Crypto-js: how to use aes ecb mode with 256bit - aes

my code:
function AesDecrypt(word, keyIn) {
let decrypt = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(word, keyIn, {
mode: CryptoJS.mode.ECB,
padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7
return decrypt.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
function AesEncrypt(word, keyIn) {
let encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(word, keyIn, {
mode: CryptoJS.mode.ECB,
padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7
return encrypted.toString();
when using:
let msg = {
'OS': 'iOS'
msg = JSON.stringify(msg)
let key = 'FE7A45426AFF5D14E52897E134F5CC33'
const aes_msg = AesEncrypt(msg, key)
# U2FsdGVkX1/QZRpRuRajXR7UdoXxxYR/lcyoYItxTrI=
const msg_d = AesDecrypt(aes_msg, key)
# {"OS":"iOS"}
as above, problem solved but it conflicts with online-AES. i do ont know how and where it goes wrong.


I cannot get the html doc to load the javascript to make my calculator working

I've followed this calculator video on YouTube. I have 3 files in a folder .html, .css & .js.
I open the calculator by double-clicking the HTML file which seems to load up fine in opera with the CSS changing the appearance, however the functionality of the buttons do not work at all. Now I have double-checked the code and even gone as far as cheating with the resource material to be sure it's not an error in the code. I feel that the JavaScript isn't being read/used at all when it loads up.
class calculator {
constructor(perviousOperandTextElement, currentOperandTextElement) {
this.perviousOperandTextElement = perviousOperandTextElement
this.currentOperandTextElement = currentOperandTextElement
clear() {
this.currentOperand = ''
this.perviousOperand = ''
this.operation = undefined
delete() {
this.currentOperand = this.currentOperand.toString().slice(0, -1)
appendNumber(number) {
if (number === '.' && this.currentOperand.includes('.')) return
this.currentOperand = this.currentOperand.toString() + number.tostring()
chooseOperation(operation) {
if (this.currentOperand === '') return
if (this.perviousOperand !== '') {
this.operation = operation
this.perviousOperand = this.currentOperand
this.currentOperand = ''
compute() {
let computation
const prev = parseFloat(this.previousOperand)
const current = parseFloat(this.currentOperand)
if (isNaN(prev) || isNaN(current)) return
switch (this.operation) {
computation = prev + current
case '-':
computation = prev - current
case '*':
computation = prev * current
case 'รท':
computation = prev / current
this.currentOperand = computation
this.operation = undefined
this.perviousOperand = ''
getDisplayNumber(number) {
const stringNumber = number.toString()
const integerDigits = parseFloat(stringNumber.split('.')[0])
const decimalDigits = stringNumber.split('.')[1]
let integerDisplay
if (isNaN(integerDigits)) {
integerDisplay = ''
} else {
integerDisplay integerDigits.toLocaleString('en', { maximumFractionDigits: 0 })
if (decimalDigits != null) {
return `${integerDisplay}.${decimalDigits}`
} else {
return integerDisplay
updateDisplay() {
this.currentOperandTextElement.innerText =
if (this.operation != null) {
this.previousOperandTextElement.innerText =
`${this.getDisplayNumber(this.perviousOperand)} ${this.operation}`
} else {
this.previousOperandTextElement.innerText = ''
const numberButtons = document.querySelectorAll('[data-number]')
const operationButtons = document.querySelectorAll('[data-operation]')
const equalsButton = document.querySelector('[data-equals]')
const deleteButton = document.querySelector('[data-delete]')
const allClearButton = document.querySelector('[data-all-clear]')
const previousOperandTextElement = document.querySelector('[data-previous-operand]')
const currentOperandTextElement = document.querySelector('[data-current-operand]')
const calculator = new calculator(previousOperandTextElement, currentOperandTextElement)
numberButtons.forEach(button => {
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
operationButtons.forEach(button => {
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
equalsButton.addEventListener('click', button => {
allClearButton.addEventListener('click', button => {
deleteButton.addEventListener('click', button => {
Your javascript code is wrong at line 67.
We can see that at line 67, your code writes
integerDisplay integerDigits.toLocaleString('en', { maximumFractionDigits: 0 })
This is clearly wrong as you are missing a =, which assigns the value. A solution to this is to replace the line with
integerDisplay = integerDigits.toLocaleString('en', { maximumFractionDigits: 0 })

How to simplify the search query parameter?

