Slow count of >1 billion rows from Cassandra via Apache Spark [duplicate] - scala

I have setup Spark 2.0 and Cassandra 3.0 on a local machine (8 cores, 16gb ram) for testing purposes and edited spark-defaults.conf as follows:
spark.python.worker.memory 1g
spark.executor.cores 4
spark.executor.instances 4
spark.sql.shuffle.partitions 4
Next I imported 1.5 million rows in Cassandra:
tid int,
cid int,
pid int,
ev list<double>,
primary key (tid)
test.ev is a list containing numeric values i.e. [2240,2081,159,304,1189,1125,1779,693,2187,1738,546,496,382,1761,680]
Now in the code, to test the whole thing I just created a SparkSession, connected to Cassandra and make a simple select count:
cassandra ="org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra")
df = cassandra.load(keyspace="testks",table="test")
At this point, Spark outputs the count and takes about 28 seconds to finish the Job, distributed in 13 Tasks (in Spark UI, the total Input for the Tasks is 331.6MB)
Is that the expected performance? If not, what am I missing?
Theory says the number of partitions of a DataFrame determines the number of tasks Spark will distribute the job in. If I am setting the spark.sql.shuffle.partitions to 4, why is creating 13 Tasks? (Also made sure the number of partitions calling rdd.getNumPartitions() on my DataFrame)
A common operation I would like to test over this data:
Query a large data set, say, from 100,000 ~ N rows grouped by pid
Select ev, a list<double>
Perform an average on each member, assuming by now each list has the same length i.e df.groupBy('pid').agg(avg(df['ev'][1]))
As #zero323 suggested, I deployed a external machine (2Gb RAM, 4 cores, SSD) with Cassandra just for this test, and loaded the same data set. The result of the was an expected greater latency and overall poorer performance in comparison with my previous test (took about 70 seconds to finish the Job).
Edit: I misunderstood his suggestion. #zero323 meant to let Cassandra perform the count instead of using Spark SQL, as explained in here
Also I wanted to point out that I am aware of the inherent anti-pattern of setting a list<double> instead a wide row for this type of data, but my concerns at this moment are more the time spent on retrieval of a large dataset rather than the actual average computation time.

Is that the expected performance? If not, what am I missing?
It looks slowish but it is not exactly unexpected. In general count is expressed as
followed by Spark side summation. So while it is optimized it still rather inefficient because you have fetch N long integers from the external source just to sum these locally.
As explained by the docs Cassandra backed RDD (not Datasets) provide optimized cassandraCount method which performs server side counting.
Theory says the number of partitions of a DataFrame determines the number of tasks Spark will distribute the job in. If I am setting the spark.sql.shuffle.partitions to (...), why is creating (...) Tasks?
Because spark.sql.shuffle.partitions is not used here. This property is used to determine number of partitions for shuffles (when data is aggregated by some set of keys) not for Dataset creation or global aggregations like count(*) (which always use 1 partition for final aggregation).
If you interested in controlling number of initial partitions you should take a look at spark.cassandra.input.split.size_in_mb which defines:
Approx amount of data to be fetched into a Spark partition. Minimum number of resulting Spark partitions is 1 + 2 * SparkContext.defaultParallelism
As you can see another factor here is spark.default.parallelism but it is not exactly a subtle configuration so depending on it in general is not an optimal choice.

I see that it is very old question but maybe someone needs it now.
When running Spark on local machine it is very important to set into SparkConf master "local[*]" that according to documentation allows to run Spark with as many worker threads as logical cores on your machine.
It helped me to increase performance of count() operation by 100% on local machine comparing to master "local".


Repartioning Large Files in Spark

I am very new to Spark and got a file of 1 TB to process.
My system specification is :
Each node: 64 GB RAM
Number Of nodes:2
Cores per node: 5
As I know I have to repartition the data for better parallelism as spark will try to create default partition only by (totalNumber of cores * 2 or 3 or 4).
But in my case since Data file is very huge, I have to repartition this data to a number such that this data can be processed in a efficient manner.
How to choose the number of Partitions to be passed in repartition??How should I calculate it?What approach I should take to solve this..
Thanks a lot in advance.
partitions and parallelism are two different things per my understanding. However both go hand in hand when it comes to parallel executions of tasks in Spark.
Parallelism is number of executors * number of cores , which in your case is 2 * 5 = 10. So at any given moment you could have 10 tasks running at most.
If your data is divided into 10 partitions then all of it would be processing at once. However if you have 20 partitions then Spark would start processing 10 partitions and based on when each task finish , spark will schedule next partitions to process. This will happen until it finish processing all the partitions.
By default one partition is one block of data. I am guessing your 1 TB of Data is stored on HDFS. If underlying block size is 256MB then you would have 1TB/256MB number of blocks which in turn are partitions.
Please note that once the data is read you can always repartition it based on your requirement.
How to choose the number of Partitions to be passed in
repartition??How should I calculate it?What approach I should take to
solve this..
You need to see how your spark application holds up with the size of partition and then determine if you can decrease or increase that number. One thing is the executor memory consideration as well. If your partition is too big then you can run into OutOfMemory errors as well. These are just the guidelines and not the extensive list.
This multipart series has more detailed discussion on partitions and executors.

