Kafkajs - multiple consumers reading from same topic and partition - apache-kafka

I'm planning to use Kafkajs https://kafka.js.org/ and implement it in a NodeJs server.
I would like to know what is the expected behavior in case I have 2 (or more) instances of the server running, each of them having a consumer which is configured with the same group id and topic?
Does this mean that they might read the same messages?
Should I specify a unique consumer group per each server instance ?
I read this - Multiple consumers consuming from same topic but not sure it applies for Kafkajs

It's not possible for a single consumer group to have multiple consumers reading from overlapping partitions in any Kafka library. If your topic only has one partition, only one instance of your application will be consuming it, and if that instance dies, the group will rebalance and the other instance will take over (potentially reading some of the same data, due to the nature of at-least-once delivery, but it's not at the same time as the other instance)


Apache Kafka PubSub

How does the pubsub work in Kafka?
I was reading about Kafka Topic-Partition theory, and it mentioned that In one consumer group, each partition will be processed by one consumer only. Now there are 2 cases:-
If the producer didn't mention the partition key or message key, the message will be evenly distributed across the partitions of a specific topic. ---- If this is the case, and there can be only one consumer(or subscriber in case of PubSub) per partition, how does all the subscribers receive the similar message?
If I producer produced to a specific partition, then how does the other consumers (or subscribers) receive the message?
How does the PubSub works in each of the above cases? if only a single consumer can get attached to a specific partition, how do other consumers receive the same msg?
Kafka prevents more than one consumer in a group from reading a single partition. If you have a use-case where multiple consumers in a consumer group need to process a particular event, then Kafka is probably the wrong tool. Otherwise, you need to write code external to Kafka API to transmit one consumer's events to other services via other protocols. Kafka Streams Interactive Query feature (with an RPC layer) is one example of this.
Or you would need lots of unique consumers groups to read the same event.
Answer doesn't change when producers send data to a specific partitions since "evenly distributed" partitions are still pre-computed, as far as the consumer is concerned. The consumer API is assigned to specific partitions, and does not coordinate the assignment with any producer.

If I use Kafka as simple message. Does it really worth

=== Assume everything from consumer point of view ===
I was reading couple of Kafka articles and I saw that the number of partitions is coupled to number of micro-service instances.... Ex: If I say 1topic 1partition for my serviceA.. Producer pushes message to topicT1, partitionP1, and from consumerSide(ServiceA1) I can read from t1,p1. If I spin new pod(ServiceA2) to have highThroughput then second instance will never receive any message because Kafka/ZooKeeper assigns id to each Consumer and partition1 is already taken by serviceA1. So serviceA2++ stays idle... To avoid such a hassle Kafka recommends to add more partition, so that number of consumers can be increased/decreased based on need.
I was also able to test through commandLine and service2 never consumed any message. If I shut service1 then service2 was able to pick new message... So if I spin more pod then FailSafe/Availability increases but throughput is same always...
Is my assumption is correct. Am I missing anything. Now I feel like any standard messaging will have the same problem...How to extend message-oriented systems itself.
Every topic has a partition, by default it comes with only one partition if you don't define the partition count value. In your case, you have a consumer group that consists of two consumers. Every consumer read the log from the partition. In your case, first consumer read the log from the first partition(we have the only partition), and for second consumer there will be no partition to the consumer the data so it become idle. Once first consumer gets down then only the second consumer starts reading the data from the first partition from the last committed offset.
Please check below blogs and videos. It explains the topic, consumer, and consumer group in kafka.
I hope this will give you idea about the consumer and consumer group.
A broad solution to this is to decouple consumption of a message (i.e. receiving a message from Kafka and perhaps deserializing it and validating that it conforms to the schema) and processing it (interpreting the message). If the consumption is simple enough, being limited to no more instances consuming than there are partitions need not constrain.
One way to accomplish this is to have a Kafka consumption service which sends an HTTP request (perhaps through a load balancer or whatever) to a processing service which has arbitrarily many members.
Note that depending on what you're using Kafka for, there may be a requirement that certain messages always be in the same partition as one another in order to ensure that they get handled in a deterministic order (since ordering across partitions is not guaranteed). A typical example of this would be if the messages are change events for a particular record. If you're accomplishing this via some hash of the message key (or a portion of the key if using a custom partitioner), then simply changing the number of partitions might not be viable (you would need to introduce some sort of migration or have the producers know which records have to be routed to the old partitions and only route to the new partitions if the record has never been seen before).
We just started replacing messaging with Kafka.
In a traditional MQ there will be a cluster and 1orMQ will be there inside.
So the MQ cluster/co-ordinator service will deliver the message to clients.
Now there can be 10 services/clients which can consume message from single MQ.
So if there are 10 messages in MQ then each service/consumer/client can read/process 1 message
Now this case is not possible in Kafka which I understood now as per design
To achieve similar functionality in Kafka I have add equal or more number of partition as client/consumer/pods.

