Can I create a QR code to install a web app? - progressive-web-apps

I'm a huge begginer in programming and I want help about coding mobile stuff.
Actually, I want to create a QR code which allows to add an icon linked to a web app.
For example, I want to add figma web app on my phone. Usually, I would go the website, choose the option "add on my homescreen" and validate my choice. But I want to minimize the steps by just scanning a qr code to directly have the choice to add the web app.
To illustrate :
1. figma website
2. go to the options to add an icon of figma on my homescreen
3. validate my choice
4. the app is on my homescreen !
But I want this :
1. scan the qr code
2. Validate the action
3. The app is on my homescreen !
I suppose that it would be different depending the os that I use but if I can configure a QR code for ios and one for android it would be perfect !
I've started to generate QR code and modify the encoded text but I've found nothing interesting. Maybe I just simply don't have the right to do this i don't know ?
Is it a story of URI scheme or deep link ?
Anyway thanks for the help, it's still interesting to improve knowledge on something that could work (or not!).

This article is useful, it worth to have a look:
Alright this is the method that I used:
The QR code should contain a URL with a parameter that can be used to indicate that the installation flow should start, something like, once you scan the QR code this will redirect you to that page on your phone, in that page you need to have code to handle the installation, for instance you can have a button that it only shows when the installPWA parameter is true and the PWA is not installed yet, the button could have an event listener that will trigger the install prompt
button.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
// Show the install prompt
using an approach like the button one is important because the prompt must be called with a user gesture (, this mean the user need to actively click the button, you can just use different ways to promote your app to the user.


QR Code Link to Random Website from Selection

I want to make a QR Code that when scanned, takes the user to a random website from a pre-defined list.
My first attempt was to use a Google Scripts editor to create a Web App then link that to the QR from a generic QR Code generator, but the App can't be made available for public use and the script I run doesn't work. My next attempt was to use a basic website maker like Wix (So it automatically publishes a website that can be linked to the QR Code) and use HTML to make a button that does that, however the Wix webpage can never establish a connection to the sites I have.
This is a brief hobby project I have going on, so I am making attempts to not have to purchase a domain/I want to try and make this free.
You might find useful then. It should make it very easy to embed a small QR code for any URL. Let me know if you have any questions about its use ;)

Advanced features with Flutter Driver (or Silenium/Ghost Inspector)

Looking for a UI integration test strategy for Flutter. We'd love to use Silenium/Ghost Inspector but seems that is not practical due to lack of html id's or CSS classes in Flutter (Add id or name property or other means of identification for Flutter Web applications?). Or has anyone found a way round that?
In the meantime Flutter Driver has only very basic documentation for simple tests like finding a button and pressing the button. Anyone know if I can do other operations like navigate to a specific page (e.g. using a # url fragment), test a link which leads to an external site, check visual setup of the page against an image, and other such tests which would be standard in Silenium and the like.
Well seems Flutter Driver is still very limited so I have instead found a strategy for using Selenium, posted full details here:
Strategy to use Selenium browser testing with Flutter Web apps

Flutter App Introduction with User Interaction

I would like to create an Animated App Walkthrough however I don't want something like Onboarding Screen.Let me give you an example to make it clear what I wanted :
For Example assume user login the app for the first time then the user needs to follow some instructions in order to learn the basics and unknown things of the app. So rather than a simple image or animation at Onboarding Screen, I want user to interact(touch) the shown places on the app.
Also , I look at flare where I could create animation but I couldnt find how to add interaction which I exactly want.
The Material Design solution to this problem is Feature Discovery.
There is a package for this on Pub called feature_discovery.
The following content was removed.
There are not any standalone implementations in the form of plugins for Flutter that I am aware of available at the moment. However, there is an open source implementation created by Matthew Carrol, which was published on GitHub.
Alongside the code, he created an in-depth video tutorial showing and explaining the creation process:

Auto form filling

I have a requirement like I need to fill an online form automatically. (Auto form filling).
Means I need to create an application in which clicking on the "Auto fill” button it will open the form in browser (form is another website page) and fill the data automatically.
The data (which may change each time) I will supply from my application. So first I thought of implementing the functionality using iMacro.
But later I realized I can’t call this imacro from an application if it is free version. So please suggest me some idea to achieve this functionality.
as far as i under stand your problem i would say try sikuli just a simple you can say a compiler and a language which uses image recognition and you can make autobot through this and a very easy to learn ..

Anyone have step by step instructions for creating a page tab app?

I am trying to create a page tab app that I can add to one of my FB pages (just trying to create a simple iframe tab here folks, don't know why this has to be such a cluster**).
I have followed the instructions but I see no way to actually add the app to the list of apps available for the page I want it displayed on.
Does anyone have good step by step instructions for this process? Maybe I can pinpoint where I went wrong.