How do I get user input with micro python? Whenever I try using
I get an error saying it is not a valid command. How do i fix this?
Use sys.stdin.readline()
import sys
print("What is the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?")
answer = sys.stdin.readline()
if answer == "42\n":
I am working with Pyret, and a question came up about user input. How do you retrieve user input from the console, or is there no built-in method to do this? I found a few things about Reactors, but it doesn't seem built for this purpose.
I want something like this:
y = input("Enter a string...")
...preferably that functions similar to python's input("..."), but I have found nothing similar in the docs.
Using this code, or a variant of, is there anything that can be added to "trick" opt into conversing as another user in a style more similar to a chatbot. As of now it will either start something more similar to an article or have a conversation with itself for a few lines as seen below.
val = input("Enter your value: ")
input_ids = tokenizer((val), return_tensors='pt').input_ids
output = model.generate(input_ids, min_length=1, max_length=1024, penalty_alpha=0.6, top_k=6)
print("Output:\n" + 100 * '-')
print(tokenizer.decode(output[0], skip_special_tokens=True))
print("" + 100 * '-')
with open("OutputText.txt", "w") as f:
f.write(tokenizer.decode(output[0], skip_special_tokens=True))
Here's an example of the current output:
*User Input:
Hello There.
Model Output:
Hello there. I have an egg that matches your TSV. Would you mind hatching it for me?
Sure, I'll add you now. Let me know when you're online.
Sorry for the late reply. I'm online now for the next few hours. Just send me a trade request whenever you're ready.
No probs, I'm in the middle of a battle at the moment, but I'll get you as soon as I'm done.
Thank you very much for the hatch. Have a nice day :D
I've attempted to add a prompt to the start and it hasn't made a difference.
I am trying to add multiple column to to right how can i do that?
Attributes = ["RequestTypePesId","AgentId","UpdatedBy","CauseType","OriginatingSystem"] for i in Attributes: a = b = a.join(b, ==,"fullouter")
Output should be:
enter image description here
Check out this example:
and since you’re new, you might find this article useful:
“Hello World” of PySpark for Python & Pandas User [Pandas Vs PySpark]
Lastly, before you ask your next question, please make sure that you have followed standard protocol of asking a question. This video might help you.
I am using Matlab to read a workbook with a bunch of sheets in it.
I do some calculation and have to update one particular column in one sheet. I tried using xlswrite after xlsread, it does not work.
So, my code looks something like:
[~,~,Data] = xlsread('MyFile.xlsx', 'MySheet');
Data(2:end-1,5) = Data(2:end-1,5) + 1.5; %Random operation for illustration only
ret = xlswrite('MyFile.xlsx',Data,'MySheet');
But ret is 0. So, I am not able to achieve replacement process. Can you please help.
Based on my own comment:
Please use the second output argument as well an check what message you get:
[status,message] = xlswrite(filename,A,sheet)
Hopefully that is sufficient to find the cause, please let us know if that's the case.
Apparently it was indeed sufficient for the asker.
I am using the tm and wordcloud packages in R 2.15.1.
I am trying to make a word cloud from a DTM. Here is the code:
thedtmsparse = inspect(sparse)
trymatrix = t(thedtmsparse)
colnames(trymatrix) = c(), max.words=15, random.order=FALSE)
I get the following error from the last command:
Error in strwidth(words[i], cex = size[i], ...) : invalid 'cex' value
I have used the same code on another DTM where it worked fine and I got the word cloud.
Can somebody tell me a fix for the error?
You haven't provided reproducible code (probably a big reason no one answered your question), so I can only venture to guess what the problem might be.
I faced this same error, so I'll share my experience. The problem was I had NA's instead of 0's in my term document matrix. Simply fixing that fixed that problem.