How to optimize Spark for writing large amounts of data to S3

I do a fair amount of ETL using Apache Spark on EMR.
I'm fairly comfortable with most of the tuning necessary to get good performance, but I have one job that I can't seem to figure out.
Basically, I'm taking about 1 TB of parquet data - spread across tens of thousands of files in S3 - and adding a few columns and writing it out partitioned by one of the date attributes of the data - again, parquet formatted in S3.
I run like this:
spark-submit --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=true --num-executors 1149 --conf spark.driver.memoryOverhead=5120 --conf spark.executor.memoryOverhead=5120 --conf spark.driver.maxResultSize=2g --conf spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=1600 --conf spark.default.parallelism=1600 --executor-memory 19G --driver-memory 19G --executor-cores 3 --driver-cores 3 --class <program args>
The size of the cluster is dynamically determined based on the size of the input data set, and the num-executors, spark.sql.shuffle.partitions, and spark.default.parallelism arguments are calculated based on the size of the cluster.
The code roughly does this:
va df = (read from s3 and add a few columns like timestamp and source file name)
val dfPartitioned = df.coalesce(numPartitions)
val sqlDFProdDedup = spark.sql(s""" (query to dedup against prod data """);
When I look at the ganglia chart, I get a huge resource spike while the de-dup logic runs and some data shuffles, but then the actual writing of the data only uses a tiny fraction of the resources and runs for several hours.
I don't think the primary issue is partition skew, because the data should be fairly distributed across all the partitions.
The partition column is essentially a day of the month, so each job typically only has 5-20 partitions, depending on the span of the input data set. Each partition typically has about 100 GB of data across 10-20 parquet files.
I'm setting spark.sql.files.maxRecordsPerFile to manage the size of those output files.
So, my big question is: how can I improve the performance here?
Simply adding resources doesn't seem to help much.
I've tried making the executors larger (to reduce shuffling) and also to increase the number of CPUs per executor, but that doesn't seem to matter.
Thanks in advance!
Zack, I have a similar use case with 'n' times more files to process on a daily basis. I am going to assume that you are using the code above as is and trying to improve the performance of the overall job. Here are couple of my observations:
Not sure what the coalesce(numPartitions) number actually is and why its being used before de-duplication process. Your spark-submit shows you are creating 1600 partitions and thats good enough to start with.
If you are going to repartition before write then the coalesce above may not be beneficial at all as re-partition will shuffle data.
Since you claim writing 10-20 parquet files it means you are only using 10-20 cores in writing in the last part of your job which is the main reason its slow. Based on 100 GB estimate the parquet file ranges from approx 5GB to 10 GB, which is really huge and I doubt one will be able to open them on their local laptop or EC2 machine unless they use EMR or similar (with huge executor memory if reading whole file or spill to disk) because the memory requirement will be too high. I will recommend creating parquet files of around 1GB to avoid any of those issues.
Also if you create 1GB parquet file, you will likely speed up the process 5 to 10 times as you will be using more executors/cores to write them in parallel. You can actually run an experiment by simply writing the dataframe with default partitions.
Which brings me to the point that you really don't need to use re-partition as you want to write.partitionBy("partition_date") call. Your repartition() call is actually forcing the dataframe to only have max 30-31 partitions depending upon the number of days in that month which is what is driving the number of files being written. The write.partitionBy("partition_date") is actually writing the data in S3 partition and if your dataframe has say 90 partitions it will write 3 times faster (3 *30). df.repartition() is forcing it to slow it down. Do you really need to have 5GB or larger files?
Another major point is that Spark lazy evaluation is sometimes too smart. In your case it will most likely only use the number of executors for the whole program based on the repartition(number). Instead you should try, df.cache() -> df.count() and then df.write(). What this does is that it forces spark to use all available executor cores. I am assuming you are reading files in parallel. In your current implementation you are likely using 20-30 cores. One point of caution, as you are using r4/r5 machines, feel free to up your executor memory to 48G with 8 cores. I have found 8cores to be faster for my task instead of standard 5 cores recommendation.
Another pointer is to try ParallelGC instead of G1GC. For the use case like this when you are reading 1000x of files, I have noticed it performs better or not any worse than G1Gc. Please give it a try.
In my workload, I use coalesce(n) based approach where 'n' gives me a 1GB parquet file. I read files in parallel using ALL the cores available on the cluster. Only during the write part my cores are idle but there's not much you can do to avoid that.
I am not sure how spark.sql.files.maxRecordsPerFile works in conjunction with coalesce() or repartition() but I have found 1GB seems acceptable with pandas, Redshift spectrum, Athena etc.
Hope it helps.
Here are some optimizations for faster running.
(1) File committer - this is how Spark will read the part files out to the S3 bucket. Each operation is distinct and will be based upon
spark.hadoop.mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.algorithm.version 2
This will write the files directly to part files instead or initially loading them to temp files and copying them over to their end-state part files.
(2) For file size you can derive it based upon getting the average number of bytes per record. Below I am figuring out the number of bytes per record to figure the number of records for 1024 MBs. I would try it first with 1024MBs per partition, then move upwards.
import org.apache.spark.util.SizeEstimator
val numberBytes : Long = SizeEstimator.estimate(inputDF.rdd)
val reduceBytesTo1024MB = numberBytes/123217728
val numberRecords = inputDF.count
val recordsFor1024MB = (numberRecords/reduceBytesTo1024MB).toInt + 1
(3) [I haven't tried this] EMR Committer - if you are using EMR 5.19 or higher, since you are outputting Parquet. You can set the Parquet optimized writer to TRUE.
spark.sql.parquet.fs.optimized.committer.optimization-enabled true

