How to fix the ground in unity 2d - unity3d

Um I'm making a game in unity I got a problem I made a picture as the ground but it doesn't work I put if to default and put what is ground to default to I use rigid body as physics and I already put a collision box and collision circle

Your question is not a clear question
But be sure to add the rigidbody to the ground and the box colliser for the player and the ground
You can review the images in this question showing how you can add the rigidbody and the box collider

Adding on to the responder above me, even if you did add the colliders, you may not have made the right size.


Having one hitbox for Tilemap

I'm trying to make a one way tilemap with platform efector, there is a problem though, because the tilemap collider makes each tile have a collider, the player sticks mid way through the platform if he tries to move because of the colliders, like here OneWayTiles, the player can get through but can't go left or right because he gets stuck, I did figure out that if I take the sprites and make them a prefab they work, I put the box collider and the platform effector on the parent and it works with no problems,
like here, so I do have a solution but it will just take too long drag and drop and change the size if I have to, is there a way I can keep it as a tilemap while not having this problem? thanks in advance.

How can I remove small part of collider of game object in unity 2d

click here for gif show of what I want
I want to remove mesh of object when user click on object and also remove its collider to make another object fall from that removed mesh area...
I am using unity since last month so I don't have much experience and knowledge, please help me...
Creating the destructable ground particles
One way to achieve whats shown in the gif is by creating a prefab of e.g. a circle collider that is instantiated in the area of where the dirt is in your gif. It acts as a "ground particle" and keeps the objects above itself.
You instantiate a lot of them in the area so it acts as a big collider although it is actually a whole array of smaller colliders.
Implementing the interaction logic and deactivating the ground particles
Ater that you implement the functionality of dragging the mouse over the ground particles, removing them. That is also not difficult. Shoot raycasts into the screen at the postition of the mouse (remember to use Camera.ScreenToWorldPoint) and get the collision information (confer to With the collision information you can get the reference to the instance of your ground particle(raycasthit.other.gameobject) which is then disabled through script(gameobject.setActive(false)).

I accidentally put my 2D colliders on the Main Camera and not my Maze Sprite

I am currently following a tutorial to make Pacman in Unity. I was told to use 2d colliders around the little blocks that Pacman goes around. I've accidentally put the colliders on the main camera and not the maze sprite.
Will this affect my game in any way? Or do I need to put the colliders on the sprite? If I do is there any quick way to redo my colliders?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Here is the link to the tutorial:
I am happy to provide screenshots if necessary.
You will still need to add a collider to the maze sprite so the player can collide with it.
If you accidentally put a collider on your camera, you can right-click on the top of the component and click remove.

Why is my character flying off in unity 2d?

When i Click on the play button my Spire flies off into the ceiling of my map.
I have a simple png as a sprite in unity.
I use a tilemap for the level i made which has a TilemapCollider2D and a BoxCollider2D. <- photo of what is happening.
My character has a BoxCollider2D and a Rigidbody2D.
I'm making a side scroller in case that is necessary to know.
The gravity and stuff for the character is normal and so is the mass.
My character(s) should just stay on the ground.
I'm not exactly sure if the grey part of the backroud is the object that has a BoxCollider2D but if it does that that's your issue.
You can't have two BoxColliders overlapping each other otherwise you'll get what your seeing now, one shooting up.
I would suggest removing the BoxCollider2D on the tilemap (if that's possible) and maybe just having a BoxCollider2D on that floor in the picture.
If my answer didn't help or wasn't good enough I would be happy to help you further, just reply to this. :)

Capsule Collider not visible in the scene view?

I am trying to hit a ball using a golf club. My golf club has three components (three game objects: handle, shaft and head as shown in the first attached image). Head gameobject's inspector can be seen in the another attached image.
To hit the golf ball, we need a collider. So I put a Capsule Collider at head game object. But I don't see any collider at head gameobject.
The head is shown in the last image.
Why I can't put Capsule Collider at the object?
Thanks for the reply.
I increased the radius but still the same.
I placed a Quad in the scene and put Mesh collider onto it (called AW52Collider). Please see in the
first image. We can see the collider clearly.
But I did the same thing to Club head, as it is also a game object I should be able to put a Mesh collider. But I don't see anything. Why?
Please see in the second image.
One more thing I don't understand is when I put AW52Collider inside Club Head object, I don't see AW52Collider also. Why? Please see in the third image.
Increase the size of your collider, those values do not look like you should see the gizmos at all. Best would be to reset the collider to its default values and then play with them until you are happy.
It is best practice to create a child object with colliders on it. The reason is the placement of the collider. The collider is always centered around the pivot point of a GameObject. But you probably want to move your collider freely or disable a group of colliders manually for testing (or optimization) purposes. Also consider that an object with multiple small colliders as child objects is considered one big collider (rigidbody wise). Source (Compound Colliders)
Just enable Gizmos button and you'll find your capsule collider.
See this picture to know exactly where to find it:
(It's in the toolbar below the Scene tab)