The problem
I have a movie database with the indexName: 'movies'.
Let's say my query is John then the domain is domain.tld/?movies[query]=John.
I want to simplify the search query parameter to domain.tld/?keywords=John. How can I do that?
What I already know
After reading through the docs I know that I have to modify the createURL and the parseURL somehow:
createURL({ qsModule, location, routeState }) {
const { origin, pathname, hash } = location;
const indexState = routeState['movies'] || {};
const queryString = qsModule.stringify(routeState);
if (!indexState.query) {
return `${origin}${pathname}${hash}`;
return `${origin}${pathname}?${queryString}${hash}`;
parseURL({ qsModule, location }) {
return qsModule.parse(;
After some try and error here is a solution:
createURL({ qsModule, location, routeState }) {
const { origin, pathname, hash } = location;
const indexState = routeState['movies'] || {}; // routeState[indexName]
//const queryString = qsModule.stringify(routeState); // default -> movies[query]
const queryString = 'keywords=' + encodeURIComponent(indexState.query); // NEW
if (!indexState.query) {
return `${origin}${pathname}${hash}`;
return `${origin}${pathname}?${queryString}${hash}`;
parseURL({ qsModule, location }) {
//return qsModule.parse(; // default: e.g. movies%5Bquery%5D=john
const query =*)/g) || []; // NEW
const queryString = 'movies%5Bquery%5D' + query[0]; // NEW
return qsModule.parse(queryString); // NEW