Is it possible to reorder tasks in Spark stage

My question is about an order of tasks in a Stage in Spark.
I have a Spark dataframe divided into 3000 partitions. Partitioning is done on one a specific Key. I use mapPartitionsWithIndex to get an id of a partition and number of elements it contains. For example:
.mapPartitionsWithIndex((i,rows) => Iterator((i,rows.size)))
.toDF("id", "numElements")
When Spark runs its calculation on my dataframe, I see in Spark UI (I also did some tests to make sure it is the case) that the task index corresponds to partition id, exactly the same as id obtained with mapPartitionsWithIndex above. So, tasks are executed in order of increasing id of partition on given executor.
I see a clear correlation between number of rows in a partition and the execution time of a task. Due to a skewed nature of my dataset which can't be changed, I have several partitions with much higher number of elements (>8000) than the average (~3000). The time of execution of an average partition is 10-20 min, the larger ones can go above 3 hours. Some of my largest partitions have high id and therefore the corresponding tasks are executed almost at the end of a stage. As a consequence, one of Spark Stages hangs for 3 hours on last 5 tasks.
Is there a way to reorder id of partitions so that the tasks from largest partitions are executed first? Or equivalently, is there a way to change order of execution of tasks?
I don't need to move partitions to other nodes or executors, just change order of execution.
I can't change the key of partitioning
I can change number of partitions but the problem will stay
My setup: Spark 2.2 with Mesos running with spark-submit. The job is run on 60 CPUs with 12 executors each with 5 CPUs.
No, there is not. If so, it would be in the docs by now.
You can not control the ordering (/prioritization) of Tasks - since
the Spark Task Scheduler does not have an interface to define such
Spark works differently to say Informatica. A Stage - thus all tasks - must complete entirely before next Stage can commence for a given Action.
8000 seems to take a long time.

How to create multiple Spark tasks to query Cassandra partitions

I have an application that is using Spark (with Spark Job Server) that uses a Cassandra store. My current setup is that of a client mode running with master=local[*]. So there is a single Spark executor which is also the driver process that is using all 8 cores of the machine. I have a Cassandra instance running on the same machine.
The Cassandra tables have a primary key of the form ((datasource_id, date), clustering_col_1...clustering_col_n) where date is a single day of the form "2019-02-07" and is part of a composite partition key.
In my Spark application, I am running a query like so:
df.filter(col("date").isin(days: _*))
In the Spark physical plan, I notice that these filters along with the filter for the "datasource_id" partition key are pushed up to the Cassandra CQL query.
For our biggest datasources, I know that the partitions are around 30MB in size. So I have the following setting in the Spark Job Server configuration:
spark.cassandra.input.split.size_in_mb = 1
However I notice that there is no parallelization in the Cassandra loading step. Though there are multiple Cassandra partitions that are >1MB, there are no additional spark partitions created. There is only a single task that does all the querying on a single core, thus taking ~20 secs to load data for a 1 month date range that corresponds to ~1 million rows.
I have tried the alternative approach below:
df union days.foldLeft(df)((df: DataFrame, day: String) => {
This does indeed create a spark partition (or task) for every "day" partition in cassandra. However, for smaller datasources where the cassandra partitions are much smaller in size, this method proves to be quite expensive in terms of excessive tasks created and the overhead due to their coordination. For these datasources, it would be totally fine to lump many cassandra partitions into one spark partition. Hence why I thought using the spark.cassandra.input.split.size_in_mb configuration would prove useful in dealing with both small and large datasources.
Is my understanding wrong? Is there something else that I'm missing in order for this configuration to take effect?
P.S. I have also read the answers about using joinWithCassandraTable. However, our code relies on using DataFrame. Also, converting from a CassandraRDD to a DataFrame is not very viable for us since our schema is dynamic and cannot be specified using case classes.

