how to limit number of threads in polars - python-polars

Is there a way to limit the number of threads used by polars?
I am doing this because I am doing a second layer of parallelization around some polars code, and would like to limit the inner parallelism. This should still be better than Pandas due to the SIMD right.

You can set the env var POLARS_MAX_THREADS. This value initializes the thead pool size. This must be set before polars is imported.
More configuration env vars are documented here.


Does a count() over a DataFrame materialize the data to the driver / increase a risk of OOM?

I want to run df.count() on my DataFrame, but I know my total dataset size is pretty large. Does this run the risk of materializing the data back to the driver / increasing my risk of driver OOM?
This will not materialize your entire dataset to the driver, nor will it necessarily increase your risk of OOM. (It forces the evaluation of the incoming DataFrame, so if that evaluation means you will OOM then that will be recognized at the point you .count(), but the .count() itself didn't cause this, it only made you realize it).
What this will do, however, is halt the execution of your job from the point you make the call to. .count(). This is because this value must be known to the driver before it can proceed with any of the rest of your work, so it's not a particularly efficient use of Spark / distributed compute. Use .count() only when necessary, i.e. when making choices about partition counts or other such dynamic sizing operations.

Are there any memory or table size constraints when using DataFrame.registerTempTable?

Is there any size limit for using registerTempTable in Spark? Is the data kept in memory or swapped in disk internally in case of large DataFrame? Can there be issues related to this if I use registerTempTable on a dataframe which has a lot of records?
Is there a limit in relation to the spark configuration (executor memory/driver memory etc) for registerTempTable to work normally? For example if executor memory is 2g then registerTempTable should only store a dataframe of size 1.8g or something?
Is there any size limit for using registerTempTable in Spark?
Is the data kept in memory or swapped in disk internally in case of large DataFrame?
No and no.
Can there be issues related to this if I use registerTempTable on a dataframe which has a lot of records?
Is there a limit in relation to the spark configuration (executor memory/driver memory etc) for registerTempTable to work normally?
I hope the above No's helped a bit, but just to shed more light on DataFrame.registerTempTable think about it as a way to register a name (temporarily) that is associated to a structured query which is going to be executed when the data is required, i.e. when an action is executed that triggers a Spark job.
In other words, registering a temporary table is just a handy shortcut so you can use it in SQL queries rather than using the high-level DataFrame operators.

Slow count of >1 billion rows from Cassandra via Apache Spark [duplicate]

I have setup Spark 2.0 and Cassandra 3.0 on a local machine (8 cores, 16gb ram) for testing purposes and edited spark-defaults.conf as follows:
spark.python.worker.memory 1g
spark.executor.cores 4
spark.executor.instances 4
spark.sql.shuffle.partitions 4
Next I imported 1.5 million rows in Cassandra:
tid int,
cid int,
pid int,
ev list<double>,
primary key (tid)
test.ev is a list containing numeric values i.e. [2240,2081,159,304,1189,1125,1779,693,2187,1738,546,496,382,1761,680]
Now in the code, to test the whole thing I just created a SparkSession, connected to Cassandra and make a simple select count:
cassandra ="org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra")
df = cassandra.load(keyspace="testks",table="test")
At this point, Spark outputs the count and takes about 28 seconds to finish the Job, distributed in 13 Tasks (in Spark UI, the total Input for the Tasks is 331.6MB)
Is that the expected performance? If not, what am I missing?
Theory says the number of partitions of a DataFrame determines the number of tasks Spark will distribute the job in. If I am setting the spark.sql.shuffle.partitions to 4, why is creating 13 Tasks? (Also made sure the number of partitions calling rdd.getNumPartitions() on my DataFrame)
A common operation I would like to test over this data:
Query a large data set, say, from 100,000 ~ N rows grouped by pid
Select ev, a list<double>
Perform an average on each member, assuming by now each list has the same length i.e df.groupBy('pid').agg(avg(df['ev'][1]))
As #zero323 suggested, I deployed a external machine (2Gb RAM, 4 cores, SSD) with Cassandra just for this test, and loaded the same data set. The result of the was an expected greater latency and overall poorer performance in comparison with my previous test (took about 70 seconds to finish the Job).
Edit: I misunderstood his suggestion. #zero323 meant to let Cassandra perform the count instead of using Spark SQL, as explained in here
Also I wanted to point out that I am aware of the inherent anti-pattern of setting a list<double> instead a wide row for this type of data, but my concerns at this moment are more the time spent on retrieval of a large dataset rather than the actual average computation time.
Is that the expected performance? If not, what am I missing?
It looks slowish but it is not exactly unexpected. In general count is expressed as
followed by Spark side summation. So while it is optimized it still rather inefficient because you have fetch N long integers from the external source just to sum these locally.
As explained by the docs Cassandra backed RDD (not Datasets) provide optimized cassandraCount method which performs server side counting.
Theory says the number of partitions of a DataFrame determines the number of tasks Spark will distribute the job in. If I am setting the spark.sql.shuffle.partitions to (...), why is creating (...) Tasks?
Because spark.sql.shuffle.partitions is not used here. This property is used to determine number of partitions for shuffles (when data is aggregated by some set of keys) not for Dataset creation or global aggregations like count(*) (which always use 1 partition for final aggregation).
If you interested in controlling number of initial partitions you should take a look at spark.cassandra.input.split.size_in_mb which defines:
Approx amount of data to be fetched into a Spark partition. Minimum number of resulting Spark partitions is 1 + 2 * SparkContext.defaultParallelism
As you can see another factor here is spark.default.parallelism but it is not exactly a subtle configuration so depending on it in general is not an optimal choice.
I see that it is very old question but maybe someone needs it now.
When running Spark on local machine it is very important to set into SparkConf master "local[*]" that according to documentation allows to run Spark with as many worker threads as logical cores on your machine.
It helped me to increase performance of count() operation by 100% on local machine comparing to master "local".

