a very simple Kubernetes Scheduler question about custom scheduler - kubernetes

Just a quick question.. Do you HAVE to remove or move the default kube-scheduler.yaml from the folder? Can't I just make a new yaml(with the custom scheduler) and run that in the pod?

Kubernetes isn't file-based. It doesn't care about the file location. You use the files only to apply the configuration onto the cluster via a kubectl / kubeadm or similar CLI tools or their libraries. The yaml is only the content you manually put into it.
You need to know/decide what your folder structure and the execution/configuration flow is.
Also, you can simply have a temporary fule, the naming doesn't matter as well and it's alright to replace the content of a yaml file. Preferably though, try to have some kind of history record such as manual note, comment or a source control such as git in place, so you know what and why was changed.
So yes, you can change the scheduler yaml or you can create a new file and reorganize it however you like but you will need to adjust your flow to that - change paths, etc.


Populating a config file when a pod starts

I am trying to run a legacy application inside Kubernetes. The application consists of one of more controllers, and one or more workers. The workers and controllers can be scaled independently. The controllers take a configuration file as a command line option, and the configuration looks similar to the following:
I need to be able to populate the instanceId field with the name of the machine, and this needs to be stable over time. What are the general guidelines for implementing something like this? The application doesn't support environment variables, so my first thought was to record the stateful set stable network ID in an environment variable and rewrite the configuration file with an init container. Is there a cleaner way to approach this? I haven't found a whole lot of solutions when I searched the 'net.
Nope, that's the way to do it (use an initContainer to update the config file).

Why prefix kubernetes manifest files with numbers?

I'm trying to deploy Node.js code to a Kubernetes cluster, and I'm seeing that in my reference (provided by the maintainer of the cluster) that the yaml files are all prefixed by numbers:
I don't think that this file format is specified by kubectl, but I found another example of it online: https://imti.co/kibana-kubernetes/ (but the numbering scheme isn't the same).
Is this a Kubernetes thing? A file naming convention? Is it to keep files ordered in a folder?
This is to handle the resource creation order. There's an opened issue in kubernetes:
tl;dr kubectl apply -f k8s/* should handle the order but it does not.
However, except the namespace, I cannot imagine where the order will matter. Every relation except namespace is handled by label selectors, so it fixes itself once all resources are deployed. You can just do 00-namespace.yaml and everything else without prefixes. Or just skip prefixes at all unless you really hit the issue (I never faced it).
When you execute kubectl apply * the files are executed alphabetically. Prefixing files with a rising number allows you to control the order of the executed files. But in nearly all cases the order shouldn't matter.
Sequence helps in readability, user friendly and not the least maintainability. Looking at the resources one can conclude in which order the deployment needs to be performed. For example, deployment using configMap object would fail if the deployment is done before configMap is created.

Is it possible for Deis Workflow read values from ConfigMap?

I have installed Deis Workflow v.2.11 in a GKE cluster, and some of our applications share values in common, like a proxy URL e credentials. I can use these values putting them into environment variables, or even in a .env file.
However, every new application, I need to create a .env file, with shared values and then, call
deis config:push
If one of those shared value changes, I need to adjust every configuration of every app and restart them. I would like to modify the value in ConfigMap once and, after changes, Deis restart the applications.
Does anyone know if it is possible to read values from Kubernetes ConfigMap and to put them into Deis environment variables? Moreover, if yes, how do I do it?
I believe what you're looking for is a way to set environment variables globally across all applications. That is currently not implemented. However, please feel free to hack up a PR and we'd likely accept it!
Currently there is no support for configMaps in Deis Workflow v2.18.0 . We would appreciate a PR into the Hephy Workflow (open source fork of Deis Workflow). https://github.com/teamhephy/controller
There is no functionality right now to capture configMap in by the init scripts of the containers.
You could update the configMap, but each of the applications would need to run kubectl replace -f path/accessible/for/everyone/configmap.yaml to get the variables updated.
So, I would say yes, at Kubernetes level you can do it. Just figure out the best way for your apps to update the configMap. I don't have details of your use case, so I can't tell you specific ways.

