Why does pressing up button in VS Code for Mac switch focus instead of taking me to the previous line - visual-studio-code

I have Googled this extensively and have got nowhere.
When I press the up button in VS Code for Mac, instead of taking me to the previous line, it sometimes, randomly, shifts focus to other areas, like the terminal, the notification symbol (bottom right), and file browser.
See screen recording attached.


When the app is turned off or switched, the keyboard becomes stuck or disappears

When I open a keyboard and then move my app to recent apps or switch, when I return, there is no keyboard on my screen but it occupies the area of the keyboard and appears a white area, and then the keyboard does not open and neither that portion goes until I remove that app and then reopen it. It is especially noticeable on iOS; the same project works perfectly on Android.
My project is in Flutter, and I am using GetX for state management.
The link to the video of the error is given below.
I try adding "life cycle" and then adding these lines, but nothing happens.

How to move Output or Terminal back into the panel in the window layout?

Recently in VS Code, somewhere around v1.42 or v1.43, we gained the ability to move around the following windows/panels that used to be stuck in the panel:
Debug Console
They could be split into multiple items in the panel itself (side-by-side or top/bottom, depending on whether the panel was at the bottom or left/right), and even dragged into the side-bar.
This was great, but after moving all of these windows to the side-bar while experimenting, I can't find any way to move them back into the panel. The panel is now empty, except for 3 dots (an ellipsis) in the upper left corner. You can still hide/show the panel, and move it left, bottom, or right, but there is nothing in it, and you can't drag anything to it. Dragging the terminal into the panel shows an icon that looks like it will successfully move (it's not the icon with the circle/cross-out you get other places it won't drop), but when releasing the click-drag, nothing happens.
I had just upgraded to v1.45.0 when this happened. It appears to be a defect, unless I'm missing something. Does anyone have a way to put the terminal or one of these other windows back in the panel, or reset their position? I combed the settings, and tried to find default setting's files (system or user) that might hold info on what is in the panel vs. the sidebar, etc., but couldn't find anything via search or on my PC. Any ideas?
Note: This is NOT about moving the panel between the left/right/bottom positions, or selecting the terminal/output/etc. in the panel itself. That's "old news", this is a recent feature.
Here is a view with the Terminal, Output, Debug Console, and Problems put at the top of the sidebar toolbar, and Terminal focused. The Panel is just to the right of the sidebar window, set to the "left" position, completely blank and useless. The "welcome" window on the far right side:
And here are my current settings:
See this issue https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/96117 (Empty panel behaves weird)
Suggested fix:
Run the command View: Reset View Locations in the command palette.
Please see: https://www.technipages.com/visual-studio-reset-window-layout
Menu Window / Reset Window Layout worked for me in VS 2019

ipython-qtconsole: strange behavior when switching windows

I am experiencing following problem with ipython-qtconsole:
I type in ipython-qtconsole window, then I switch to another application window with Alt+Tab. When I switch back again into ipython-qtconsole the text area is no longer selected/activated, but rather the menu. That means, when I start typing or hit enter, I am actually in the top menu. I have to click with the mouse in the text area first, and then I can start typing.
Is this normal behavior? I cannot imagine that anybody would want this "functionality". Is it possible to change it, so that when ipython-qtconsole window is activated, the text area is automatically active (i.e. the cursor is there) ?

Eclipse Ctrl+Space stopped working and a yellow rectangle shows up sometimes

Every once in a while when I am coding in Eclipse, Ctrl + Space stops working. It just displays "No completions available" with red text in the bottom status-bar whenever I try.
In addition to this, there is some strange code highlighting that can occur. I am not aware of why it happens, how it happens, or what it's purpose is. But I know how it looks (See screenshot)
These problems are always related, whenever Ctrl + Space stops working, that weird highlighting has a tendency to show up. And whenever that shows up, I know that code completition is not working.
I guess this mode is activated by me pressing some keyboard combination that I am unaware of.
I believe this problem is not associated only with one type of project (for example Android or Swing).
How do I get rid of the Ctrl + Space problem and the weird highlighting without restarting Eclipse?

Switching between Editor and Logcat via shortcut not working properly

pressing CTRL+F7 in Eclipse 3.7.2 gives me a small dialog to switch between views. (as ALT+TAB for system windows)
Most of my views are docked as "fast views" to keep my workspace clean.
Jumping between all views including logcat works perfect, but not between logcat and the editor, here nothing happens
The depreceated logcat view works as it should.
Clicking the small icon on the bottom shows logcat, but shortcut does not work.
Anyone has that problem too and has a solution for it? It's pain in the a** to use the mouse to open logcat all the time.
Thanks for your answers.
Thanks for the shortcut.
On windows, I can switch between the 'Log Cat' and the 'Editor' by pressing ctrl+f7.
To navigate to some other window perspective, use the keyboard without lifting the ctrl button.
It's a bug. Logcat just blinks on the screen and leaves. You can use the change view shortcut to go to another view like Console or Problems and from there you can switch normally to logcat. It's an annoyance but it beats reaching all the way to the mouse any day of the year