Maximum subscription limit of Kafka Topics Per Consumer

What is maximum limit of topics can a consumer subscribe to in Kafka. Am not able to find this value documented anywhere.
If consumer subscribes 500000 or more topics, will there be downgrade in performance.
500,000 or more topics in a single Kafka cluster would be a bad design from the broker point of view. You typically want to keep the number of topic partitions down to the low tens of thousands.
If you find yourself thinking you need that many topics in Kafka you might instead want to consider creating a smaller number of topics and having 500,000 or more keys instead. The number of keys in Kafka is unlimited.
To be technical the "maximum" number of topics you could be subscribed to would be constrained by the available memory space for your consumer process (if your topics are listed explicitly then a very large portion of the Java String pool will be your topics). This seems the less likely limiting factor (listing that many topics explicitly is prohibitive).
Another consideration is how the Topic assignment data structures are setup at Group Coordinator Brokers. They could run out of space to record the topic assignment depending on how they do it.
Lastly, which is the most plausible, is the available memory on your Apache Zookeeper node. ZK keeps ALL data in memory for fast retrieval. ZK is also not sharded, meaning all data MUST fit onto one node. This means there is a limit to the number of topics you can create, which is constrained by the available memory on a ZK node.
Consumption is initiated by the consumers. The act of subscribing to a topic does not mean the consumer will start receiving messages for that topic. So as long as the consumer can poll and process data for that many topics, Kafka should be fine as well.
Consumer is fairly independent entity than Kafka cluster, unless you are talking about build in command line consumer that is shipped with Kafka
That said logic of subscribing to a kafka topic, how many to subscribe to and how to handle that data is upto the consumer. So scalability issue here lies with consumer logic
Last but not the least, I am not sure it is a good idea to consumer too many topics within a single consumer. The vary purpose of pub sub mechanism that Kafka provides through the segregation of messages into various topics is to facilitate the handling of specific category of messages using separate consumers. So I think if you want to consume many topics like few 1000s of them using a single consumer, why divide the data into separate topics first using Kafka.

Kafka - Multiple consumers (only one active) on same group/topic

Is it possible to have multiple copies of an application listen to the same Kafka group/topic so that only one is reading it at a time, but the other ones will start working if the main one crashes/stops reading?
I need to make an application highly available but can't tolerate doubling the traffic to the data store on the other end of the application by having multiple copies actively running.
FYI - Technically I'm using MapR streams but it adheres to the Kafka API and functionality, in case anyone knows a MapR stream-specific feature that helps the situation.
It is possible. If multi consumers are in same consumer group, when the group subscribes a topic, kafka will do a partition assignment work for your consumers: one partition could only be consumed by only one consumer in a same group.
So you could set your topic to have only one partition, then only one consumer to consume message, others will be idle. Once the consumer is shutdown, it will trigger the group rebalance operation : kafka will do the partition assignment again. And Then in your case , a new consumer will go ahead this work. It will process message from the last committed offset which commited by old consumer.
And if your case supports parallel processing, you could make many process(app) doing same work and set the topic to multi partitions. They will be assigned to consume different partitions and process different messages. So it will speed up your process and also can tolerant the fail over. As above said, if some consumers is failed, kafka will take care it for you, it will assign their paritition to other working consumer. So everything will be ok.

How can Apache Kafka send messages to multiple consumer groups?

In the Kafka documentation:
Kafka handles this differently. Our topic is divided into a set of
totally ordered partitions, each of which is consumed by one consumer
at any given time. This means that the position of consumer in each
partition is just a single integer, the offset of the next message to
consume. This makes the state about what has been consumed very small,
just one number for each partition. This state can be periodically
checkpointed. This makes the equivalent of message acknowledgements
very cheap.
Yet, following their quick start guide in that same document, I was easily able to:
Create a topic with a single partition
Start a console-producer
Push a few messages
Start a consumer to consume --from-beginning
Start another consumer --from-beginning
And have both consumers successfully consume from the same partition.
But this seems at odds with the documentation above?
When using different consumer groups, consumers can consume the same partitions easily. You may consider group ids as different applications consuming a Kafka topic. Multiple different applications might want to use the data in a Kafka topic differently and thus not to conflict with other applications. That's why two consumers may consume one partition (in fact the only way how two consumers can consume one partition).
And when you start a console consumer it randomly generates a group id for it (link) thus these consumers are doing exactly what I just wrote.