Chrome Developer Tools - Performance profiling

In the below image (from chrome performance profiling tab for a API call), what is resource loading which costs 719 ms ?
If I visit the network tab, for the same API call, I see only 10.05 seconds.
What is resource loading mean here ? Is there any specific activity the browser does after receiving the data ?
As #wOxxOM stated, buildNetworkRequestDetails is being called from Source Code
From the statement by #Sanju singh :
that statement doesn't tell anything, why it is taking that much time to make the resource available?
I think its necessary to break down exactly what is happening..
Activity Browser and Network Activity are using different algorithms for calculating completion. Network Activity is calculating the response times from the request and Activity Browser is calculating the response time + time it took to add it into the WebInspector tracer.
Looking at
* #param {!TimelineModel.TimelineModel.NetworkRequest} request
* #param {!TimelineModel.TimelineModel.TimelineModelImpl} model
* #param {!Components.Linkifier.Linkifier} linkifier
* #return {!Promise<!DocumentFragment>}
static async buildNetworkRequestDetails(request, model, linkifier) {
const target = model.targetByEvent(request.children[0]);
const contentHelper = new TimelineDetailsContentHelper(target, linkifier);
const category = TimelineUIUtils.networkRequestCategory(request);
const color = TimelineUIUtils.networkCategoryColor(category);
contentHelper.addSection(ls`Network request`, color);
if (request.url) {
contentHelper.appendElementRow(ls`URL`, Components.Linkifier.Linkifier.linkifyURL(request.url));
// The time from queueing the request until resource processing is finished.
const fullDuration = request.endTime - (request.getStartTime() || -Infinity);
if (isFinite(fullDuration)) {
let textRow = Number.millisToString(fullDuration, true);
// The time from queueing the request until the download is finished. This
// corresponds to the total time reported for the request in the network tab.
const networkDuration = request.finishTime - request.getStartTime();
// The time it takes to make the resource available to the renderer process.
const processingDuration = request.endTime - request.finishTime;
if (isFinite(networkDuration) && isFinite(processingDuration)) {
const networkDurationStr = Number.millisToString(networkDuration, true);
const processingDurationStr = Number.millisToString(processingDuration, true);
const cacheOrNetworkLabel = request.cached() ? ls`load from cache` : ls`network transfer`;
textRow += ls` (${networkDurationStr} ${cacheOrNetworkLabel} + ${processingDurationStr} resource loading)`;
contentHelper.appendTextRow(ls`Duration`, textRow);
if (request.requestMethod) {
contentHelper.appendTextRow(ls`Request Method`, request.requestMethod);
if (typeof request.priority === 'string') {
const priority = PerfUI.NetworkPriorities.uiLabelForNetworkPriority(
/** #type {!Protocol.Network.ResourcePriority} */ (request.priority));
contentHelper.appendTextRow(ls`Priority`, priority);
if (request.mimeType) {
contentHelper.appendTextRow(ls`Mime Type`, request.mimeType);
let lengthText = '';
if (request.memoryCached()) {
lengthText += ls` (from memory cache)`;
} else if (request.cached()) {
lengthText += ls` (from cache)`;
} else if (request.timing && request.timing.pushStart) {
lengthText += ls` (from push)`;
if (request.fromServiceWorker) {
lengthText += ls` (from service worker)`;
if (request.encodedDataLength || !lengthText) {
lengthText = `${Number.bytesToString(request.encodedDataLength)}${lengthText}`;
contentHelper.appendTextRow(ls`Encoded Data`, lengthText);
if (request.decodedBodyLength) {
contentHelper.appendTextRow(ls`Decoded Body`, Number.bytesToString(request.decodedBodyLength));
const title = ls`Initiator`;
const sendRequest = request.children[0];
const topFrame = TimelineModel.TimelineModel.TimelineData.forEvent(sendRequest).topFrame();
if (topFrame) {
const link = linkifier.maybeLinkifyConsoleCallFrame(target, topFrame, {tabStop: true});
if (link) {
contentHelper.appendElementRow(title, link);
} else {
const initiator = TimelineModel.TimelineModel.TimelineData.forEvent(sendRequest).initiator();
if (initiator) {
const initiatorURL = TimelineModel.TimelineModel.TimelineData.forEvent(initiator).url;
if (initiatorURL) {
const link = linkifier.maybeLinkifyScriptLocation(target, null, initiatorURL, 0, {tabStop: true});
if (link) {
contentHelper.appendElementRow(title, link);
if (!request.previewElement && request.url && target) {
request.previewElement = await
target, request.url, false,
{imageAltText: Components.ImagePreview.ImagePreview.defaultAltTextForImageURL(request.url)});
if (request.previewElement) {
contentHelper.appendElementRow(ls`Preview`, request.previewElement);
return contentHelper.fragment;
We can easily see that the request parameter is of type
NetWorkRequest has the following code:
_didStopRecordingTraceEvents: function()
var metadataEvents = this._processMetadataEvents();
var startTime = 0;
for (var i = 0, length =; i < length; i++) {
var metaEvent =[i];
var process = metaEvent.thread.process();
var endTime = i + 1 < length ?[i + 1].startTime : Infinity;
this._currentPage = metaEvent.args["data"] && metaEvent.args["data"]["page"];
for (var thread of process.sortedThreads()) {
if ( === WebInspector.TimelineModel.WorkerThreadName && !metadataEvents.workers.some(function(e) { return e.args["data"]["workerThreadId"] ===; }))
this._processThreadEvents(startTime, endTime, metaEvent.thread, thread);
startTime = endTime;
this._cpuProfiles = null;
We can see that endTime is being calculated from:
We can see that is being set by:
_processMetadataEvents: function()
var metadataEvents = this._tracingModel.devToolsMetadataEvents();
var pageDevToolsMetadataEvents = [];
var workersDevToolsMetadataEvents = [];
for (var event of metadataEvents) {
if ( === WebInspector.TimelineModel.DevToolsMetadataEvent.TracingStartedInPage)
else if ( === WebInspector.TimelineModel.DevToolsMetadataEvent.TracingSessionIdForWorker)
if (!pageDevToolsMetadataEvents.length) {
// The trace is probably coming not from DevTools. Make a mock Metadata event.
var pageMetaEvent = this._loadedFromFile ? this._makeMockPageMetadataEvent() : null;
if (!pageMetaEvent) {
console.error(WebInspector.TimelineModel.DevToolsMetadataEvent.TracingStartedInPage + " event not found.");
return {page: [], workers: []};
var sessionId = pageDevToolsMetadataEvents[0].args["sessionId"] || pageDevToolsMetadataEvents[0].args["data"]["sessionId"];
this._sessionId = sessionId;
var mismatchingIds = new Set();
* #param {!WebInspector.TracingModel.Event} event
* #return {boolean}
function checkSessionId(event)
var args = event.args;
// FIXME: put sessionId into args["data"] for TracingStartedInPage event.
if (args["data"])
args = args["data"];
var id = args["sessionId"];
if (id === sessionId)
return true;
return false;
var result = {
page: pageDevToolsMetadataEvents.filter(checkSessionId).sort(WebInspector.TracingModel.Event.compareStartTime),
workers: workersDevToolsMetadataEvents.filter(checkSessionId).sort(WebInspector.TracingModel.Event.compareStartTime)
if (mismatchingIds.size)
WebInspector.console.error("Timeline recording was started in more than one page simultaneously. Session id mismatch: " + this._sessionId + " and " + mismatchingIds.valuesArray() + ".");
return result;

