google maps flutter my location blue dot compass arrow - flutter

update question:
I am facing a problem when using google map flutter.
Normally in the google map application, the current position will be displayed with a blue dot and trimmed beam, but in google_maps_flutter, it will display a blue dot and an arrow indicating the direction of the compass. currently when i rotate my phone the beam on google maps app moves in the direction of the phone but the arrow on the app using google_maps_flutter doesn't move or moves very slow and wrong direction. everyone can test it with the example of google maps flutter below. Has anyone encountered this problem can give me advice or a keyword to solve. Thank you everyone for reading.
if anyone wants to try can pull directly from google_maps_flutter example. Install on device -> settings -> enable GPS permission -> open app -> user interface -> mylocation marker. tks
link git hub example:
blue and compass arrow in google_map_flutter
blue dot and the beam that indicates in Google Maps application

This button is provided by the Google Maps Flutter plugin directly. I think, it is there for compatibility reasons and it does not play well with other widgets wich are overlapping the map and it is not customizable, as far as I know.
My suggestion is to disable this button and use your own buttons to control the GoogleMaps widget. Use Floating Action Buttons for example.


The image of the map on the screen is not taken as a screenshot

I am trying to take a screenshot using "screenshot: ^1.3.0". On screens with simple widgets, the image is stored without problems.
If I have a Google map or a Flutter map on my screen, the map part is grayed out. I face this problem in both web and mobile projects.
I need to get a screenshot of the whole page including the map. How can I solve this?
I don't get any problem in the console when the image is fetched.
Flutter 3.3.3, Dart 2.18.2

flutter:: Is there a flutter package that allows me to visually see my volume?

I am using google speech to text api and google speech flutter package.
When a voice is input, I want to express the volume of the voice in the form of a bar.
I want to make a widget where the blue bar moves to the right when the voice is louder,
and the blue bar moves to the left when the voice is lowered.
Can you tell me if there is a flutter package that can make these bars?
This is example.
You could try the Noise Meter package.

Swift Google Maps not going under Safe Area

I am using Google Maps SDK on iOS using Swift, and have tried to get the map to go under the safe area, but it always respects the safe area.
I have attached the storyboard setup in the images.
How would I stop respecting the safe area and fill it?

How to add an overlay to Google Maps API in Xcode

I was wondering how I can add lines to a Google Maps API for Xcode.
You can see here that Google added a purple dotted line along a road which can be clicked on for further details.
Is this possible in Xcode and how do I do this?
The Maps SDK for IOS allows you to add Polylines to draw lines on a Google map which you can then customize to make it have a similar look to the line shown in the image you've posted.
Hope this helps you get started!

iphone google maps crosshair button

I would like to use or emulate a button like the gps button in the bottom left corner of the standard maps application on the iphone OS. The button behaves like a toggle button where gps is enabled or disabled depending on whether it is pushed and it may hold a small spinner component while the gps is finding your position.
Does anyone know if this component can be easily constructed using default components? If no, what would be the best way to develop such a component?
Is the crosshair/target icon a generic icon that I can re-use?
The button is just an image, you should be able to recreate it.
In order to do the tracking, I would look at this sample code:
It shows you how to get the GPS coordinates, then you can feed that data into a MKMapView.
Apple's Spinner Button is hidden, but can be used with systemButton: 100