Sage x3 Account payable API - sage-erp

I am new to Sage X3 and I need API for the account payable module. Can anyone help me providing the exact link to that module ?


Does paypal vault support SEK (Sweden) currency?

I am working on paypal integration using vault. But when I am calling payment API by passing "payment_method":"credit_card" with vault credit-card id return by vault credit-cards API and getting error from payment API "Currency is not supported."
Note: using "currency":"SEK"
There is no relation between supporting currency and vault. Paypal treats both differently as both are different modules.
Its all because SEK is not in your currency list. Please add SEK as one of your currencies and give a try again.
Hope this helps. Cheers.

Paypal: Mapping API credentials with sandbox credentials

The documentation for paypal adapative api requires the developer to send 6 headers amongst which there are:
X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-PASSWORD : Sandbox-Caller-Password
X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-SIGNATURE : Sandbox-Caller-Security-Signature
The trouble is I don't know where to find the USERID, PASSWORD and SIGNATURE
In the below screenshot that I took from the Paypal Sandbox Business Account, there is no such thing as USERID, PASSWORD and SIGNATURE. Instead I have Sandbox account, Endpoint, Client ID and Secret.
So which is which? What is the userid? What is the password? and what is the signature?
The screenshot you've provided is for the REST API. UN, PASS, and SIG are for the Classic API.
You can obtain those credentials logging in here with your PayPal account.
You can find more details here.

Paypal Pro DoDirectPayment API as a third party With No US/UK/Canada Credentials

I'm looking to integrate paypal as a payment gateways for my customers.
I provide a software online to customer who sells products to users, so I'm developping paypal as a third party, so the money is directly transferred in my customer's paypal account, and not mine.
I have create my account in paypal so I have my credentials, and let my customer grant permission to my app manually as write here ( )
I'm using the merchantSDK and DoDirectPayment method which is only available in US, UK & Canada.
My question is about the location of my acccount. Do I also need an account in US/UK/Canada (DoDirectPayment Api can just be use in US/UK/Canada - as write here :, or the only requirement is that my customer must have a US/UK/Canada business paypal account ?
Thank your for your help.
Only the account actually running the DoDirectPayment call would need Pro enabled.

Paypal API used on Prestashop

Is it applicable to use the same Paypal API username, password and signature in 2 different installation of Prestashop on different domain and hosting? Or is it to be a unique Paypal API username, password and signature for each Paypal module for every Prestashop ?
Your Paypal credentials are no tied to your domain or hosting, they just give you access to Paypal service.

Paypal Classic API: Test accounts

I need to simulate a buyer transaction in my paypal sandbox environment. Essentially, a buyer is a user that decides to subscribe to my service, which is done using the Paypal NVP API method: DoDirectPayment.
Reading the documentation, I gather that a buyer in this case will essentially be a Personal account, and basically to make any kind of api call, I require API credentials. However, the PAYPAL Developer website does not show any kind of API credentials for this personal account :
I do have a business account, and that does state the corresponding API credentials. The link I am referring to is :
where it states that the API credentials are specified for all accounts.
The only rationale I have behind this are :
a) personal accounts do not get API credentials,
b) I need to simulate a DoDirectPayment API with my business account API credentials, but documentation states that to simulate a buyer transaction I must use a personal account.
c) I need to set API credentials manually somehow.
Any leads?
You would use your API credentials from your business account in the API call. As for the buyer, you would not be paying with a PayPal account if you are using the DoDirectPayment API. You would be using a credit card. You should be able to use any of the card numbers below to test with. I juse use a Mod 10 check to generate the card numbers. You can just use any valid future date for the exp date, and use 123 for the card security code.