chaostoolkit rollbacks not happening unless --rollback-strategy explicitly specified - chaos

I am using chaostoolkit tool and earlier the rollbacks used to happen if the hypothesis fails after the method injects failure. Now I see a different behaviour and the rollbacks happen only if i specify --rollback-strategy = deviated or always. I have raised a github issue as well which has sample console outputs(
Does anyone know what could be the reason? or some parm to set the rollback strategy in the experiment itself instead of specifying at CLI?

I know it's been a while since this discussion happened. Just wanted to share my thinking on this.
Some time ago, I did a rather large refactoring internally and, as part of this, I believe I may have introduced this change without realising it.
I realised this some months ago but I'm not sure what path to take. My feeling is that I should revert back to the original, and specified behavior. But I'm concerned about the effect on existing deployments.


Alfresco, recognize when a workflow is started

I use Alfresco Community 5.2 and my need is to perform some work when one of the default Alfresco's workflow is started.
I could override all the workflows definitions, but I wonder if there is a better and quicker way to do that. The perfect would be a behavior which triggers when a workflow is started.
Is there something like that ?
Any other approach is accepted. Thanks.
There isn't anything similar to a behavior for workflows that I know of, although if your workflows will always have documents attached you could consider binding a behavior to the workflow package type (I don't recall off-hand what that type is--it might just be cm:folder which wouldn't be that useful).
This is kind of a hack suggestion, but you could implement a quartz job that would run every 30 seconds or every minute or so that would use the workflow service to check to see if any new workflows have started since the last check. If so, your code could be notified and passed the workflow ID, process ID, etc.
The straightforward solution is as you suggested in your original post--just modify the out-of-the-box processes with a task listener that fires when the workflow starts.
Following Jeff suggestion, and this tutorial, I managed to implement a task creation/completion listener and do my logic inside those blocks, resolving the problem.

How can I debug something I cant often re-create?

So I have had this bug for a long time that I have been unable to track down. The problem is I cant recreate it often.
So far I have tracked the bug down to a specific process that basically goes like this.
Their are three simultaneous processes that go on that take different lengths of time. After each process is done it sets a boolean "key" to true, and then triggers a function that checks if all "keys" are in place. Basically once the last "key" is in it will actually start to do things.
Somewhere in the key setting process, or earlier, or even possibly after it crashes. Unfortunately it leaves a really cryptic error message, and when it crashes in Xcode it is "EXEC BAD ACESS" and thus just puts a breakpoint in the app delegate declaration.
I am sure I can easily fix this bug, I just dont know enough on how to fix this. Thankfully I have fabric which allows me to print to a text file that I can see when a user crashes. Each update I add new data to it (at the cost of a tad bit of latency) in order to better understand how it happened. Each new crash gets me closer. Unfortunately though I have slow adoption rates to new versions and the crashes just keep building up! I still dont know why.
Unfortunately because this crash only happens once in a blue moon (atleast on my device) on my device. And because of the low new version updates I have to collect the data myself. Which is really hard!
I have tried tons of methods of trying to get things to go wrong, or making the process that caused it happen rapidly, or even having auto pressing buttons. Still i cant get it to crash again! And when it does all I can do to track down the bug is add more println calls so I can see what is going on.
The freaky thing is for all I know I could have already fixed it because I usually try new tweaks ect. But I won't know because it won't consistently crashes. Honestly i'm fairly sure I fixed it (or at least took down the chances of it happening).
What would you do in a situation like this?
This sound like a race condition
I would use NSOperationQueue to make sure that all he tasks are done in order and that all are actually completed before the final one is performed.

Hornetq performance issue

I tested the massaging speed of hornetq-2.0.0GA and hornetq- 2.2.5 Final and found that messaging speed is higher for older version, is it true or my mistake?
It's hard to tell. It will all depend on what test you're doing...
You need to make sure you're doing proper syncs, and scaling up your test. The server will sometimes need to make sure the semantics of transactions are preserved and you may get the feeling that one producer is slower, but you need to make a proper test to measure this.
This thread of yours is actually a good candidate as being closed, as the question doesn't state what you're doing.

Tips for finding things in your program that are broken that you don't know about?