How to handle recurring short-lived tasks with Kubernetes

I have a setup with a webserver (NGINX) and a react-based frontend that uses webpack to build the final static sources.
The webserver has its own kubernetes deployment + service.
The frontend needs to be build before the webserver can serve the static html/js/css files - but after that, the pod/container can stop.
My idea was to share a volume between the webserver and the frontend pod. The frontend will write the generated files to the volume and the webserver can serve them from there. Whenever there is an update to the frontend sourcecode, the files need to be regenerated.
What is the best way to accomplish that using kubernetes tools?
Right now, I'm using a init-container to build - but this leads to a restart of the webserver pod as well, which wouldn't be neccessary.
Is this the best/only solution to this problem or should I use kubernetes' jobs for this kind of tasks?
There are multiple ways to do this. Here's how I think about this:
Option 1: The static files represent built source code
In this case, the static files that you want to serve should actually be packaged and built into the docker image of your nginx webserver (in the html directory say). When you want to update your frontend, you update the version of the image used and update the pod.
Option 2: The static files represent state
In this case, your approach is correct. Your 'state' (like a database) is stored in a folder. You then run an init container/job to initialise 'state' and then your webserver pod works fine.
I believe option 1 to be better for 2 reasons:
You can horizontally scale your webserver trivially by increasing the pod replica number. In option 2, you're actually dealing with state so that's a problem when you want to add more nodes to your underlying k8s cluster (you'll have to copy files/folders from one volume/folder to another).
The static files are actually the source code of your app. These are not uploaded media files or similar. In this case, it absolutely makes sense to make them a part of your docker image. Otherwise, it kind of defeats that advantage of containerising and deploying.
Jobs, Init containers, or alternatively a gitRepo type of Volume would work for you.
It is not clear in your question why you want to update the static content without simply re-deploying / updating the Pod.
Since somewhere, somehow, you have to build the webserver Docker image, it seems best to build the static content into the image: no moving parts once deployed, no need for volumes or storage. Overall it is simpler.
If you use any kind of automation tool for Docker builds, it's easy.
I personally use Jenkins to build Docker images based on a hook from git repo, and the image is simply rebuilt and deployed whenever the code changes.
Running a Job or Init container doesn't gain you much: sure the web server keeps running, but it's as easy to have a Deployment with rolling updates which will deploy the new Pod before the old one is torn down and you server will always be up too.
Keep it simple...

"Injecting" configuration files at startup

I have a number of legacy services running which read their configuration files from disk and a separate daemon which updates these files as they change in zookeeper (somewhat similar to confd).
For most of these types of configuration we would love to move to a more environment variable like model, where the config is fixed for the lifetime of the pod. We need to keep the outside config files as the source of truth as services are transitioning from the legacy model to kubernetes, however. I'm curious if there is a clean way to do this in kubernetes.
A simplified version of the current model that we are pursuing is:
Create a docker image which has a utility for fetching config files and writing them to disk ones. Then writes a /donepath/done file.
The main image waits until the done file exists. Then allows the normal service startup to progress.
Use an empty dir volume and volume mounts to get the conf from the helper image into the main image.
I keep seeing instances of this problem where I "just" need to get a couple of files into the docker image at startup (to allow per-env/canary/etc variance), and running all of this machinery each time seems like a burden throw on devs. I'm curious if there is a more simplistic way to do this already in kubernetes or on the horizon.
You can use the ADD command in your Dockerfile. It is used as ADD File /path/in/docker. This will allow you to add a complete file quickly to your container. You need to have the file you want to add to the image in the same directory as the Dockerfile when you build the container. You can also add a tar file this way which will be expanded during the build.
Another option is the ENV command in a your Dockerfile. This adds the data as an environment variable.