggers are very similar but have one very big difference - how and where the trigger is evaluated.
Branch triggers get evaluated for every branch.
Pipeline resource triggers get evaluated ONLY On the pipeline Default branch.
from the docs:
Pipeline completion triggers use the Default branch for manual and scheduled builds setting to determine which branch's version of a YAML pipeline's branch filters to evaluate when determining whether to run a pipeline as the result of another pipeline completing. By default this setting points to the default branch of the repository.
What does this mean?
Your pipeline resource trigger yaml changes need to be in default branch of the pipeline that you want to be triggered. You can do this by merging your changes into the default branch, or changing the default branch to your dev/feature branch by following these instructions.
I am not at all sure why, but I deleted the dependent pipeline and created a new one (referencing the original yaml file) and it then triggered properly.
I can only guess that Azure lost some type of reference behind the scenes as the YAML for the trigger was accurate.
Thanks for all the input. It was helpful even though it didn't solve the main issue.

DevOps YAML build pipeline multi-repo trigger branch not identified by Release Pipeline for continuous deployment trigger or artifact filter

I have a YAML build pipeline which resides on the repo PipelineRepo, branch master.
It contains a reference to a second repo AppRepo with a trigger on branch dev.
When a commit is made on AppRepo/dev, the build triggers and produces an artifact. The Build.SourceBranch predefined variable available during the build is of course dev as this was the triggering branch on AppRepo. This is as per the docs here:
The specific part of the docs is this:
When an update to one of the repositories triggers a pipeline, then
the following variables are set based on triggering repository:
I consume the artifact in a Release pipeline, where I have a "Dev" stage with an artifact filter for branch dev:
I have a continuous deployment trigger on the artifact for branch dev:
Now we come to the problem
Every time a new build artifact is produced from the AppRepo/dev branch, the continuous deployment trigger doesn't fire because it thinks the build branch of the artifact was PipelineRepo/master. This is also true of the artifact filter on the stage - I have tested it by changing the continuous deployment trigger to master.
Note: you can see on the screenshot the build name contains the word "dev". This is because I use the Build.SourceBranch var in my custom build name. This proves the artifact is definitely produced by the AppRepo/dev triggering branch.
How can I get the DevOps Release Pipeline to pick up the triggering branch?
Based on your description, I could reproduce the similar issue in my organization.
When the pipeline is triggered by another repo branch, it still show the master branch in Release artifacts.
At the same time, the display of the trigger branch is also inconsistent in Pipelines.
For example:
Detail view:
I suggest that you could create a feedback ticket in Our feedback Site.
For a workaround:
You could add a build tag in Pipeline to distinguish artifacts.
Yaml sample:
- repository: test
type: git
name: 123/ARM
- test
- checkout: test
- script: echo "##vso[build.addbuildtag]$(Build.SourceBranch)"
Release Pipeline:
You could set the master branch and add the build tag.

azure devops triggers trouble understanding

I've got a problem where I cannot get my pipeline to run when I want it to.
I have a repo in GitHub, and I'm running my pipelines in ADO.
I have two branch - main branch, feature branch.
I want a pull request to trigger a pipeline called "pull-request" when I make a pull request in I want the pipeline to exclude any changes that happen to a file called azure-pipeline-pull-request.yml (which is the pipeline file).
I don't want it to run any other time.
I have tried many different combos in the yml file, but I cannot get the pipeline to run when a PR happens.
This is the code at the top of the YAML file.
- main
- azure-pipelines-pull-request.yml
- main
- azure-pipelines-pull-request.yml
I've tried it without the trigger section. I could do with some help in explaining what is happening.
I tried your code and successfully triggered the pipeline to run. So some other reasons caused the pipeline not running automatically instead of your script.
There are several possible reasons for the issue. Click I just created a new YAML pipeline with CI/PR triggers, but the pipeline is not being triggered. for detailed information and steps. Here is a brief overview of the content of the document:
Go to "Triggers" in UI. Turn off the "Override the YAML trigger from here" setting.
Check whether your Github repository is connected to multiple Azure DevOps organizations. If so, remove the service connection and re-establish it.
Check whether there is a failure in Webhooks in Github.
Make sure that the YAML file in the correct branch has the necessary CI or PR configuration.
Did you use templates for your YAML file? If so, make sure that your triggers are defined in the main YAML file.

Azure DevOps pipeline trigger does not fire

Azure DevOps has a feature (documented here) to trigger a pipeline on completion from another pipeline.
This works fine in a test organization, but it won't work in our main organization.
There could be something on the organization, project, repository or even branching level, but I'm currently stuck and any help would be appreciated!
Pipeline Pipeline B should run automatically when pipeline Pipeline A completes.
File pipeline-a.yaml for Pipeline A:
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
- script: echo Hello, world!
displayName: 'Do something'
File pipeline-b.yaml for Pipeline B:
trigger: none
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
- pipeline: pipeline-a
source: 'Pipeline A'
branch: master
- master
- script: echo Hello, world!
displayName: 'Do something'
In my test organization the above pipelines run like a charm. This means that Pipeline A runs on a commit, and after completion, Pipeline B runs automatically.
Yet in our production organization, Pipeline B does not run automatically.
Both pipelines run fine when started manually, in both organizations
All Preview features are equal on organization and personal level for both organizations, including the Multi-stage pipelines feature.
The production organization has branch policies on master, while the test organization does not have policies. I don't see a connection with pipeline triggers and did not investigate this.
Installing extensions to have them equal on test and production does not make a difference.
The test organization seems to be in the slow ring and was still on Sprint 161. EDIT: The issue persists after the organization was updated to Sprint 162.
It works when I use the classic editor and manually create a build completion trigger. But this overrides the YAML pipeline trigger and I don't want to do this (I want to generate the pipeline and it's triggers)
Deleting and re-adding the pipeline did the trick. So keep the YAML file but delete the pipeline and add it again.
The Azure DevOps backend seems to miss a relationship between pipelines now and then.
We troubleshot a similar problem today. With Pipeline-A defined as a resource that is meant to be consumed by Pipeline-B.
The consuming pipeline was never being triggered. Deleting and recreating the pipeline did not work for us. This work\pipeline was net new and on a feature branch. That ended up being important.
The ultimate fix was defining that feature branch as the Default branch for manual and scheduled builds in Pipeline-B. You can find that setting tucked away in Pipeline -> Edit -> triggers -> yaml-> Get Sources. Expect that as we promote this code to the main branch we will need to update the setting.
So it seems like the Default branch for manual and scheduled builds would be better named
Default branch for manual and scheduled builds and Pipeline Completion Triggers
In my case it was as simple as the source pipeline completing with an error. Testing with a very simple non erroring pipeline and the code worked fine.