This keyword points to global object in class method?

I'm building a calculator using a class. Now I'm testing to see when i hit a number button that it will be displayed. It doesn't there is an error. Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerText' of undefined.
Now when I remove the this keyword in the updateDisplay method everything works fine? As if the this keyword points to the global object? What is happening here?
const numberButtons = document.querySelectorAll('[data-number]');
const operationButtons = document.querySelectorAll('[data-operation]');
const equalsButton = document.querySelector('[data-equals]');
const deleteButton = document.querySelector('[data-delete]');
const allClearButton = document.querySelector('[data-all-clear]');
const previousOperandTextElement = document.querySelector('[data-previous-
const currentOperandTextElement = document.querySelector('[data-current-
class Calculator {
contructor(previousOperandTextElement, currentOperandTextElement) {
this.previousOperandTextElement = previousOperandTextElement;
this.currentOperandTextElement = currentOperandTextElement;
clear() {
this.currentOperand = '';
this.previousOperand = '';
this.operation = undefined;
appendNumber(number) {
this.currentOperand = number;
chooseOperation(operation) {
compute() {
updateDisplay() {
this.currentOperandTextElement.innerText = this.currentOperand;
/* the code above throws an error, below works fine, so without the
this keyword? */
currentOperandTextElement.innerText = this.currentOperand;
const calculator = new Calculator(previousOperandTextElement,
numberButtons.forEach(button => {
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
Sorry, misspelled constructor.

Draft.js. How can I update block atomic:image src later on for example article save?

I am having trouble updating my image blocks in editorState in draft.js.
I want to change atomic:image src on button save.
So the src is for example now blob:http://localhost:3000/7661d307-871b-4039-b7dd-6efc2701b623
but I would like to update to src to for example /uploads-from-my-server/test.png
onSave(e) {
const { editorState } = this.state;
const contentState = editorState.getCurrentContent();
editorState.getCurrentContent().getBlockMap().map((block) => {
const type = block.getType();
if (type === 'atomic:image') {
const rangeToReplace = new SelectionState({
anchorKey: block.getKey(),
focusKey: block.getKey(),
Modifier.replaceText(contentState, rangeToReplace, '/uploads-from-my-server/test.png');
const newContentState = editorState.getCurrentContent();
this.setState({ editorState: newContentState });
return true;
I know I can access src string with block.getData().get('src') but I cant set though
Thank you for your awesome editor
I was struggling with a similar problem, I ended up converting the content state to raw array using convertToRaw and then updating it manually and use convertFromRaw and set the new state :
import {EditorState, ContentState, convertToRaw, convertFromRaw /*, ...*/} from 'draft-js';
// ...
onSave(e) {
const { editorState } = this.state;
const contentState = editorState.getCurrentContent();
let rawContent = convertToRaw(contentState);
for(let i = 0; i < rawContent.blocks.length; i++) {
let b = rawContent.blocks[i];
if(b['type'] !== "unstyled" && b.entityRanges.length === 1) {
const entityKey = b['entityRanges'][0]['key'];
const entityMap = rawContent['entityMap'][entityKey];
if(entityMap["type"] === "image") {
rawContent['entityMap'][entityKey]['data']['src'] = '/uploads-from-my-server/test.png';
const newContentState = convertFromRaw(rawContent);
const newEditorState = EditorState.push(this.state.editorState, newContentState, 'update-contentState');
this.setState({editorState: newEditorState});
Note: This is not a fully working example, it's just a starting point. Hope it helps :)