I was working on something for a client today when I found a way to break some functionality in our program.
(The code is really legacy code, it's been in development for about 10 years and I've only been working here for about a year.)
It didn't cause an error, or cause the program to crash, but if a user was using the program and duplicated the behavior I'm pretty sure they'd be holding up their "WTF?" flag.
In our program we have named fields (textboxes) and static text (labels) that can be linked with the textboxes. When the textbox is not filled in the label(s) that were linked to them disappear.
The functionality that I broke was, when you change the name of a textbox that already has one label or more linked to it, and save the file, without re-associating the one or more labels associated with the textbox, the formerly-associated labels appear when the textbox is blank.
Now my thinking on the matter is that a simple observer pattern could have solved this problem in the first place, but then I didn't write the code.
I was thinking that if I could dig up more situations like this with the guys in my shop, that maybe I could talk them into considering unit testing, decoupling, applying patterns where they are called for and the like.
So for this reason I was wondering if anyone had any tips for finding broken (but not error causing) functionality in any sort of app (web-based, desktop, etc...)
For an app to fail usability, it has to have a defined set of expected behaviors.
"Is this textbox SUPPOSED to do nothing when the enter key is pressed?" Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I've seen apps where a tester/reviewer reports something that they ASSUME should work another way, when in actuality the client specifically asked that they DON'T want the form submitted on a return key press, but only a submit button click.
So basically you have to define proper behaviour before you can determine incorrect behavior.
Hire some testers.
If it has an interface, then one of my favorite unconventional test is putting 5-10 year old children in front of it. You'd be surprised what they can come up with (especially the younger ones). While this may sound like a joke, it isn't -- it really works, because children don't have the mindset of only going through "mindset" paths.
And yeah, children are the experts in "breaking things" xP.
Code inspections, i.e. reading the source code: if you had taken time to read/inspect the source code, looking for "smells" or even just looking for code whose behaviour you don't immediately understand and agree with, you might have been holding up your "WTF?" flag too.
Test, test, test.
Do unexpected things. Start doing one task and switch another to see if anything goes haywire. Use the back button when you're not supposed to. Open it in two windows. Let it time out.
Test in all browsers, especially IE.
You can find database connections/sessions aren't released by:
working out the minimum number of connections you need to do something
setting resource limits to that minimum number
ensuring one "run" of the scenario that should use exactly that number (and release it afterwards)
then run it again a few times... do you run out of connections?
I used to work in a company where programmers regularly used to forget to de-allocate db connections. The standard answer was to reduce the resource to a minimum to see if there's a leak - and to try to work out where it is by restarting the system and running different scenarios repeatedly.
The first hour of code review, with the first reviewer, will do the most to find quality problems. But here's the thing: You don't need to convince people of quality problems. You need to convince them of the value of fixing bugs, and of rewriting only when the present quality absolutely justifies it.
I've dealt with some seriously bad code in my time. But you can't just rewrite. You need a spec before you can even tell if the rewrite is an improvement.
Sometimes, you have to infer the spec from the code and then check it against some human somewhere. But by the time you've done that, you understand the code as written and are now better prepared to repair than to rewrite -- most of the time.
Repair proceeds by a process of small behavior-preserving modifications that render the spec more clear in the code. Then, when you find something that looks wrong, you don't just change it. You ask around until you find the person responsible for that decision, and you get them to show you where in the spec it says that behavior X is correct. (This conversation can take many forms.) If you're lucky, they'll tell you that behavior X is in fact incorrect, and then you've earned your pay.
Also unit testing with coverage analysis.
This is particular to the Visual Studio IDE, although it probably also applies to others:
During testing, always at some point run in the debugger with "Break when an exception is thrown" turned on.
This can often help expose exceptions which are incorrectly being silently caught and which represent bugs, but otherwise may not be evident.
Code reviews should always also include reviews of the unit test code.
The problem is that with ad-hoc testing it's impossible to know how much or how well a developer has tested their code. So, you're at the mercy of different developers definition of the word "done".
If you include reviews of the unit test code at the same time you review the production code you should have a good idea of whether the code is really complete; in that "complete" includes "tested". Not just "Hey, I'll throw it over the wall to the testers!".

How do you make a build that includes only one of many pending changes?

In my current environment, we have a "clean" build machine, which has an exact copy of all committed changes, nothing more, nothing less.
And of course I have my own machine, with dozens of files in an "in-progress" state.
Often I need to build my application with only one change in place. For example, I've finished task ABC, and I want to build an EXE with only that change.
But of course I can't commit the change to the repository until it's tested.
Branching seems like overkill for this. What do you do in your environment to isolate changes for test builds and releases?
#Matt b: So while you wait for feedback on your change, what do you do? Are you always working on exactly one thing?
So you are asking how to handle working on multiple "tasks" at once, right? Except branching.
You can have multiple checkouts of the source on the local machine, suffixing the directory name with the name of the ticket you are working on. Just make sure to make changes in the right directory, depending on the task...
Mixing multiple tasks in one working copy / commit can get very confusing, especially if somebody needs to review your work later.
I prefer to make and test builds on my local machine/environment before committing or promoting any changes.
For your specific example, I would have checked out a clean copy of the source before starting task ABC, and after implementing ABC, created a build locally with that in it.
Something like that: git stash && ./ && make tests :)
I try hard to make each "commit" operation represent a single, cohesive change. Sometimes it's a whole bug fix or whole feature, and sometimes it's a single small refactoring on the way to something bigger. There's no simple way to decide what a unit is here, just by gut feel. I also ask (beg!) my teammates to do the same.
When this is done well, you get a number of benefits:
You can write a high quality, detailed description for the change.
Reading the first line of the description of each change gives you a sense of the flow of the code.
The diffs of a change are easy to read & understand.
If a change introduces a bug / build break / other problem, it's easy to isolate, understand, and back out if necessary.
If I'm half-way through a change and decide to abort, I don't lose much.
If I'm not sure how to proceed next, I can spend a few minutes on each of several approaches, and then pick the one I like, discarding the others.
My coworkers pick up most of my changes sooner, dramatically simplifying the merge problem.
When I'm feeling stuck about a big problem, I can take a few small steps that I'm confident in, checking them in as I go, thereby making the big problem a little smaller.
Working like this can help reduce the need for small branches, since you take a small, confident step, validate it, and commit it, then repeat. I've talked about how to make the step small & confident, but for this to work, you also need to make validation phase go quickly. Having a strong battery of fast, fine-grained unit tests + high quality, fast application tests is key.
Teams that I have worked on before required code reviews before checking in; that adds latency, which interferes with my small-step work style. Making code reviews a high-urgency interrupt works; so does switching to pair programming.
Still, my brain seems to like heavy multitasking. To make that work, I still want multiple in-progress changes. I've used multiple branches, multiple local copies, multiple computers, and tools that make backups of pending changes. All of them can work. (And all of them are equivalent, implemented in different ways.) I think that multiple branches is my favorite, although you need a source control system that is good at spinning up new branches quickly & easily, without being a burden on the server. I've heard BitKeeper is good at this, but I haven't had a chance to check it out yet.