How to set the icon of a c++ console application from Visual Studio Code - visual-studio-code

Previously I used to use Visual Studio 2019 for building my software and setting an icon in Visual Studio is easy. But due to some problem, we shifted to Visual Studio Code and Cmake to build my project. But now I cannot set the application icon. Please help.


Installing monogame Visual Studio 2022 issues

When I try to install the Monogame extension into Visual Studio 2022, it straight up does not show with the right extension.
it is not listed on the extension list:
(image of list)
i have the .NET framework installed into visual studio, (but I did that after installing the actual vs program)
does anyone have any idea why this is happening?
MonoGame 3.8.1 is out and is compatible with Visual Studio 2022!

VS Code editor intellisense doesn't work with UnityEngine.UIElements namespace

I can't get any types under UIElements to be picked up by Omnisharp when using VS Code or Vim. I've tried with a minimal project (clean 3d template) with Unity version 2020.3.20f1, Visual Studio Code Editor (Unity package) version 1.2.4, UI Toolkit version 1.0.0-preview.18. I've followed the guide here to get the correct compilation order of packages.
Build still works fine, but the editor's intellisense throws squiggles under all UIElements types (e.g. VisualElement, UIDocument).
Change the external script editor (Preferences > External Tools) from Visual Studio Code to Visual Studio Community 2019, then regenerate project files. This seems to work around whatever the issue with Unity is.
Downgrade to Visual Studio Code Editor v1.2.3. I have the same issue with .4

Open project from Visual Studio 2019 Developer Power Shell

I have installed Visual Studio 2019 community version, but it is somehow in a conflict with Visual Studio Code. When I open the Developer PowerShell in Studio 2019, direct to a project folder and enter "code .", the projects gets opened in Visual Studio Code. How can I set-up Visual Studio 2019 as default program? I know how to do it for certain file-formats, but not for project folders as a whole.

unreal engine development using vscode without vs2019, 2017

I'm wondering if I can make a C++ project in unreal engine without visual studio 2019, 2017 etc.
Currently I just use vscode. Is it necessary to install visual studio?
You can use visual studio code but you would need some compiler to compile your C++ project. For that the MSVC compiler that visual studio supports is often used. You can download the MSVC compiler and use visual studio code with it. when you create your project with visual studio code will generate a .vscode folder. In this folder you will have a
task.json [ for generating the build scripts you need to compile your program and create the exe files]
Launch.json [ for debugging your C++ classes]
Properties.json [ for finding the MSVC compiler ]
Unreal engine has a button in the editor that will compile your code. This equivalent to running
cd " Where you have your engine installed"
"Engine\\Build\\BatchFiles\\Build.bat" YourProjectNameEditor Win64 Development "C:\ThePathToYourProject\YourProjectName.uproject" -waitmutex
Visual studio provides other build task such as a DebugBuildGame and ShippingBuild
Visual studio code also provides these build task through task.json file, but it does not work out of the box
I ended up making a video about this and timestamped important events
You want to consider fixing the task.json if your want to run any build other than the editor one.

Team Explorer missing in Visual studio 2017

I am using Visual Studio Code 2017 and I am not able to locate team explorer and I need it to use git in VS it is supposed to be present in "view" but it is not.
enter image description here
Team Explorer is part of Visual Studio 2017. Visual Studio Code is a different program. Your image is from Visual Studio Code (not visual studio).