Does paypal vault support SEK (Sweden) currency? - paypal

I am working on paypal integration using vault. But when I am calling payment API by passing "payment_method":"credit_card" with vault credit-card id return by vault credit-cards API and getting error from payment API "Currency is not supported."
Note: using "currency":"SEK"

There is no relation between supporting currency and vault. Paypal treats both differently as both are different modules.
Its all because SEK is not in your currency list. Please add SEK as one of your currencies and give a try again.
Hope this helps. Cheers.


How to test failed PayPal transactions through Braintree SDK

I am using Braintree SDK on ASP.NET Core and I can create transactions using the access code generated from however all transactions are accepted by the payment processor and gateway.
I've tried to enter the magic amounts that are supposed to trigger declines as listed on the Braintree documentation however I think that they only work when you use a Braintree sandbox access token and not a PayPal sandbox access token (mentioned here). I've tried using an error code as an amount as documented on the PayPal API documentation here but that was accepted as well as a valid amount and the transaction went through.
Do I have to sign up for a Braintree sandbox account and to be able to get one of the decline codes documented here?
Full Disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you need any further assistance, feel free to contact support.
If you are using the PayPal access codes, in order to receive the decline codes, you'll want to use the mocked checkout flow and will need to setup a Braintree sandbox.


While I am using my sandbox credential with test card my code is working fine and response.Status is coming as "approved" but when I try live credential with my real card its throwing "UNAUTHORIZED_PAYMENT" error.
This is the error I got:
{"name":"UNAUTHORIZED_PAYMENT","message":"Unauthorized payment.","information_link":"","debug_id":"c446507b37b6c"}\"\",\"debug_id\":\"c0d38fae9eade\"}"
The difference between my sandbox account and live accounts are,
Someone please help me to overcome this issue.
I got the same issue. It is not said load enough while playing with the sandbox, although Paypal knows exactly my Locality.
Anyway, only US and UK developer can use REST API for vaulted credit cards payments.
From that link:
"The REST API supports a number of countries and currencies. The REST API provides simple payment processing for common business needs, including PayPal payments, direct credit card payments, authorization and capture, and refunds. For more advanced payment solutions such as parallel and recurring payments, you can use the NVP/SOAP APIs."

Validate PayPal Client id

I have been trying to validate Paypal client id but I didn't landed to any solution from Paypal documentation and also from other sources.
Anyone please help me if there is any API to validate Paypal's Client id.
You may want to look at PayPal Adaptive Accounts API. You can use GetVerifiedStatus API Operation to determine whether the specified PayPal account's status is verified or unverified.

PayPal REST API and recurring payments

I'm looking at the new PayPal REST API and the examples. Does it work as of today to make recurring payments? (a.k.a: subscriptions with recurring payments with billing cycle and the number of times the recurring payment is made.)
I cannot find this information in the documentation.
PayPal REST API now officially support Recurring Payments (Billing Plans and Agreements)
The PayPal REST API doesn't currently offer recurring payments, although the Classic APIs do offer this feature:
There are two options here for the REST API.
First you can store a credit card in the vault to make recurring payments against that card.
The second option is not yet released, but will involve a long term OAuth token, see this answer.
Try the Paypal REST API->
After setting your account, you´ll get a secret key and client id, which you´ll use later on to make the call to the api.
Remeber to set the grant_type on the apiContext so you don´t get a 403.
Billing Plan and Agreement APIs are also deprecated, we can use Subscription API instead,
Integration guide:

Get PayPal account type using GetAdvancedPersonalData API

Hi I need to get PayPal account type (personal, pro, merchant, etc) using some sort of API call. I am looking into GetAdvancedPersonalData API, however in the documentation I don't see account type as a info I can retrieve.
First of all, is this possible?
If not what are my options?
You need to be either pro or merchant holder to be able to use APIs.
If you are a personal account holder you can not authorise another provider to access your account through API
In your paypal account (sandbox or live) go to Profile > My Selling Preferences, If you do not see an API link there, means you need to upgrade your account to either a pro or merchant