Spark dataframe saveAsTable is using a single task

We have a pipeline for which the initial stages are properly scalable - using several dozen workers apiece.
One of the last stages is
partitionBy( _*).saveAsTable(tname)
For this stage we end up with a single worker. This clearly does not work for us - in fact the worker runs out of disk space - on top of being very slow.
Why would that command end up running on a single worker/single task only?
Update The output format was parquet. The number of partition columns did not affect the result (tried one column as well as several columns).
Another update None of the following conditions (as posited by an answer below) held:
coalesce or partitionBy statements
window / analytic functions
The problem is unlikely to be related in any way to saveAsTable.
A single task in a stage indicates that the input data (Dataset or RDD) has only a one partition. This is contrast to cases where there are multiple tasks but one or more have significantly higher execution time, which normally correspond to partitions containing positively skewed keys. Also you should confound a single task scenario with low CPU utilization. The former is usually a result of insufficient IO throughput (high CPU wait times are the most obvious indication of that), but in rare cases can be traced to usage of shared objects with low level synchronization primitives.
Since standard data sources don't shuffle data on write (including cases where partitionBy and bucketBy options are used) it is safe to assume that data has been repartitioned somewhere in the upstream code. Usually it means that one of the following happened:
Data has been explicitly moved to a single partition using coalesce(1) or repartition(1).
Data has been implicitly moved to a single partition for example with:
Window function applications with window definition lacking PARTITION BY clause.
sql.shuffle.partitions option is set to 1 and upstream code includes non-local operation on a Dataset.
Dataset is a result of applying a global aggregate function (without GROUP BY caluse). This usually not an issue, unless function is non-reducing (collect_list or comparable).
While there is no evidence that it is the problem here, in general case you should also possibility, data contains only a single partition all the way to the source. This usually when input is fetched using JDBC source, but the 3rd party formats can exhibit the same behavior.
To identify the source of the problem you should either check the execution plan for the input Dataset (explain(true)) or check SQL tab of the Spark Web UI.

Spark out of memory

I have a folder with 150 G of txt files (around 700 files, on average each 200 MB).
I'm using scala to process the files and calculate some aggregate statistics in the end. I see two possible approaches to do that:
manually loop through all the files, do the calculations per file and merge the results in the end
read the whole folder to one RDD, do all the operations on this single RDD and let spark do all the parallelization
I'm leaning towards the second approach as it seems cleaner (no need for parallelization specific code), but I'm wondering if my scenario will fit the constraints imposed by my hardware and data. I have one workstation with 16 threads and 64 GB of RAM available (so the parallelization will be strictly local between different processor cores). I might scale the infrastructure with more machines later on, but for now I would just like to focus on tunning the settings for this one workstation scenario.
The code I'm using:
- reads TSV files, and extracts meaningful data to (String, String, String) triplets
- afterwards some filtering, mapping and grouping is performed
- finally, the data is reduced and some aggregates are calculated
I've been able to run this code with a single file (~200 MB of data), however I get a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
and/or a Java out of heap exception when adding more data (the application breaks with 6GB of data but I would like to use it with 150 GB of data).
I guess I would have to tune some parameters to make this work. I would appreciate any tips on how to approach this problem (how to debug for memory demands). I've tried increasing the 'spark.executor.memory' and using a smaller number of cores (the rational being that each core needs some heap space), but this didn't solve my problems.
I don't need the solution to be very fast (it can easily run for a few hours even days if needed). I'm also not caching any data, but just saving them to the file system in the end. If you think it would be more feasible to just go with the manual parallelization approach, I could do that as well.
Me and my team had processed a csv data sized over 1 TB over 5 machine #32GB of RAM each successfully. It depends heavily what kind of processing you're doing and how.
If you repartition an RDD, it requires additional computation that
has overhead above your heap size, try loading the file with more
paralelism by decreasing split-size in
TextInputFormat.SPLIT_MINSIZE and TextInputFormat.SPLIT_MAXSIZE
(if you're using TextInputFormat) to elevate the level of
Try using mapPartition instead of map so you can handle the
computation inside a partition. If the computation uses a temporary
variable or instance and you're still facing out of memory, try
lowering the number of data per partition (increasing the partition
Increase the driver memory and executor memory limit using
"spark.executor.memory" and "spark.driver.memory" in spark
configuration before creating Spark Context
Note that Spark is a general-purpose cluster computing system so it's unefficient (IMHO) using Spark in a single machine
To add another perspective based on code (as opposed to configuration): Sometimes it's best to figure out at what stage your Spark application is exceeding memory, and to see if you can make changes to fix the problem. When I was learning Spark, I had a Python Spark application that crashed with OOM errors. The reason was because I was collecting all the results back in the master rather than letting the tasks save the output.
for item in processed_data.collect():
failed with OOM errors. On the other hand,
worked fine.
Yes, PySpark RDD/DataFrame collect() function is used to retrieve all the elements of the dataset (from all nodes) to the driver node. We should use the collect() on smaller dataset usually after filter(), group(), count() etc. Retrieving larger dataset results in out of memory.