Spark performance: local faster than cluster (very uneven executor load)

let me start off by saying that I'm relatively new to spark so if I'm saying something that doesn't make sense just please correct me.
Summarising the problem, no mather what I do, at certain stages one executor does all the computation, which makes cluster execution slower than local, one-processor execution.
Full story:
I've written a spark 1.6 application which consists of series of maps, filters, joins and a short graphx part. The app uses only one data source - csv file. For the purpose of development I created a mockup dataset consisting of 100 000 rows, 7MB, with all of the fields having random data with uniform distribution (random sorting in file as well). The joins are self inner joins on PairRDD on various fields (the dataset has duplicate keys with ~200 duplicates per key immitating real data), leading to cartesian product within key. Then I perform a number of map and filter operations on the result of the joins, store it as RDD of some custom-class objects and save everything as a graph at the and.
I developed the code on my laptop and run it, which took about 5 minutes (windows machine, local file). To my surprise, when I deployed the jar onto the cluster (master yarn, cluster mode, file in csv in HDFS) and submitted it the code has taken 8 minutes to execute.
I've run same experiment with smaller data and the results were 40 seconds locally and 1.1 min on the cluster.
When I looked at history server I've seen that 2 stages are particularly long (almost 4 mins each), and on these stages there is one task that takes >90% of the time. I run the code multiple times and it was always the same task that took so much time, even though it was deployed on different data node each time.
To my surprise, when I opened the executors I saw that one executor does almost all of the job (in terms of time spent) and executes most jobs. In the screenshot provided second most 'active' executor had 50 tasks, but that's not always the case - in different submission second most busy executor had 15 tasks, and the leading one 95).
Moreover, I saw that the time of 3.9 mins is used for computation (second screenshot), which is most heavy on the joined data shortly after map. I thought, that the data may not be partitioned equally and one executor has to perform all the computation. Therefore, I tried to patrition the pairRdd manually (using .partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(40))) right before join (similar execution time) or right after join (execution even slower).
What could be the issue? Any help will be appreciated.
It's hard to tell without seeing your queries and understanding your Dataset, I'm guessing you didn't include it either because it's very complex or sensitive? So this is a little bit of a shot in the dark, however this looks a lot like a problem we dealt with on my team at work. My rough guess at what is happening is that during one of your joins, you have a key space that has a high cardinality, but very uneven distribution. In our case, we were joining on sources of web traffic, which while we have thousands of possible sources of traffic, the overwhelming majority of the traffic comes from just a few. This caused a problem when we joined. The keys would be distributed evenly among the executors, however since maybe 95% of the data shared maybe 3 or 4 keys, a very small number of executors were doing most of the work. When you find a join that suffers from this, the thing to do is to pick the smaller of the two datasets and explicitly perform a broadcast join. (Spark normally will try to do this, but it's not always perfect at being able to tell when it should.)
To do this, let's say you have two DataFrames. One of them has two columns, number and stringRep where number is just one row for all integers from 0-10000 and stringRep is just a string representation of that, so "one", "two", "three", etc. We'll call this numToString
The other DataFrame has some key column to join against number in numToString called kind, some other irrelevant data, and 100,000,000 rows. We'll call this DataFrame ourData. Then let's say that the distribution of the 100,000,000 rows in ourData is 90% have kind == 1, 5% have kind == 2, and the remaining 5% distributed pretty evenly amongst the remaining 99,998 numbers. When you perform the following code:
val numToString: DataFrame = loadNumToString()
val ourData: DataFrame = loadOurCode()
val joined = ourData.join(numToString).where(ourData("kind") === numToString("number")) is very likely that Spark will send %90 of the data (that which has kind == 1) to one executor, %5 of the data (that which has kind == 2) to another executor, and the remaining %5 smeared across the rest, leaving two executors with huge partitions and the rest with very tiny ones.
The way around this as I mentioned before is to explicitly perform a broadcast join. What this does is take one DataFrame and distribute it entirely to each node. So you would do this instead:
val joined = ourData.join(broadcast(numToString)).where(ourData("kind") === numToString("number"))
...which would send numToString to each executor. Assuming that ourData was evenly partitioned beforehand, the data should remain evenly partitioned across executors. This might not be your problem, but it does sound a lot like a problem we were having. Hope it helps!
More information on broadcast joins can be found here: